AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 5th September 2021

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Land is very important for many things in South Africa- Good farming land is scares and you need to know a few things before you start looking and buying for land. Small farmers in South Africa is on the look out for more land and they normally farm as a family and their needs may be different.

The Automotive Business Council, also known as Naamsa, said on Wednesday that new vehicle sales in August reached 41,425 units, a rise of 24.6% from the same month in 2020. That is only to be expected as the economy this time last year was still in the throes of the initial recovery from the hard lockdowns to contain the pandemic and cars were hardly flying off the lots.

South Africa’s Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) has confirmed it will not compensate poultry producers for losses stemming from culling birds that were at risk of being infected with bird flu earlier in 2021. Farmers incurred losses close to 1.5 billion rand during the outbreak.

Cilo Cybin Pharmaceutical is considering an initial public offering (IPO) in the next 12 months after becoming the first SA company to win the right to grow, process and package cannabis products. It will now be able to produce marijuana for sale to consumers around the world, founder and CEO Gabriel Theron said in an interview.

A 2020 report found that nearly 690 million people—or 8.9 percent of the global population—are hungry, up by nearly 60 million in five years. The food security challenge will only become more difficult, as the world will need to produce about 70 percent more food by 2050 to feed an estimated 9 billion people

The prospect of La Niña means global grain prices may not fall much, as many had expected. Still, this doesn’t change my view about the potential decline in global and domestic grain prices, which I base on the improvement in grain and oilseed production in North America and Europe, where the crop is maturing.

Around 95% of the food we eat grows in the earth. However, more than one-third of the world’s soils are degraded; without rapid action, this figure could rise to 90% by 2050. Soil erosion decreases the water, nutrients and root-space available to plants. Healthy roots enable better use of nutrients and water.

Die privaat wild- en jagbedryf in Namibië gaan steeds gebuk onder die onsekere toestande wat deur die Covid-pandemie geskep is. Die president van die Namibiese Professionele Jagtersvereniging, Danene van die Westhuyzen sê dit is redelik stil op die oomblik.

   AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 29th August 2021

Latest news on the export front is that the unrest induced backlog on movement of citrus fruit at the Durban port is still not cleared with cold rooms at full capacity amid constraints with container availability according to the industry body, the Citrus Growers Association. This is business unusual and hopefully the prolonged in-transit time could be avoided as it has a potential to compromise quality.

Southern Oil Limited (Soill), die vernaamste kanolakoper in Suid-Afrika, se finalepryskontrakte vir kanola op vanjaar was teen R8 389/ton beskikbaar. Volgens mnr. Kellie Becker, besturende direkteur van Soill, is dit meer as 20% hoër as die hoogste finale prys van R6 966/t wat in 2020 aangebied is.

Die mandaat van die Reserwebank is om die stabiliteit van die finansiële stelsel te verseker en volhoubare ekonomiese groei na te streef. Rentekoerse is een van die instrumente waarmee hy dit probeer bewerkstellig.

Latest news out of Argentina is that the authorities have reportedly extended the limit of 50% on last year’s beef export level imposed earlier in June 2021 by another two months to end of October 2021. The country struggled with inflationary pressures and chose to increase local availability by constraining exports thereby limiting a further rise in domestic prices.

The FAO Food Price Index averaged 127.4 points in August, up 3.1% from July and 32.9% from the same month in 2020. The index tracks monthly changes in the international prices of commonly traded food commodities. The sugar price index rose by 9.6% from July, pushed up by concerns over frost damage to crops in Brazil, the world's largest sugar exporter.

Die nasionale Rooivleisprodusente-organisasie (RPO) het met dank en waardering kennis geneem van die aanstelling van 'n taakgroep belas met dierebiosekuriteit. Hierdie taakgroep is deur die minister van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling, Thoko Didiza, daargestel.

Die gebruik van dagga as kos dateer 10 000 jaar terug, maar volgens die ministerie van gesondheid en Sahpra het dit nie voedingswaarde nie, sê mnr. Ricky Stone van CTAA. Alle dagga moet as voedsel geklassifiseer word, behalwe wanneer dit as deel van medisyne aangebied word of individuele of gekombineerde komponente daarvan in ’n produk geformuleer is.

Die Wêreldklimaatsorganisasie sê in ‘n verslag weerrampe tref die aarde vier tot vyf keer meer en rig sewe keer meer skade aan as in die 1970s. Die rampe lei egter tot minder sterftes as in die verlede. In die 1970s en 1980s het daar wêreldwyd gemiddeld 170 mense per dag gesterf. In die dekade ná 2010, het dit tot 40 per dag gedaal.

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