AI precision spraying technology to cut herbicide use by 78%

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The company claims their technology is proven to cut herbicide use by 78% and reduce herbicide costs by more than 50%.
Greeneye Technology says this is achieved with the use of AI technology that can detect and spray weeds amongst crops (green on green) with 95.7% accuracy. The system is designed to integrate seamlessly into any brand or size of commercial sprayer, removing the need for farmers to invest in new machines. It also ensures that precision spraying can be carried out at the same travel speed as broadcast spraying – 20 km/h – ensuring no reduction in productivity for farmers.

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Rapid detection and classification of weeds
Greeneye’s solution uses a combination of hardware and deep machine learning to enable intelligent, real-time weed management decisions in the field. Cameras mounted directly onto spraying machines capture images at a rate of 40 frames per second, enabling rapid detection and classification of weeds down to the species level. Utilizing Greeneye’s proprietary dataset and algorithms, the system instantly calculates the amount of herbicide required and sprays it directly onto the weeds, leaving nearby crops unaffected.

Dual-spraying function
The system is designed to integrate seamlessly into any brand or size of commercial sprayer, overcoming a major cost-of-entry barrier for precision spraying. –
According to Greeneye another advantage of its technology is its dual-spraying function which enables farmers to apply residual herbicides on a broadcast basis while applying non-residual herbicides precisely on weeds. “Currently, farmers mix together residual and non-residual herbicides and spray them from the same nozzle, meaning they use far more non-residual herbicide than is needed. The dual-spraying system overcomes this challenge by enabling farmers to spray only the herbicide that is required,” states the company.

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