Small-scale farming should be boosted in Africa

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Industrial agriculture – farming that involves the intensive production of livestock, poultry, fish and crops – is one of the most environmentally destructive forms of land use.

It depends on mechanisation and on inputs like synthetic fertiliser and harmful pesticides and herbicides and has led to widespread contamination of soil and water. It also relies on just a few major crops like wheat, maize, soybean and rice, the seeds of which are owned by a mere handful of companies.

A different approach to agriculture is sorely needed. This should, ideally, deliver household food security, ensure sustainable livelihoods and produce quality nutrition in a rapidly changing climate.

Developing countries that are industrialising at a pace are uniquely placed to avoid developing a dependency on one type of technological innovation at the expense of others. This is what is known as technological lock-in, with industrial agriculture being one form of lock-in. Such countries are also well placed to establish alternative ways to grow food that maximise livelihoods and sustainable food production.

For instance, Brazil, India, China and South Africa have agricultural sectors that have both industrialised farmers and resource-poor farmers who practice low-input agriculture. These countries offer important spaces for strengthening practices that are well suited to the challenges facing smallholder farmers. And ones that are more environmentally sound.

A change in these countries could pioneer alternative approaches for other developing countries.

The basis for alternative agricultural systems already exists. They’re practised by at least 75% of the world’s 1.5 billion smallholders, family farmers and indigenous peoples.

These alternatives fall broadly under the umbrella of agroecology. Their key characteristics include the use of technologies based on ecological knowledge, as well as a focus on family farming and local production. They also have low levels of external inputs, and are diversified.

Developing countries could leapfrog industrial agriculture systems and move toward an agricultural sector that’s run on agroecological principles. But this needs increased public investment and a policy environment that’s conducive to encouraging the approach.

Agroecology is already practised by millions of small-scale farmers across the world. China and India, for example, account for 35% and 24% of the world’s 570 million family farms. In Brazil, 78% of farms are less than 50 hectares. In South Africa there are about four million small-scale and mostly subsistence farmers.

South African agriculture is comprised of mainly two categories of farmers - the subsistence farmers in the former homeland areas and the large-scale commercial (mainly white) farmers. This is in contrast with the situation in many other countries where one would find a whole range of farm sizes. The paper highlights the situation of small-scale farmers in an international context and compares it with the South African situation that is totally different. Within this context, this paper has as basic premise that in South Africa the concept of "small-scale farmer" is usually value-laden, creates wrong impressions and is often viewed in a negative light. "Small-scale" is often equated with a backward, non-productive, non-commercial, subsistence agriculture that we find in parts of the former homeland areas.

This paper endeavours to correct the negative perceptions towards small-scale farms by redefining the small-scale farmer and laying to rest the fallacy that small relates to land size only. It should also be emphasised that small-scale farms are not simply scaled-down models of large farms, since technology and cultural issues and the livelihood mix might differ. These are some of the issues the proponents of small-scale farming need to consider in their arguments in favour of sub-dividing farms into small units while remaining silent on the ecological and agrarian realities of this country.

Also worth noting is that roughly 45% of all commercial farms in SA are defined as small-scale family farms, with a gross farm income of less than R500,000; hardly a full-time livelihood. This is according to data from Statistics SA. Therefore, a small farm is a relative concept — relative to the particular ecological region and soil quality and also relative to the particular farming industry.

These farms play a critical role in food security. This is especially true at a local level. But these farmers also face numerous challenges: access to land and capital, secure land rights, appropriate extension and advice, increased climate variability and market access.

The question is whether public money in emerging economies is being used to address these challenges and the needs of small farmers. Or is it being used to prop up large-scale industrial agriculture?

Many emerging economies have dual forms of agriculture – both industrialised and small-scale. Yet investment in agricultural innovations typically centre only on priorities for industrialised farming.

Genetic engineering is an example. It has become one of the main areas of focus in agricultural research over the past three decades. Highly specialised – it involves the modification of an organism by manipulating its genes – it needs high levels of investment. Those developing it also expect high returns and it’s very much a “top-down” approach, removed from the context and knowledge of most of the world’s farmers, and often bringing questionable benefits.

Smallholder agriculture is increasingly important in emerging economies. There is a need for alternative agricultural solutions. Emerging economies can be leaders in this field.

Agroecology presents a tested and forward-looking approach. But it needs to be institutionalised in the allocation of research funding and in science and technology policy.

Agricultural research and development is already playing an important role. Over the past decade there have been increased investments by emerging economies in agricultural research. For example Chinese government investment in agricultural research doubled from 2001 to 2008, exceeding any country except the US. Brazil similarly increased agricultural research and development spending by 46% between 2006 and 2013. South Africa’s investment level is more erratic. But it’s still high compared to most other sub-Saharan countries.

Increased cooperation in agricultural research between countries with large public sector institutes like Brazil and China, and countries with less research capacity, such as Mozambique and Malawi;
Demonstrating the validity and economic potential of agro-ecology. This can be achieved by drawing on farmers’ knowledge, developed over centuries of experimentation; and
Redesigning formal training and extension programmes to incorporate local knowledge and have a stronger uptake of agroecology in places where resources are scarce.
Emerging economies provide an important opportunity to upscale agroecological innovations to help improve the livelihoods of small and resource-poor farmers and address environmental problems. But they need public investment and an enabling environment to flourish.