How technology will revolutionize the agriculture industry in 2021- 2022

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The technological trends in the agriculture industry for 2021, aim to handle one of the biggest challenges for irrigation association. i.e., the monitoring and automation of network assets, also their primary function like filling of irrigation basins and scheduling watering time.

The boost offered by sensor technology, even though still incipient, will mean advancements in infrastructure operation and control. The rise in investment in smart meters and smart irrigation are expected in 2021. But simultaneously technologies that are already implemented are not being used optimally due to lack of experience on the part of the infrastructure engineers will need to be brought back into services.

The latest market intelligence report published by BIS Research states that smart farming is expected to reach $23.14 billion by 2022, growth in the compound annual growth rate of 19.3% from 2017 or 2022. Environment stability and revised water efficiency will drive transformation in the agriculture industry, which is clearly shifting towards centralized, automated management.   

1. Remoter leak detection and metering:

The integration of smart meters in the farms is still one of the unsolved problems for most farmers and most agricultural enterprises. Though this technology is one of the keys to increase irrigation efficiency, the initial investment needed is often only feasible via public subsidies. Hence, in the 21st century, the general trend is still for the teams to get visual readings for several weeks, increase costs, time-consuming data collection, and opening doors for human errors.

In the search for more water and operational efficiency, the future of irrigation depends on smart metering. As in the area of drinking water, this innovation will improve the management of the billing cycle, including meter reading, billing & payment, and real-time reading of subscriber meter. Also, using the advanced algorithm, we can now monitor and detect leaks, fraud, and predict the demand.

   How farmers are using data and technology to meet the world’s food demand
2. Smart Irrigation:

In the coming year, more and more agricultural organizations will choose to water their land on the basis of their crops’ needs and the moisture content of the soil. This is what most of the tech experts call smart irrigation, the future of farming technology. According to the remote sensing and sensors installed in the fields to evaluate water balance, technological solutions will suggest when and how much water must be used to optimize water resources and hence promoting environmental stability.

Remote sensing in itself is ground-breaking because it offers information on the state of the crops without deploying any assets. Satellite imagery is capable of mapping vegetation and soil health by monitoring particular parameters like moisture, its photosynthetically active biomass index, and nitrification. In 2021, remote sensing is predicted to render increasingly complex data.

3. Data integration:

Both smart irrigation and meter technology indicate more data should be available and ready to be analyzed. Thus, data irrigation will be one of the primary trends this year. The strength to view all relevant system data on a single platform in real-time is a key to enhance the decision-making process. From this day till the end of time, asset monitoring and consumption control will be commonplace. For extracting value from data, irrigation companies must have specialists on hand to manage this particular software.


Technology is evolving in almost every aspect of our modern lives. The food on your table tonight will be there faster, fresher, and cost-effectively because of the cutting-edge technology. Agriculture technology will be ever more digital and computerized in the coming future. For the farmers and other agriculture organizations who are planning to modernize their farming operations, KCS will help you in the same. They have a team of experienced developers who holds expertise in delivering hi-tech agriculture software solutions that will streamline all your tasks.