AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News 31st March 2024

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 31st March 2024

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This AGRI NEWS RUSH -Some of the news stories of this week-, ALWAYS ON TIME 

News Comments  - Internationally shared - Nothing Sensational.  News platform of the commercial farmers of South Africa who produce food for the nation-

Piet le Roux, uitvoerende hoof van Sakeliga, het gesê gegewe die omvang van die Onteieningswetsontwerp sou dit in werking tree, sal dit ’n ernstige knou vir die sekerheid van eiendomsreg en daarmee saam die grondwetlikheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse bestel wees. Suksesvolle teenstand deur ondernemings en burgerlike groepe sal omvattende litigasie vereis, sowel as volgehoue druk, teenstand en ingryping benewens litigasie, totdat die onaanvaarbare dele van die wetgewing in die praktyk nietig verklaar word. Volgens Le Roux staan Sakeliga gereed om ’n hofstryd te voer en handhaaf hulle konstruktiewe betrekkinge met verskeie ander organisasies wat van voorneme is om dieselfde te doen. Die VF Plus het Woensdag ook gesê hy is gereed om die wetsontwerp tot in die konstitusionele hof te beveg. Die ad hoc-groep is ’n informele groepering van organisasies, georganiseerde landbou en landbou­verteenwoordigers, burgerlike en burgerregteorganisasies, opposisiepartye en akademici sowel as geloofsinstellings.

Uitsprake én hofdreigemente teen die Onteieningswetsontwerp is deur minderheidspartye wat “gekant is teen transformasie” in Suid-Afrika, sê die ANC.“Die ANC is tot die implementering van ons verkiesingsmandaat verbind om die oorblyfsels van apartheidsbevoorregting uit te wis en om inklusiewe maatskaplike en ekonomiese transformasie in Suid-Afrika te bevorder. Volgens Lindiwe Mjobo, ANC-LP is die hoofdoel van die Onteieningswetsontwerp die onteiening van eiendom vir openbare doeleindes en in die openbare belang. As dit wet word, sal dit die “apartheidsera”-Onteieningswet van 1975 herroep en onteiening deur die demokratiese staat in lyn met die Grondwet bring.Mjobo sê die Onteieningswetsontwerp streef ook daarna om die onteiening van die meerderheid swart mense se eiendom deur die grondwette van 1913 en 1936, sowel as die berugte Groepsgebiedewet, reg te stel.

The launch of the Land Reform Agency, aimed at releasing government-owned land to carefully selected beneficiaries with title deeds, has been delayed. This process should be a vital catalyst to the expansion of the agricultural sector. The government has about 2.5-million hectares under its proactive land acquisition strategy that could be transferred to new entrant farmers and boost production in various value chains. President Cyril Ramaphosa has spoken about setting up this agency in various state of the nation addresses, yet there has been limited progress in delivering on these promises to the nation. Delivery on crucial issues such as reforming and modernising the registrar’s office, and the efficient registration of new agrochemicals, has also been delayed. These are just some of the challenges that have caused profound unhappiness among sector stakeholders.

Berekenings oor die vraag en aanbod van witmielies in Suider- en Suidoos-Afrika later vanjaar dui op ’n tekort van minstens 300 000 ton. ’n Kommoditeitsonderneming in Zambië, Volop Africa Limited, grond sy berekeninge op ’n oordragvoorraad van 2,8 miljoen ton in Suid-Afrika en 450 000 ton in Zambië, maar vir baie ander lande is die pyplynvoorraad en oesverwagtinge net raaiskote. Die voorspelde tekort kan baie groter raak. Volop sê El Niño se effek verskil tussen verskillende lande en streke. In lande soos Suid-Afrika, eSwatini, Lesotho, Botswana, Namibië, Malawië en die suidelike deel van Zambië het die droogte ’n verwoestende uitwerking. In dele soos die noorde van Zambië, Tanzanië, Oeganda en Kenia is daar egter goeie reënval. Wêreldwyd is daar is baie mielies beskikbaar, maar die probleem is dat rofweg 95% daarvan geelmielies is, terwyl die groot vraag in die streek juis na witmielies gaan wees.

The South  departments of trade, industry & competition and agriculture, land reform & rural development should formulate a Middle-East-SA agricultural investment & trade strategy to create a priority list of products for investment and map up any barriers that should be addressed within the government’s official channels, with timelines. The document would also outline possible investment paths aligned with industries highlighted in the Agriculture & Agro-processing Master Plan, as well as the opportunities presented on land in the former homelands, among other opportunities.  The agriculture department should appoint attachés in the Middle-East region who would communicate and lobby for SA agricultural products in the area.  The trade & industry department should engage with international relations officials to actively promote SA’s agriculture and agro-processing sector as an investment destination.   The private sector and organised agriculture should be involved in all of the above stages.  

