Agri News Net-Summary of the Week News - 25th April 2021

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South Africa ranked 69 out of 113 countries in the recently released 2020 Global Food Security Index (GFSI) report after being ranked two places higher last year. The country's top score was 72.4% for food quality and safety, followed by affordability at 63.1%, availability at 49.5% and the lowest score at 49% for natural resources and resilience.

Suid-Afrika se katoenbedryf sê ondanks die geweldige toename van 800 persent in produksie die afgelope vyf jaar, was daar ‘n daling van 40 persent in die aantal hektaar aangeplante katoen die afgelope twee seisoene.

Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering beoog om aardgas – ’n fossielbrandstof – te gebruik as energiebron vir die oorbrugging na ’n koolstofneutrale ekonomie. Luidens die gasmeesterplan, gaan aardgas in die toekoms – in die lig van klimaatsverandering – ’n baie belangrike rol in Suid-Afrikaners se lewe speel.

One of the biggest challenges with soil tests historically is every time we test the soil, we can lose the paperwork. Or, we don’t go back to see how soils are changing over time because it’s harder to track with paper. If we digitize soil data, it’s much easier to see how soils change over time.

A new model shows which areas of Earth will likely be hit the hardest by the changes caused by human activity, also revealing possible solutions. As many as five billion people, particularly in Africa and South Asia, are likely to face shortages of food and clean water in the coming decades as nature declines.

Carbon markets have often been described as the Wild West. What do farmers want to know before they make a decision to sign on the dotted line? In a March Farm Journal Pulse Poll, we asked: “What is the biggest reason why you would NOT participate in a carbon market?” Here’s how respondents answered:

It takes one hive of bees 88,500 kilometres of flight to produce 450 grams of honey. Incredible amount of work to produce such a small amount of honey. Though, is that it takes approximately two million flowers for bees to produce that one 450 grams of honey. Bees can fly up to 15 miles per hour which allows them to go from flower to flower in a relatively short amount of time.

Dit is belangrik dat ’n boer bewus moet wees van die veranderende omgewing en mark waarin hy sake doen. Hy moet daarom die regte strategiese besluite neem om sy besigheid vir oorlewing op lang termyn te posisioneer. Mense is geneig om baie gesprekke en energie te bestee aan die politieke of ekonomiese omgewing in Suid-Afrika en hoe dinge in die volgende klompie jare kan ontwikkel.

Uitgelewer. Dít is die woord waarna ek soek terwyl ek dié brief nou vir die vyfde keer van voor af begin. Hoe anders kan ’n mens die onverkwiklike situasie beskryf wat onlangs op Piet Retief in Mpumalanga afgespeel het? Niemand, buiten diegene wat daar was, weet wat werklik gebeur het nie.

As the global population grows from seven billion in 2010 to a projected 9,8 billion in 2050, and incomes grow across the developing world, overall food demand is on course to increase by more than 50%, and demand for animal-based foods by nearly 70%.

Smallholder farmers are the backbone of agriculture and food security in developing countries, where, according to estimates from The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, they account for up to 70% of national food production.\

Afrika is ’n vasteland ryk aan minerale bronne, landboupotensiaal en mensekapitaal. Veral laasgenoemde behoort ’n aanloklike feit te wees om ’n beleggingsoplewing te begin. Die Wêreld- Ekonomiese Forum het verlede jaar in ’n aantekening gesê dat twee uit elke vyf babas wêreldwyd in 2050 in Afrika gebore gaan word.

Corn, wheat, soybeans, vegetable oils: A small handful of commodities form the backbone of much of the world’s diet and they’re dramatically more expensive, flashing alarm signals for global shopping budgets.

Wildlife trafficking can be split in two: wildlife product trafficking (ivory, rhino horn, pangolin and pangolin products), which generally flows from Africa to Asia in a “broad supply chain that narrows substantially as it approaches its end” and live animal trafficking (reptiles, birds, marine species and mammals), “widely dispersed through the world without a clearly definable supply chain”.

A study conducted by the IAA’s Munich Mobility Show highlights a large disparity in the buying cars of electric vehicles around the world, with wealthier countries such as the US and China dwarfing the cars bought in emerging markets.

Suid-Afrika sal die eerste land in Afrika wees waar dit onwettig is om skoonheidsmiddels op diere te toets – as veranderings aan die bestaande dierebeskermingswet goedgekeur word. Steve Swart, ACDP-parlementslid, het ’n private-lidwetsontwerp ingedien wat dit onwettig sal maak om skoonheidsmiddels op diere te toets.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE at

AGRI NEWS NET- in jou hand- maklik om te lees en altyd op tyd-  7dae per week- 365 van die jaar-  No news medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address 7 days a week. 

Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering. Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.

Met 25 jaar praktiese boerdery ondervinding weet ons wat landbou en sy mense is.

Hier is 'n paar "twitter videos van die week wat ons span raakgesien het.

Druiwe boerdery 

Nice video from the grape 🍇producing area of Petrolina, Pernambuco state#FruitOfBrazil🇧🇷#Agro doesn’t stop#OAgroNãoPara#Brazil🇧🇷

— SLE Farms 🇧🇷 (@StaLuziaEsteio) April 18, 2021

Dis Planttyd- 

Die Wes Vrystaat op sy beste 

Dis die pad vorentoe- baie mind moeilikheid

Lekker koue vars water 

Boer maak altyd 'n plan 

Uitstekende boer van die VSA

Dis speeltyd