VITAL PROTEINS- Wrinkled and dry skin comes with aging, and nobody likes it. Skin is the largest organ we have. It’s vital to keep it healthy. Collagen is a protein and helps your skin remain non-wrinkled.
Collagen is the most plentiful protein in your body.
Daagliks sien ons hoe "Kollageen" produkte wereldwyd bemark word aanlyn, in die Gesondheidswinkels en in die media-
During a brisk walk with health-conscious friends in one of Johannesburg’s leafy suburbs, a walker with youthful skin animatedly told the group that collagen had changed her life.
Jennifer Anniston swears by it, and so does Kate Hudson. Over the past decade or so, hype for collagen has caused a proliferation of products across supermarket shelves.
All throughout America, people wake up each morning and spread cow across their faces.
Detoxification and cleansing of the intestines: