AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News 11th June 2023

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 11th June 2023

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 DOWNLOAD AGRI NEWS NET from the GOOGLE APP store- Get update with the news 7 days a week- 365 days per year- This AGRI NEWS NET -Some of the news stories of this week-,

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A notable improvement in Eskom’s generation capacity in the last week resulted in its energy availability factor (EAF) — the amount of energy available compared to installed capacity — rise on June 2 by seven percentage points to 60%, a level last seen in September 2022. This has meant there have been much lower stages of load-shedding or no load-shedding at all on some days. As one percentage point on average represents 477MW, an additional 3,339MW of energy — or three stages of load-shedding — was generated. Planned maintenance has been reduced to about 2,500MW and winter weather conditions in the coastal areas meant that generation available from wind power has increased.

May 2023 marked a year since SA's Agriculture and Agro-processing Masterplan was completed and launched. This plan offers the government and the private sector framework to grow the sector, build competitiveness, attract more investment, improve inclusion, and create jobs. This year should mark the start of the implementation phase. But progress so far remains limited, as the focus shifted to energy security at the beginning of the year because of the intensified load-shedding.  Getting out of this state of inertia requires the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) to reconvene the social partners with an implementation proposal at hand to propose.

Landbou-organisasies berei nou voor om die regering se beplande rassekwotas vir watergebruik in die hof te betwis, te midde van waarskuwings dat die plan ’n vernietigende uitwerking kan hê op voedselsekerheid. Ingevolge die regulasies moet ondernemings wat water onttrek of opgaar, sorg dat hulle swart aandeelhouding van 25% tot 75% het om waterlisensies te ontvang, waar die persentasie van swart aandeelhouding afhang van die skaal van die onderneming se watergebruik. Groot kommersiële boerderye, meestal familieboerderye, sal regstreeks hierdeur geraak word – en gelees saam met die Wysigingswet op Gelyke Indiensneming wil dit inderdaad lyk of die regering onteiening probeer toepas deur dit eenvoudig te moeilik vir boere te maak om winsgewende produksie voort te sit. 

Nestle is piloting a scheme to give cash to coffee farmers who grow beans sustainably as part of its plan to halve greenhouse gas emissions in its coffee business by 2030, the food company said this week. The move comes as major consumer goods companies face increased reputational and legal pressure to clean up their supply chains globally. Nestle, the world’s largest packaged food company has pledged to spend $1bn by 2030 on its plan to source coffee sustainably, which now includes efforts to boost farmer income. The company said it has, under the plan, offered some 3,000 coffee farmers in developing countries such as Ivory Coast, Indonesia and Mexico conditional cash incentives to encourage them to transition to regenerative agricultural practices.

ONS BOERE-  ONS LANDBOUERS van Suid Afrika is die prooi van lafhartige barbare wat geen reg het op bestaan nie-

Die verskriklike opgaaf van hartseer en verlies het die laaste paar dae skokgolwe deur die landbougemeenskap gestuur en verskeie veiligheidstrukture genoop om bymekaar te kom om te kyk wat méér nog gedoen kan word om boere en hul werkers te beskerm. “Landbou-unies, boereverenigings, plaaswagte en burgerregteorganisasies het almal veiligheidstrukture en baie van hulle doen hul eie ding. Almal sit honderde veiligheidskameras op, maar dit praat nie met mekaar nie,” het dr. Theo de Jager, uitvoerende hoof van die landbounetwerk­organisasie Saai die afgelope week  gesê.

From the perspective of the reduction of losses of livestock through predation by jackal and rooikat, the maths is firmly in favour of leopards!  A jackal matures sexually at a much younger age (11 months) than a leopard (24-28 months), have large litters (6 - 9 pups) of which up to 60% survive. READ MORE 

Over 50 billion farm animals are factory farmed every year, with around two in every three animals raised in intensive systems that prioritize production over welfare and health. This approach to farming places a heavy burden on precious resources, such as grain-based feed, water, energy, and medication, and contributes to a range of issues, including environmental pollution, climate change, biodiversity loss, disease, and food insecurity READ MORE 

South Africa’s agriculture has had great consecutive seasons since 2019/20. The sector’s gross value added grew by 14.9% in 2020, 8.8% in 2021 and modestly by 0.3% in 2022 . This was primarily supported by favourable weather conditions. READ MORE 

Hierdie weeklikse oorsig word totaal en al vertaal in 5 tale en word reg oor die wereld gepubliseer. 

Dis lankal tyd om aan die werk te spring-  Ons landbouers is nie praters nie- ons is doeners.

Ons het ook nou 'n weeklikse AUDIO CAST in Engels- Net die Hooftrekke. Saam met dit is ons gewilde Agri News Rush

Dankie dat jy elke dag deel is van ons - NUUS NETWERK- Ons maak dit nog groter.

