What is a Commercial Farmer- South Africa

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South African agriculture is comprised of mainly two categories of farmers -- the subsistence farmers in the former homeland areas and the large-scale commercial  farmers. This is in contrast with the situation in many other countries in the world where one would find a whole range of farm sizes, ranging from the very small or subsistence farmer to the very large farmer/agribusiness. 

Reduce the number of guns to reduce crime‚ says Gun Free South Africa A

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Reduce the number of guns and you will reduce crime in South Africa.

That is what non-profit Gun Free South Africa (GFSA) said on Tuesday after the release of the 2017/18 crime statistics.

Guns were the weapon of choice for more than four out of every 10 murders (41.3%) and almost six out of 10 aggravated robberies (59.5%).

“Violent crime has not been this high since late 1990‚ when the number of guns in South Africa peaked.