Ploughing fields, planting seeds, harvesting, and cultivating crops, and still making more money than the conventional 9 to 5? Sounds nearly impossible, right?
We now have the entire year's data on South Africa's agricultural trade in 2022.
Glyphosate continues to be subject of much controversy, and the sensitive debates surrounding the process of renewal of its license in Europe are turbulent.
Each year, several thousand South Africans come to America on seasonal h-2a visas as temporary agricultural workers.
Yields in Africa’s smallholder-based farming system have remained stubbornly below the global average for years.
Almost everyone has a cherished childhood memory of enjoying homegrown or home-cooked food with loved ones.
With new technologies cropping up, family farming – one of the world’s oldest economic activities – is evolving to harness emerging opportunities for productivity and sustainability gains.
The numbers released by Statistics South Africa today show that in the first quarter of 2023, agriculture gross value added sharply contracted by -12,3% quarter-on-quarter (seasonally adjusted).
When covering climate content, major news organizations leave out the impact that our food systems have on the environment, according to the latest analysis.
Global food inflation remains high due to Covid-19-induced bottlenecks and the effect of the war in Ukraine.
The translucent orange cubes jiggle temptingly under the grow lights, looking for all the world like exotic confectionery, somewhere between gummy bears and Turkish delight.
SA agriculture encapsulates why reconstructing the apartheid economy has proven so hard.
Family after family fled along this dirt road towards Harare as they were evicted from their farms by Zimbabwean war veterans.
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I paid 20,000 CFA francs (€30.50) to ensure my [bean] harvest, and after the drought destroyed everything, the people at OKO paid me 30,000 CFA francs (€45.70).
They came at breakfast time to murder Theo Bekker, smashing an iron bar stolen from his own farmyard into his skull before slitting his throat so he bled to death.
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