One in three young adults have no idea what is involved in farming and agriculture

One in three young adults have no idea what is involved in farming and agriculture

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An insightful video saw young adults challenged to guess the occupation of a farmer based on his clothing – proving that one in three have no idea about what is involved in farming.

Dairy farmer Adam Johnstone, 27, from Hampshire, took to the streets dressed in shorts, a jumper, and a jacket, and asked passers-by what they thought he did for a living.

Adam even gave them clues on his daily responsibilities – including scientific testing, driving positive change for the climate, and spending a lot of time in the great outdoors.

But based on his appearance, the guesses included a sportsman, a coffee shop owner, someone who works in marketing, or someone who works for a hiking brand.

And others guessed that he was a musician – with one person even predicting Adam was a lawyer.

It comes as a poll of 500 young adults, aged 18-24, found that a third don't have a clue about agricultural roles.

But notably, these Gen Z adults named some of their career aspirations as analytical jobs, roles that tackle climate change, and even jobs that include scientific testing – all of which are duties involved in the agricultural industry.

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The research was commissioned by Arla, which is looking to attract the next generation of farmers to help deliver future changes, and to engage the Government in their mission to raise awareness of new initiatives, such as its Climate Check programme.

Paul Savage, director of UK agriculture at the dairy brand, said: “Sustainability is about ensuring a sustainable workforce for the future, and that is why we need our younger generation to step-up and consider a future in dairy, to help drive the changes we’ve already identified.

“There is clearly a knowledge gap within Gen Z Brits – and it’s our job, alongside the Government, to ensure there are enough future farmers in place to help drive the changes that will help the industry meet its climate commitments.”

When asked about the role dairy farmers play in tackling the climate crisis, 45% weren’t aware they’re working day in, day out, towards lowering climate emissions.

And 67% didn’t know they spend most of their time using technology to gather and analyse data, working to improve the sustainability of their farms, and taking a data-led approach to the work they do.

It also emerged two-thirds of young adults think it’s important farmers use renewable energy technologies.

But nearly half of those were unaware that solar panels and wind turbines can already be found on many farms, and often have the capacity to generate enough energy to power homes in the local area.