Interested Articles posted on Farmingportal/Agricultureportal 

The latest Indian urea tender closed this week and attracted well over 3 million tons of offers. The offer prices have not yet been confirmed but early indications are that the lowest price is under $340/t CFR India – this equates with a Middle East FOB value of around $320/t. This price had a ripple effect through the other urea benchmark locations, with prices dropping between $15-30/t. The tender price will be confirmed in the coming week. READ MORE 

Ukraine has historically been one of the world's leading exporters of commodities like sunflower oil, barley, maize and wheat. Russia's all-out war and subsequent blockade of the Black Sea severely hindered the country's ability to ship out its goods, do business and access foreign currency. READ MORE 

We can get a sense of how these earthworms can adapt to changing circumstances by looking at the northernmost populations, such as those in Finland, which are exposed to 24 hours of daylight in summer. These “white nights”, when the sky never gets dark, put additional stress on these worms as they cannot use darkness to hide from predators but must still feed and mate at the surface while conditions allow. READ MORE

Pangolins face rapid declines across Asia and Africa, with all eight species classified as vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered. They are threatened by poaching and habitat loss, driven by the demand for their meat and scales. READ MORE 

But warnings were sounded from August 2023 that an El Niño event was a near certainty in the 2024 season, and there was some agricultural belt tightening. Farmers adjusted their crop planning and spend for a hotter, drier period ahead, which will curtail crop yield, tonnage and revenues. The initial prognosis was for a mild El Niño, and early estimates for the maize crop in 2024 were trimmed by about 9% year on year to 15Mt. This is still well above average production and 3Mt above domestic needs. Planting season started early, in late September and October 2023, as farmers took advantage of good soil moisture levels. READ MORE 

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Die “drakoniese” Onteieningswetsontwerp sal met alle mag buite die parlement beveg word, het die ad hoc-groep vir die beskerming van eiendomsreg Donderdag gesê nadat die ANC Woensdagaand sy meerderheid in die Nasionale Vergadering (NV) gebruik het om die omstrede wetsontwerp goed te keur.

Short covering by funds, in the absence of new bearish news, sparked a small-scale recovery in maize (corn) prices, following recent declines.The European Confederation of Maize Production (CEPM) in its March 19 Corn Market publication said, “US maize prices continue to consolidate with a second consecutive week of gains, following 10 weeks of continuous declines between early January and Feb. 20.

Marking a significant shift in wildlife conservation policies, South Africa's cabinet has recently approved a ban on lion and rhino breeding, concluding a long-standing controversy with the country's wildlife ranching sector.

As the harvesting season for corn — or maize as it’s known in the region — approaches, farmers and policymakers are fretting alike. This week Lesetja Kganyago, South Africa’s central bank governor, said El Nino is giving pause for thought as it threatens to push up prices. That may delay interest-rate cuts needed to spur an anemic economy.

Despite all the commendable government work in opening up export markets, helping to control the spread of animal diseases and supporting smallholder farmers, agriculture has been lurching from one crisis to another. The crises have limited potential growth.

In the absence of Peruvian mangoes, South African mangoes arrived in Europe and Dubai with no competitors. If it weren't for shipping delays and heatwaves in October and November last year, it would've been a perfect opportunity for South African mangoes this year.

The main producer supplying the European market at this time of the year is Brazil, with smaller supplies from Peru, Colombia and Vietnam. Brazil has a new crop on the way that will coincide well with the European summer season, a period that traditionally sees higher lime consumption. However, Brazil has had heavy rain, slowing production with little supply available.

South Africa is on a path to expanding its beef exports to new and exciting markets, such as Saudi Arabia, in addition to its existing markets. The foot-and-mouth disease has been a challenge in the past few years, resulting in the closure of certain markets.

Mariette Liefferink, the chief executive of the Federation for a Sustainable Environment, pointed out that findings by the World Bank have shown that South Africa will be unable to afford to reach the sustainable development goal 6 and its targets by 2030. This centres on the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Meanwhile, the National Water and Sanitation Master Plan has revealed that a funding gap of R333 billion is anticipated over the next decade and a projected 17% water deficit by 2030.

The Cape honeybee might have global celebrity status in the insect world, but there are many challenges to secure the future of this “famous bee variety” and sustain its contribution as an apex pollinator in the Western Cape.

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