TLU SA reviews its achievements during 2019 with gratitude.
“We have deep gratitude for the mercy we have received from God Almighty this year. It is the foundation of TLU SA’s future,” says Mr Louis Meintjes, the president of TLU SA. “In 2019, we revisited and confirmed our values and principles.”
With input from other institutions, TLU SA rigorously investigated the direction agriculture in South Africa should take. The conclusion is that the values the organisation honours are indeed the correct way to ensure the continued existence of commercial agriculture in South Africa.
The organisation hopes to see more like-minded organisations supporting this direction while taking a firm stand against the ANC’s transformation agenda.
“The concept of black economic empowerment (BEE) was doomed to failure since its inception,” says Mr Meintjes. “TLU SA was the only organisation in the agricultural value chain who has not supported BEE from the outset. In practice, it is now evident that the current approach to empowerment is an abject failure and should be reconsidered.
“Twelve years ago, for instance, TLU SA asked why the residents of RDP-houses don’t receive the title deeds to their houses. Today these people are still sitting with the dead capital of houses which don’t legally belong to them. If they own the title deeds, they could put up their homes as collateral do start a business, for example.
“It appears that the ANC is actively working toward keeping South Africans imprisoned in poverty,” says Mr Meintjes.
During 2019 TLU SA initiated collaboration with various institutions. It is the organisation’s approach to co-operate with other organisations that share TLU SA’s fundamental beliefs regarding specific issues. For that reason, TLU SA is part of the Ad hoc Group for the Protection of Property Rights, where the economic principle of private ownership is concerned. TLU SA disagrees with some of the role players regarding other aspects, but on the issues we are in agreement on, we co-operate to increase our influence.
TLU SA’s message of 2019 is one of positivity. Since January this year, more than 2 350 new members joined the organisation. Its members contribute to better communication of our message to a broader audience.
“TLU SA builds for the future, with the full realisation that it is done within a very negative environment currently,” says Mr Meintjes. “We foresee an ever increasing number of role players reaching out to work with us in the interest of a better future for South Africa. TLU SA is willing to work with any relevant role player who shares our entrenched and solid foundation in creating that future.”
TLU SA kyk vandag met groot dankbaarheid terug op wat gedurende 2019 vermag is.
“Ons het ‘n diepe dankbaarheid vir die genade wat ons vanjaar van God-Drie-enig – die fondament van TLU SA se toekoms – ontvang het,” sê mnr. Louis Meintjes. “Ons het in 2019 opnuut ons waardes en beginsels besoek en bevestig.”
TLU SA het met die insette van buite-instansies deurtastend ondersoek ingestel na die aanslag wat landbou in Suid-Afrika behoort te neem. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die standpunte wat die organisasie huldig, inderdaad die regte koers is om landbou in die land te laat voortleef.
Dit is verblydend om te sien dat al hoe meer organisasies hierdie koers steun en begin het om sterk standpunt in te neem teen die ANC se transformasie-agenda.
“Die konsep van swart ekonomiese bemagtiging (SEB) was sedert die ontstaan daarvan gedoem tot mislukking,” sê mnr. Meintjes. “TLU SA was die enigste organisasie in die landbou waardeketting wat met die ontstaan van SEB nie bereid was om dit te onderskryf nie. Die praktyk wys nou duidelik dat daar anders gekyk moet word na die bemagtiging van mense.
“TLU SA het reeds 12 jaar gelede gevra waarom daar nie titelaktes vir bewoners van HOP-huise gegee word nie. Vandag sit dié mense steeds op die dooie kapitaal van huise wat nie werklik aan hulle behoort nie. Met die besit van die titelakte kan eiendomme as kollateraal aangebied word om byvoorbeeld ‘n besigheid op die been te bring.
“Dit is asof die ANC Suid-Afrika se inwoners gevange wíl hou in armoede,” sê mnr. Meintjes.
Gedurende 2019 het TLU SA met verskeie instansies skakeling bewerkstellig. TLU SA se benadering is om vanuit ‘n vaste begronde standpunt met ander organisasies saam te werk wat ook vir die spesifieke saak ons oortuiging deel. Daarom is TLU SA ‘n rolspeler in die Ad hoc-Groep vir die Beskerming van Eiendomsreg waar dit gaan oor die ekonomiese beginsel van privaatbesitreg. Die organisasie verskil met sommige van die rolspelers oor ander aspekte, maar dit is juis wat dit so gewens maak om oor sekere beginsels te kan saamwerk om sodoende groter wringkrag te genereer.
Die boodskap wat TLU SA vanjaar uitgedra het bring gewis positiwiteit na vore.
Sedert Januarie 2019 het meer as 2 350 nuwe ondersteuners by TLU SA aangesluit. Hierdie ondersteuners help om die boodskap beter en wyer uit te dra.
“TLU SA bou vir die toekoms, welwetende dat ons dit vanuit ‘n bepaalde negatiewe omgewing moet doen,” sê mnr. Meintjes. “Ons voorsien dat al hoe meer rolspelers na ons sal uitreik om saam te werk in belang van ‘n beter toekoms vir Suid-Afrika. TLU SA is bereid om vanuit ‘n hegte en begronde basis met enige saakmakende rolspeler saam te werk aan daardie toekoms.”