AGRI NEWS NET- Nuus opsomming/News Summary 30 Augustus 2020

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Suid Afrika -Speenkalwers op plaaslike veilings, onder 200kg, teen R37,23 per kg verkoop. Die tussen 200kg en 250kg het teen R35,98 en speenkalwers oor 250kg het teen R33,05 per kg verkoop. Speenkalwers verlede week was soos volg: kalwers onder 200 kg het teen R36,85 per kg verkoop. Speenkalwers tussen 200kg en 250kg het teen R35,22 en die oor 250kg het teen R31,89 per kg verkoop.

Sustainable farming and visibility of the fresh produce supply chain is key to building a strong partnership with retailers. Today’s consumers are also keen on knowing where and how their fruit is grown and want the assurance that product is grown responsibly.

Statistics South Africa’s monthly consumer price inflation update for July 2020 showed a slight acceleration by 1.3% month-on-month (m/m) and 3.2% year-on-year (y/y) on the back of gains in food and non-alcoholic beverages, housing and utilities, miscellaneous goods and services.

Weerpatrone wys ’n La Niña-verskynsel ontstaan oor die Stille Oseaan. Dit skep gunstige vooruitsigte op reën in die somersaaigebied. Die kanse op reën van September tot Januarie lyk goed. “Teen die huidige hoër pryse skep dit die moontlikheid dat voldoende mielies weer geplant sal kan word.

Suid Afrika- Fedusa se sekretaris-generaal, sê die nasionale tesourie voorspel 7 miljoen werkverliese in die ergste scenario en dat die bruto binnelandse produk (BBP) met 7,2% kan krimp. Meer as 1 800 afleggings is sedert die instel van die staat van inperking na die kommissie vir versoening, bemiddeling en arbitrasie (KVBA) verwys.

The ENSO Outlook has moved to La Niña ALERT from La Niña WATCH. This means that although the El Niño–Southern Oscillation is currently neutral, the chance of La Niña forming in the coming months has increased to around 70%—roughly three times the normal likelihood.

South Africa -Our analysis of weekly price trends on the domestic fresh produce markets shows weakness in the vegetable category during last week’s trade. Weekly vegetable prices came under increased downward pressure due to the higher volumes across markets

Suid Afrika -Dié veiling in Port Elizabeth in die Oos-Kaap vind weer volgende week plaas. Altesaam 7 578 bale is verlede week op die tweede veiling van die 2020/21-seisoen op die nasionale veiling in Port Elizabeth aangebied. Altesaam 1 179 is voor die veiling onttrek met 'n algehele verkoopspersentasie van 92,21% van die bale wat aangebied is.

Suid Afrika se mielieprodusente is byna klaar met die lewering van een van die land se grootse mieliesoeste- goeie reen op tyd en normale weerstoestande in sekere gebiede, saam met uitstekende produsente het Suid Afrika genoeg kos vir volgende jaar en kan Suid Afrika die sukkelende Afrika lande wat nog steeds sukkel om voldoende kos te produseer, ook voorsien-

Santam pledged R1bn in relief to policyholders that have the contingent business interruption extension on their policies-Santam, which is appearing in court next week over business-interruption claims, has paid out almost all of what it pledged to qualifying clients. They paid R870m in interim relief payments to 2,092 businesses in the tourism and hospitality sector, from R25,000 to R1.5m.

Macadamia nuts are the most expensive nuts in the world. A one pound bag can cost around $25, almost twice as much as other nuts like almonds, and they've been breaking price records year after year.Considered a high-quality dessert nut because of its rich, buttery flavor, macadamia nuts are a popular treat and a trendy import in countries like China and the United States.

For the tenth consecutive year, the global kiwi fruit market recorded growth in sales value, which increased by 6.5% to $6.9B in 2019. Over the period under review, the total consumption indicated a resilient expansion from 2007 to 2019: its value increased at an average annual rate of +4.1% over the last twelve years.

Agriculture has been the bedrock of global economic development for centuries, with the agricultural revolution pre-dating the industrial revolution. And while other industries and sectors may have come to hold greater economic prominence in much of the developed world, in Africa, agri remains the most significant economic driver and the main provider of employment and income of countries.

The estimated demand for water in South Africa will reach 17,7 billion cubic metres in 2030. The current supply will equal only 15 billion cubic metres and is severely constrained by low levels of highly seasonal rainfall (approximately 50% of the world average), insufficient underground aquifers, and a dependency on water transfers between basins and from other countries.

Die huidige vlak van veral die geelmielieprys gebaseer op SAFEX-pryse, word ondersteun deur uitvoerpariteit, wat die verwagte effek van die groot mielie-oes neutraliseer. Melkkopers wat verwag het dat die groot mielie-oes goedkoop onverwerkte melk beskikbaar gaan stel, sal dus dringend moet herbesin.

Agriculture is an industry which is built on continuous improvement, despite the seasonal effects of weather and the markets deviating and slowing progress. Many farmers past and present are constantly looking for areas in which they can improve - increasing yields, reducing weed pressure, upgrading machinery.

More than 40% of Africa’s workforce are involved in farming and food production. These workers are disproportionately women, who make up 60%-80% of agriculture workers. Therefore, any food industry course must be tailored to be as inclusive to women as possible.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) All Food price index decreased 6% from January to March, with meat prices decreasing 9%, dairy prices remaining stationary, and grain prices dropping 2%. US maize traded 11% lower in April than in January, while wheat prices were 8% down. Global dairy product prices decreased by an average of 15% from their December peak.

As most civilized South Africans are looking outside South Africa for better ways to live and to work as they not prepared to live under the laws and corruption of South Africa anymore -The draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (TLAB), which is open for public comment, will introduce changes for South Africans looking to take their retirement funds abroad.

South African potato sector is currently enjoying very good prices, higher than 60 ZAR (3 Euro) per 10 kg per bag, due to the low volumes available on the market. Western Free State season is coming to an end, while the main one in Limpopo is just starting. Due to the increasing decline of the South African Rand, tractors, agri implements, fertilizers and diesel are becoming more expensive.

Africa is a unique continent and probably ‘the last frontier’ globally. If Africa as a whole can get its act together it can become a powerhouse in terms of world economies. If and when this will happen is probably a whole other debate.

Suid Afrikaners het genoeg gehad van moorde, rassisme en korrupsie- Die regering is nie veel gepla hieroor nie- Duisende Motorfietse trek tans saam in Pretoria waar hulle saam gaan bid en 'n beroep doen op die regering om hierdie dade aan te spreek- Ons regering bestaan uit korrupte amptenare en ons landbouers se lewens is niks werd nie- ( Kyk na die video op Twitter)

This and much more other "good news" stories every day of the week.

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