TLU SA warns of Land Panel implications for all landowners – Launches Red Flag Campaign

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The controversial Land Panel Report does not only hold far-reaching consequences for agriculture but will affect every landowner in the country.

TLU SA realised that the general public is unaware of the implications the implementation of the suggestions in the report could have on their property.

The report, which focuses on expropriation without compensation, was presented at the end of July and was subsequently denounced by the agricultural industry. Two members of the panel, Mr Nick Serfontein and Mr Dan Kriek, withdrew and compiled a minority report because they did not agree with the proposed report.

“Even though we, as the agricultural community, are extremely concerned over the implications and consequences of the suggestions in the Land Panel Report on commercial farming, we are also apprehensive about the public’s lack of knowledge on it,” says Mr Louis Meintjes, the President of TLU SA. “We thoroughly studied the proposed changes, and it should also raise some red flags for the urban population, in fact, any landowner.”

The most concerning elements for landowners include: •The proposed property for expropriation without compensation will target the following groups: commercial farms, agri-business, mine houses, churches, financial institutions and other landowners;
•The landowner has to finance expropriation without compensation;
•The rights of a landowner in terms of expulsions will be limited even further;
•Private ownership will be changed into other forms of ownership with the ultimate goal of nationalisation; and
•The state will control the full agricultural supply chain, including the production and distribution of food, as well as the processes and infrastructure for producing food.

The most crucial points of the hefty report are available at this link on the TLU SA website.

TLU SA has funded its TLU SA Property Right Fund for some time already and will use it for legal action around land expropriation.

TLU SA today launched the Red Flag Campaign, whereby the public can contribute to the Property Right Fund.

“We will also continue with our actions and conversations with foreign governments. These are aimed at bringing pressure to bear on the South African government to cease short-sighted constitutional amendments enabling land expropriation that will be the death knell for private ownership,” says Mr Meintjes.