TLU SA dring aan op verskoning van Mabuza oor restitusie

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Die ANC is huigelaars wat hulle op die grondwet beroep soos wat dit hulle agenda pas, maar andersins amptelike aankondigings maak soos wat hulle lus het, ongeag die grondwetlikheid daarvan.

TLU SA dring daarop aan dat Adjunk President David Mabuza sy woorde rondom restitusie terugtrek.

Mnr. Mabuza het tydens ‘n antwoord-sessie in die parlement gesê die regering sal onteiening sonder vergoeding gebruik om restitusie-eise af te handel en dat die onteiening van grond maar een van die stukke gereedskap is om grondhervorming toe te pas.

“Hierdie kommentaar bring die ware kleure van die ANC na vore,” sê mnr. Henry Geldenhuys, die president van TLU SA. “Die wyse hoe senior lede van die ANC hulle hoegenaamd nie steur aan die land se grondwet nie en bloot voortstu met populistiese uitsprake om hulle radikale ondersteuningsbasis se guns voor die verkiesing te wen, wys duidelik dat die ANC se voortbestaan vir hulle meer gewig dra as die land en mense.”

Die adjunk-president het verder gesê dat hulle nie gaan wag totdat die regsprosesse afgehandel is voordat hulle begin om die land van die wat dit besit oor te dra aan die wat daarop aanspraak maak nie. 

“In die een asem verwys hy na mense as die eienaars van grond, maar in die volgende asem insinueer hy dat boere die land gesteel het en dit dus sonder vergoeding moet teruggee,” sê mnr. Geldenhuys. “Geen boer het op enige wyse sy of haar grond onregmatig bekom nie. Elke duim daarvan is binne die bestel en op 'n wettige wyse bekom. 

“TLU SA het in dié verband reeds etlike jare gelede 'n beloning van R100 000 aangebied vir enige persoon wat kan bewys dat ‘n TLU SA-lid die grond wat hulle besit, gesteel het.  Nodeloos om te sê lê die geld nog veilig in ons bankrekening.”

TLU SA is uiters bekommerd oor waarheen die onverantwoordelike verwagtinge wat die ANC onder hulle ondersteuners skep gaan lei en wat ondeurdagte uitsprake aan beleggersvertroue doen.

“Die enigste nalatenskap wat die ANC tot dusver nalaat is een van ‘n regering wat afbreek en die toekoms vernietig,” eindig mnr. Geldenhuys. 

TLU SA demands Mabuza retracts comments about restitution

The ANC are hypocrites who call on the constitution as it fits their agenda and makes official announcements as they please despite it being unconstitutional. In this regard, TLU SA demands that Deputy President David Mabuza retracts his comments about restitution.

Mr Mabuza said during an answer session in the parliament that they will use expropriation without compensation to conclude restitution claims and that the expropriation of land is only one of the tools to enforce land reform.

“These comments show the true colours of the ANC,” says Mr Henry Geldenhuys, the president of TLU SA. “How the senior members of the ANC don’t pay any attention to the country’s constitution and simply pushes ahead with their populist remarks to win the favour of their radical supporters before the election clearly shows how the ANC prioritises its existence above the country and its people.”

The deputy-president further said that they would not wait until the legislative processes are completed before they begin to transfer the land from those who own it and those who lay claim to it.

“On the one hand, he refers to people as the owners of the land, but on the other hand, he insinuates that the farmers stole the land and should return it without compensation,” says Mr Geldenhuys. “No farmer unjustly came onto their land. They legally attained each inch of it.

“TLU SA years ago offered a reward of R100 000 for any person who can prove that a TLU SA member stole the land that they own. The money is still safe in our bank account.”

TLU SA is anxious about where the irresponsible expectations the ANC creates with their supporters will lead and what their thoughtless comments will do to investment prospects.

“The only legacy the ANC created up to now is one of a government intent on breaking down and destroying the future,” says Mr Geldenhuys.


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