Experts give advice about beef cattle farming at Agri-Expo Livestock South Africa

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Livestock farmers and others interested in beef cattle farming can get free advice from experts at the annual Beef Cattle Information Day on Friday 12 October 2018 at Agri-Expo Livestock at Sandringham outside Stellenbosch.

According to Breyton Milford, Operations Manager of Agri-Expo, the information day is one of the agricultural society's projects to empower and train new entrants to agriculture. The programme is presented in partnership with the Western Cape Department of Agriculture and Standard Bank. "It is also an ideal opportunity for commercial cattle farmers to broaden their knowledge, to get the latest information and to innovate," Milford said.

This year’s programme includes speakers from all over South Africa, such as:

The award-winning Eastern Free State beef cattle breeder Llewellyn Angus, last year's winner of the Agricultural Research Council's (ARC’s) award for National Beef Cattle Improvement Herd of the Year, who will talk about basic principles of a successful beef cattle farm;
Dr. Vlok Ferreira, an expert in ruminant nutrition and management systems working as national technical manager at RCL Foods, who will advise on correct feeding management in cows and calves;
Willie Clack, the National Chair of the Cattle Theft Prevention Forum and second vice-chairman of the Red Meat Producers' Organization (RPO), who will focus on the role of the producer as guardian in the prevention of livestock theft; and
Dr. Faffa Malan, known as Dok Faffa, South Africa's best-known virtual veterinarian, who will launch his improved “Vra vir Faffa” ("Ask Faffa") portal as part of the new experts’ section on Malan is the manager of the Ruminant Veterinary Association of South Africa (RuVASA). His participation is made possible by Landbouweekblad.

The Beef Cattle Information Day will take place from 08:00 to 13:00 in the Standard Bank Conference Centre. Attendance is free, but space is limited to 150 guests. For registration and enquiries, contact Breyton Milford at 021 975 4440 or

Agri-Expo Livestock takes place from 11 to 13 October 2018. For more information, visit


Isabeau Botha

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