TLU SA concerned about new trends in farm attacks amidst the release of new crime statistics- South Africa

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TLU SA’s statistics about farm attacks do not correspond with the statistics the minister of police, Mr Bheki Cele presented in parliament .

According to the department, there were only 46 farm attacks during 1 April 2019 and 31 March 2020, while TLU SA’s statistics – which have been kept up to date since 1990 – shows there were 410 farm attacks between 1 March 2019 and 28 February 2020. TLU SA measures statistics over the financial book year.

The statistics for murders on farms more or less corresponds with the department’s 49 in contrast with TLU SA’s 54 farm murders.

“We have trusted statistics about farm attacks, and it never corresponds with the official statistics of the department,” says Maj. Gen Chris van Zyl (ret), the deputy general manager of TLU SA. “We do agree that there was an increase in farm attacks and murders since last year, it is only the numbers which differ.”

The statistics of TLU SA for 2018/19 shows 356 farm attacks to the 410 attacks of last year. The department showed an increase from 47 attacks to 49.

“Though we are dissatisfied with the difference in statistics, we are more concerned about the new trends we are picking up during attacks,” says Maj. Gen Van Zyl. “Kidnapping is becoming part of attacks on farms more and more, as we saw with the gruesome attack and murder of the family of Hartswater in the Northern Cape.

“TLU SA is distressed about the increased amount of attackers per attack. It seems to point to organised crime attacking farms.”

Even though the police had to focus their attention on the application of lockdown regulations since March this year, the statistics and feedback indicate lacking and reactive crime intelligence instead of prevention. The SAPS should focus on preventing serious violent crimes and murders.

 TLU SA bekommerd oor nuwe tendense in plaasaanvalle te midde van nuwe misdaad statistiek

 TLU SA se statistiek oor plaasaanvalle stem glad nie ooreen met die statistiek wat vandag deur die minister van polisie, mnr. Bheki Cele in die parlement bekendgemaak is nie.

Volgens die departement was daar tussen 1 April 2019 en 31 Maart 2020, slegs 46 plaasaanvalle terwyl TLU SA se statistiek wat sedert 1990 noukeurig bygehou word, dui dat daar tussen 1 Maart 2019 en 28 Februarie 2020, 410 aanvalle op plase was. TLU SA se statistiek word oor die finansiële boekjaar gemeet.

Die moordstatistiek op plase stem min of meer ooreen met die departement se getal wat op 49 staan teenoor TLU SA se 54.

“Ons statistiek oor plaasaanvalle is betroubaar en dit stem nooit ooreen met die amptelike statistiek van die departement nie,” sê genl.maj Chris van Zyl (aft), die adjunk hoofbesuresident van TLU SA. “Ons stem wel saam dat daar ‘n styging was in plaasaanvalle en -moorde sedert verlede jaar, hoewel ons getalle verskil.”

TLU SA se statistiek vir 2018/19 wys 356 plaasaanvalle teenoor hierdie jaar se 410 aanvalle. Die departement toon ‘n styging van 47 aanvalle tot 49.  

“Hoewel ons ontevrede is oor die verskil in statistiek, is ons baie meer bekommerd oor die nuwe tendense wat ons tydens aanvalle bespeur,” sê genl.maj Van Zyl. “Ontvoering raak al hoe meer deel van die aanvalle op plase, soos wat ons ook gesien het tydens die grusame aanval en moord op die gesin van Hartswater in die Noord-Kaap.

“Dit is vir TLU SA onrusbarend dat die getal aanvallers per aanval ook toeneem. Dit wil al hoe meer dui op georganiseerde misdaad wat spesifiek op plase toeslaan.”

Hoewel die polisie se aandag sedert die inperking in Maart vanjaar deur die toepassing van inperkingsregulasies in beslag geneem word, toon die statistiek en terugvoer dat die algemene misdaadintelligensie gebrekkig en reaktief eerder as voorkomend is. Die SAPD behoort daarop te fokus om ernstige geweldsmisdade en moorde te voorkom.


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