TLU SA mid-year crime statistics show alertness prevents loss of life- South Africa

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The agricultural sector was struck by 26 farm murders and 141 farm attacks so far this year. It does, however, look like TLU SA’s advice on safety and alertness adds to protecting farmers against murder.  

“It is clear that effective resistance and the implementation of self-defence techniques lead to the death or severe injuring of various attackers,” says Maj-Gen Chris van Zyl, the deputy general manager of TLU SA. “From the accounts of farmers who maintained proper levels of preparedness, attackers were not able to surprise them or catch them off-guard.  An awareness of strange or unnatural signs and immediate access to weapons prevented the loss of innocent lives and serious injuries.”
There was a decrease in violent crimes since the inception of the lockdown. Between January and March this year, TLU SA recorded 71 farm attacks and 14 murders. Since then violent crimes started increasing to levels on par with those before the lockdown, and between April and June, there was 68 attacks and 12 murders under farm residents.
“The high levels of violence against victims is not in comparison to the obvious motives like robbery and theft of money, weapons and tradeable goods like computers and cellphones,” says Maj-Gen Van Zyl. “Organised agriculture cannot monitor court cases to confirm actual motives.
“The analysis of murder victims show without a doubt that white farmers, families and farm workers make up two-thirds of murder victims. The particularly high levels of violence and torture indicate a high level of racial hatred, which deeply concerns us.”
TLU SA calls on farmers to be alert and to work together in Farm Watches to strengthen farm safety. Even though farm attacks still count as priority crimes, it does not receive as much dedicated personnel as other priority crimes. The root of the problem lies in the government’s disinterest in protecting the lives of farmers. 

TLU SA halfjaar misdaadstatistiek dui paraatheid verhoed lewensverlies

Die landboubedryf het tot dusver vanjaar onder 26 plaasmoorde en 141 plaasaanvalle deurgeloop. Dit blyk egter dat TLU SA se raad oor beveiliging en paraatheid bydra om plaasbewoners teen moord te beskerm.
“Dit is duidelik dat effektiewe weerstand en die toepassing van noodweer beginsels tot gevolg gehad het dat etlike aanvallers doodgeskiet is of ernstige skietwonde opgedoen het,” sê genl.maj. Chris van Zyl, TLU SA se adjunk-hoofbestuurder. “Dit getuig van boere wat sodanige vlakke van paraatheid gehandhaaf het, dat die aanvallers nie in staat was om hulle te verras en onkant te betrap nie. 'n Bewustheid van vreemde of onnatuurlike aanduidings en onmiddellike toegang tot 'n vuurwapen het onskuldige lewensverlies en ernstige beserings verhoed.”
Daar was ‘n afname in geweldsmisdade toe die inperkingsmaatreëls van krag geword het. TLU SA het tussen Januarie en Maart vanjaar, 71 aanvalle en 14 moorde aangeteken.  Sedertdien is daar egter 'n styging van geweldsmisdade tot dieselfde vlakke as voor die inperking, en tussen April en Junie was daar reeds weer 68 aanvalle en 12 moorde onder die boeregemeentskap gepleeg.
“Die baie hoë vlakke van geweld teen slagoffers is buite verband met die ooglopende motiewe soos roof en diefstal van kontant, vuurwapens en verhandelbare goedere soos rekenaars en selfone,” sê genl.maj. Van Zyl. “Georganiseerde landbou beskik nie oor die kapasiteit om hofsake van begin tot einde te moniteer om te bevestig wat die ware motiewe in aanvalle was nie.
“Die analise van vermoorde slagoffers dui onteenseglik daarop dat wit boere, gesinne en plaaswerkers meer as tweederdes van vermoorde slagoffers uitmaak. Die besondere hoë vlakke van geweld en onbeskaamde marteling getuig van 'n hoë vlak van rassehaat wat ons baie bekommerd stem.”
TLU SA doen ‘n beroep op boere om paraat te wees en in Plaaswagte saam te werk om plaasveiligheid te versterk. Ofskoon plaasaanvalle steeds ‘n prioriteitsmisdaad is, word daar nie soveel personeel aan dié misdade toegewys as wat ander prioriteitsmisdade ontvang nie. Die bron van die probleem is die regering se tekort aan wil om die lewens van boere te beskerm.