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Trade Fairs are the best opportunity to enter the market and approach the country's rural producers, who should make investments to modernize the machines and help feed the world in the coming years. Brazil has returned to the agenda of international investors.

A series of measures implemented by the new government, promises to inject resources into the economy and boost economic recovery in Latin America. The measure most expected is the approval of the Social Security Reform. The last phase of the vote should take place in October and the estimate is that the proposal should generate savings of $900 billion over the next ten years. Another measure that promises to resume the spirit of investors is the Tax Reform. The government is considering measures to review the rates of income tax and the creation of a single tax on consumption and services. The proposal is optimistically expected by businessmen and farmers who hope to reduce bureaucracy and make financial transactions more transparent. In addition, Brazil's potential for agribusiness is unquestionable. According to PWC, Brazil is the world's largest producer and exporter of coffee, sugar and orange juice, and occupies a prominent place in the production and export of soy, corn, ethanol, pork, beef and chicken. Today, agribusiness represents 22% of Brazil's GDP, 1/3 of all employment and almost 44% of exports. With the resumption of the Brazilian economy, farmers continue to invest in technologies that allow the modernization of their farms, machines and implements, in order to increase their productivity for the noble mission of feeding Brazil and the world. And this optimism was felt in several fairs held in 2019 by the world's largest business event promoter, Informa Markets. "The Agrishow, Plastic Brazil, Expomafe, Future Print trade shows showed significant growth in the number of visitors and the exhibitors were unanimous in stating that the entrepreneur/farmer visited the fairs in search of new technologies and interested in investing," says Liliane Bortoluci. Director of the portfolio of trade fairs of Informa Trades Brasil.

AGRISHOW PREPARES TO RECEIVE VISITORS OF VARIOUS CULTURES AND SIZES OF PROPERTIES, FROM ALL OVER BRAZIL AND ABROAD Between April 27 and May 1, 2020, in Ribeirão Preto, the largest and most important agricultural fair in Brazil and one of the largest in the world will bring together more than 800 brands that expose key solutions, technologies and trends for professionals in the countryside. And it is already preparing to receive more than 150 thousand visitors from Brazil and the world. With the forecast of the resumption of investments in the country, the exhibitors are already organized to meet the demand that must be generated during the five days of the fair and look forward to the new economic measures. This positive positioning is reinforced by the fact that 75% of Agrishow's spaces are already commercialized. “Our next edition will have 520,000 m2 of exhibition area and the commercialization of the spaces has exceeded all our expectations. This is a result of the last successful edition, linked to market optimism with the resumption of the national economy," adds Liliane Bortoluci.
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INFORMA MARKETS - Informa Markets creates platforms for specialized industries and markets to do business, innovate and grow. Our global portfolio consists of more than 550 international events and brands, with more than 30 in Brazil, in markets such as Health and Nutrition, Infrastructure, Construction, Food and Beverages, Agribusiness, Technology and Telecommunications, Mechanical Metal, among others. We offer clients and partners from all over the world networking opportunities, live experiences and business through trade fairs and face-to-face events, specialized digital content and market intelligence solutions, building a business-to-business relationship 365 days a year. For more information,

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