TLU SA wants all limitations lifted- South Africa

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TLU SA wants all limitations lifted

 TLU SA believes the government should lift all COVID-19 restrictions.
“We realise the danger of COVID-19, but given that we have no idea how long it will be with us, it is important to maintain a responsible balance in handling the situation,” says Mr Louis Meintjes, the president of TLU SA. “We suggest the government lifts all restrictions and levels. The focus should now be on creating awareness and to implement hygiene measures. Each individual should take responsibility for themselves.”
The factual views expressed by experts in various fields of health and science, and which contradict the inexplicable and damaging actions of the government, prove the ANC's efforts are not in the best interests of the country.
"Place the responsibility in the hands of the country’s residents,” says Mr Meintjes. “Everyone is thoroughly informed about the dangers of the virus by now, and they should be able to make their own decisions. People should also be able to choose how actively they will apply the safety and health measures when they become economically active or attend places of worship. If, as has been stated, the wearing of masks is effective, there can be absolutely no reason why the economic lockdown cannot be lifted in its entirety."
According to government, the lockdown was introduced to prepare the country for the consequences of COVID19. The president announced that everything is ready and in place to handle the spread of the coronavirus.
“We are not convinced that the government will ever be prepared to manage the consequences of COVID-19 nor the more damaging effects of the lockdown,” says Mr Meintjes. “The chaos surrounding the opening of schools is a perfect example of the government’s incompetence and inadequacy.
“South Africans should realise they have to take responsibility for themselves.”

TLU SA is oortuig dat alle COVID-19 beperkings opgehef moet word.
“Ons besef die gevaar van COVID-19, maar gegewe die onbepaalde tyd wat dit nog met ons gaan wees, is verantwoordelike balans in die hantering daarvan noodsaaklik,” sê mnr. Louis Meintjes. “Ons stel voor die regering hef alle beperkings en vlakke op. Die fokus moet nou op die bewusmaking en toepassing van higiëne maatreëls wees. Elke individu moet verantwoordelikheid vir hulleself aanvaar.”
Die feitelike standpunte van kundiges op die terreine van gesondheid en wetenskap, wat die onverstaanbare en vernietigende optrede van die regering weerspreek, bewys dat die ANC se besluite nie in die beste belang van die land is nie.
“Plaas die verantwoordelikheid in die hande van die burgers van die land,” sê mnr. Meintjes. “Teen die tyd is almal volledig ingelig oor die gevare van die virus en moet hulle self daaroor kan besluit. Mense behoort self te kan kies hoe aktief hulle die veiligheidsmaatreëls wil toepas wanneer hulle ekonomies aktief raak of na plekke van aanbidding gaan. Indien die dra van maskers, soos wat die regering aandring, werklik effektief is, is daar absoluut geen rede waarom die ekonomiese inperking nie totaal opgehef kan word nie.”
Die inperking is volgens die regering ingestel om die land voor te berei vir die gevolge van COVID-19. Die president het aangekondig dat alles nou gereed en in plek is om die verspreiding van die koronavirus te hanteer.
“Ons is nie oortuig dat die regering ooit gereed sal wees om die gevolge van COVID-19 of die inperking te hanteer nie,” sê mnr Meintjes. “Die chaos rondom die skole se opening is ‘n sprekende voorbeeld van die onbevoegdheid en onvermoë van die regering.
“Alle Suid-Afrikaners moet besef dat hulle vir hulleself verantwoordelikheid moet neem.”

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