TLU SA gives Ramaphosa 2 out of 10 for promises in previous SONA

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 TLU SA gives Ramaphosa 2 out of 10 for promises in previous SONA

TLU SA predicted there would come little from the promises made by Pres Cyril Ramaphosa during last year’s State of the Nation Address (SONA). Sadly, the prediction became a reality.
In the SONA Pres Ramaphosa focussed on seven priorities which would have been turned around during 2019:

Economic transformation and job creation;
Education, skills and health;
Consolidating the social wage through reliable and quality basic services;
Spatial integration, human settlements and local government;
Social cohesion and safe communities;
A capable, ethical and developmental state; and
A better Africa and World.
“Unfortunately, there are little to none large-scale positive results to show for the dreams of Pres Ramaphosa,” says Mr Louis Meintjes, the president of TLU SA. “The president should perhaps shift his racial hatred to a side and reach out to the best-skilled people, despite their colour, who knows what it will take to turn the economy around and allow them to indicate the right direction forward.
“The ANC is still hooked on an ideology that has only create poverty and unemployment throughout the world. The combined impact of the ANC and its triparty alliance partners on South Africa has become too expensive for the country. The dilemma is that the worst is yet to come unless the ANC gets to a point where they reject socialism and communism completely.”
The dreams of Pres Ramaphosa barely rack up a 2 out of 10 success rate. Instead, it became nightmares which will only get worse unless the governing party continues with its struggle politics to stay in power.
“The issue around expropriation without compensation is the only promise left for the ANC to try and stay in power,” says Mr Meintjes. “It is based on lies about the history of land ownership. On the one hand, they make a great fanfare of how it will help the economy grow, but on the other hand, the ANC wants to take people’s land without any compensation.

“Why would investors want to invest in a country where the constitution permits the government to take assets without paying for it?”
The ANC will not make any economic inroads before they accept the principle of private ownership and the free market system and adjust its utterances and legislation accordingly.
South Africa needs economic growth to create the much-needed capacity to solve the country’s enormous socio-economic problems. The government should go back to the drawing board and learn what is necessary to grow the economy of a nation. It should start by repairing the investor’s trust. After that, they can work on a range of issues not even visible to them at present.
“If these basic economic principles are not applied, we can expect SONA after SONA without any hope at change,” says Mr Meintjes. 


TLU SA gee Ramaphosa 2 uit 10 vir beloftes in vorige Staatsrede

TLU SA het reeds direk na die Staatsrede 2019 voorspel dat daar weinig van die beloftes wat Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa daarin gemaak het, sal kom. Ongelukkig het hierdie voorspelling ‘n jaar later waar geword.
In die staatsrede het Pres. Ramaphosa die aandag gevestig op die sewe prioriteite wat gedurende die jaar omgedraai sou word.

Ekonomiese transformasie en werkskepping;
Onderwys, vaardigheidsontwikkeling en goeie gesondheidsdienste;
Konsolidering van maatskaplike toelaes deur die lewering van betroubare basiese dienste;
Ruimtelike integrasie, menslike nedersettings en plaaslike regerings;
Sosiale samehorigheid en veilige gemeenskappe;
‘n Etiese ontwikkelingstaat; en
'n Beter Afrika en Wêreld.
“Ongelukkig kan daar weinig indien enige grootskaalse positiewe resultate gewys word vir die drome van Pres. Ramaphosa,” sê Mnr Louis Meintjes, die president van TLU SA. “Dalk moet Pres. Ramaphosa sy rassehaat eenkant toe skuif en eerder uitreik na die beste kundigheid, ten spyte van kleur, wat weet wat dit gaan verg om ons ekonomie om te draai en hulle die kans gee om die regte rigting aan te dui.
“Die ANC is steeds vasgevang in 'n ideologie wat wêreldwyd nog net armoede en werkloosheid kon skep. Die ANC en sy drieparty-alliansie vennote se gesamentlike invloed op Suid-Afrika het te duur geword vir die land. Die dilemma is dat die hef aan nog voorlê tensy die ANC by die punt gebring gaan word dat sosialisme en kommunisme in totaliteit verwerp word.”
Die drome van Pres. Ramaphosa ontvang hoogstens ‘n 2 uit 10 slaagsyfer. Dit het nagmerries geword wat nog erger gaan raak indien die regerende party voortgaan met die “struggle”-politiek om die mag te behou.
“In die poging om die mag te behou is die laaste belofte wat nog vir die ANC oorgebly het, die kwessie rondom grondonteiening sonder vergoeding,” sê Mnr. Meintjes. “Die hele beredenering is gebaseer op leuens oor die geskiedenis van grondbesit. Aan die een kant word daar met groot ophef gemeld dat die ekonomie sal groei, maar dan wil die ANC persone se grond sonder enige vergoeding by hulle afvat.
“Hoekom sal beleggers in ‘n land belê waar die grondwet bepaal dat die staat bates kan afneem sonder om daarvoor te betaal?”
Die ANC sal nie ekonomiese vordering maak alvorens die beginsel van privaat besitreg en die vryemarkstelsel aanvaar word en uitsprake en wetgewing daarvolgens aangepas word nie.
Suid-Afrika het ekonomiese groei nodig om die broodnodige kapasiteit te skep om die land se enorme sosio-ekonomiese probleme op te los. Die regering moet teruggaan na die beplanningsfase en van vooraf leer wat nodig is om 'n land se ekonomie te kan groei.  Dit begin sommer heel eerste met vertroue op so basis dat beleggers graag hier sal wil kom belê. Daarna 'n reeks dinge wat ongelukkig nie tans gesien word nie.
“Indien hierdie basiese ekonomiese beginsels nie toegepas word nie, kan ons maar staatsrede na staatsrede hê, sonder enige hoop op verandering,” sê Mnr. Meintjies.


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