South Africa: Good harvesting conditions lead to good quality grapes

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*Exports AgriHub data (up until 8am Thursday 24 January 2019)

In the Northern Provinces some growers are done with packing, while other are finishing off the Crimson and Scarlotta varieties. Growers are are still packing the Thompson, Sweet Globe and Sugra 35 varieties, they will continue for a few weeks more and expect to reach the crop estimate.

Olifants River producers are finishing off packing Red Globe and will continue with  Allison and Melody with Crimson to follow. Meanwhile the Berg River is in full production. The colouring on red and black varieties is good. Early cultivars which have already been packed include Joybells and Sugra 13. Producers are packing Firestar, Tawny, Regal and Sable. 

In the Hex River the packing of the early cultivars such as Prime, Starlight, Flame and Sable is finished. Joybells, Midnight Beauty and Ralli will be packed next. Favourable weather conditions remain with cool nights leading to good colouring of grapes. 

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