7 dae per week is ons span aand ie werk-  Onafhanklik en gefokus op ons werk-  

Our visitors to our mediums increased with 38 % in the past week - We have hundreds of new upcoming farmers visiting our mediums .

No medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address. - 350 "good news " stories per week- 

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      AGRI NEWS RUSH - a Video Production of AGRI X en CRA Group- South Africa

Ons span het ver gery die afgelope 2 weke- maar is terug Pretoria vir die week-  Dit het lekker gereen oor groot dele van die land en dis 'm koue naweek en nat in die Kaap. Mielies is besig om vinnig af te droog met die koue en ryp. Rentekoerse is besig om ons landbouers hard te slaan en daarmee saam vernietig dit mense se lewens en rykdom. Die Reserwebank met sy 5 lede moes maar weer besin het voordat hulle die rentekoers weer verhoog het. Banke lag al die pad saam elke keer as die rentekoerse verhoog word.  Die rand dollar gaan ons landbouers baie hard slaan en insetkoste gaan die hoogte in skiet. Die regering wil nou met sy waterwet die landbou infiltreer met rasse kwotas op waterlisensies. Voedelsekuriteit sal beslis skade lei met die besluit. 

Just one month LEFT- we awaiting your VIDEO- We already received a few 

Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.

Luister gerus na die Insetsel - Landbouradio.

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Here is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week. 

South African farmers are under siege and no-one can blame them if they take the law into their own hands to protect themselves. South Africa has seen a bloody week as regards farm murders.

Agbiz is bekommerd dat die onlangs afgekondigde konsepregulasies waarvolgens swart besit ’n vereiste vir waterlisensies kan word, ’n oorvereenvoudigde benadering tot regstelling verteenwoordig en tot arbitrêre besluitneming en regstappe kan lei.

Dit is byna 30 jaar sedert die ANC regering aan bewind gekom het, waarvan meer as die helfte van die tyd, die goed opgerigte infrastruktuur kon bied wat vereis word, maar daarna het die ANC mentaliteit van geen herstelwerk en geen onderhoud aan infrastruktuur getoon dat die stelsel besig is om in duie te stort.

Without innovation and the creation or discovery of new solutions, many of the risks being faced by the current generation of farmers, will remain unmitigated with the real possibility of these devolving into permanent, negative features of the South African farming landscape.

The world has reportedly lost the last seven years of its agricultural productivity growth due to climate change. The report claims low-income countries don’t have sufficient contingency funds to deal with climate change effects, due to their high debt servicing costs. This is in the wake of less than 3% of public financing being allocated to climate altogether.

Die minister van elektrisiteit , Kgosientsho Ramokgopa, gee die versekering alles is gereed vir die suksesvolle implementering van die Energie-aksieplan. Hy het sy weeklikse terugvoer gegee en bygevoeg hy glo daar word vordering gemaak met die regruk van die land se kragkrisis.

Die IFC, die Wêreldbankgroep, het onlangs ‘n rondetafelbespreking tussen belangegroepe aangebied as deel van hul poging om klimaatfinansiering deur die finansiële sektor te bevorder, met die RMIS (Rooivleisbedryfsdienste) as deel van die gesprek.

African Farmers Association of South Africa (Afasa) president AJ Mthembu said these amendments seek to address not only the thorny issue of equitable distribution of water use but also address new requirements that new applicants need to meet when applying for water licences.

Nothing unites South Africans like a braai and good meat. But how does our love of meat stack up in comparison with the rest of the world?- According to the data‚ SA had the eighth-highest consumption of poultry‚ with 38.7kg per capita.

The world has reportedly lost the last seven years of its agricultural productivity growth due to climate change. The report claims low-income countries don’t have sufficient contingency funds to deal with climate change effects, due to their high debt servicing costs. This is in the wake of less than 3% of public financing being allocated to climate altogether

South Africa’s agriculture sector, which creates around 874 000 jobs and is a vital contributor to the economy, spends approximately R137 billion on electricity to produce about 80% of the nation’s food, according to figures released by AgriSA.

Citadel chief economist Maarten Ackerman said South Africa must “face the facts” and realise that it is in a per capita recession. Ackerman’s comments come in light of GDP data for the first quarter that was released, showing 0.4% growth in Q1 2023.

Nog ’n week, nog ’n belaglikheid. Hoe anders om die nuutste voorstel te beskryf dat tot 75% swart eienaarskap verlang gaan word voor ’n watergebruikslisensie in die toekoms uitgereik sal word?

“Die produsent is slegs die begin van die proses. Daarna neem die agent 1 tot 3%. Die voerkrale, wat meestal teen 'n verlies werk en 2 tot 5% van die ketting behels, is ook nodig. Abattoirs is duur en neem ook 4 tot 6%, en dan kom die groothandelaar en neem 6%. Hierna volg die deli, slaghuise of supermarkte met 6 tot 20%.”

The REST of the news you can read on - - 350 stories were posted this past week.

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