Common Everyday Foods That Are Bad for Your Health and Your Wallet

Common Everyday Foods That Are Bad for Your Health and Your Wallet

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We all lead busy lives, and it can be hard to remember to eat healthily.

Sometimes, it’s easier to just grab food off the shelf, thinking only of the convenience and not of the nutritional value. Processed foods are always on-hand, and they’ve saved us time and energy in the past. But, at what cost? 

Many of the products on this list are staples of our daily diet, from Coke to Twinkies. However, if not eaten in strict moderation (or avoided completely) they can lead to long-term health problems, according to cardiologists and other professionals. Some of these products are clearly harmful, but because they’re lucrative moneymakers they stay on the shelves anyway. Others are less obvious, but when eaten in great quantities can have nasty side effects. 

1. Sparkling Mineral Water
Manufacturer: Various
PFAS chemicals, also known as “per- and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals,” are man-made and used in just about everything from stain-resistant fabrics to food packaging. PFAS chemicals have been around Since the 1940s, and, though not regulated federally, they have been liked to health issues like thyroid disruption, cancer, and low birth weight, according to the EPA.

Some sparkling mineral water brands were tested and found to have measurable amounts of these PFAS chemicals. The reason behind the presence of these chemicals could be due to high PFAS levels in the source water or the carbonation process.  

2. Refried Beans
Manufacturer: Various

As Nutrition Action put it, frosting is definitely on the list of “what not to eat.” Looking at the ingredients of frosting, it’s pretty clear why this food is a no-no. Though you might think that it’s just a small amount on a cake or cupcake, even that small amount has a ton of sugar.

Let’s look at the nutrition label of a very popular canned frosting, Betty Crocker Vanilla Rich & Creamy Frosting. One serving is two tablespoons, and just in those two tablespoons, there are 140 calories, 2.5 grams of saturated fat, and a whopping 19 grams of sugar. Not to mention, you’re adding that onto the sugar content of the piece of cake itself. 

27. Pre-Cut Watermelon
Manufacturer: Stores like Giant Eagle, Publix, Whole Foods, etc.

It was previously thought that watermelon could cause diseases such as yellow fever or typhus. Although this is not a proven fact, it is true that there are conditions related to its consumption. Mainly, these conditions occur when watermelon is bought already cut in the supermarket.


The problem with consuming previously cut watermelon is that the fruit could be contaminated with bacteria that can end up causing salmonellosis. In 2019, according to WebMD, there was an outbreak of salmonella illness tied to pre-cut watermelon. Without a doubt, the safest option is to buy the whole fruit and cut it yourself at home.

28. Potatoes
Manufacturer: Fresh Idaho, Lamb Weston, and more

Like other vegetables, potatoes can be contaminated with pesticides that are dangerous for human consumption. But this is not the only danger associated with these tubers. You may have noticed that when potatoes are old they start to turn green.


This means that they have generated a large number of glycoalkaloids, which can cause moderate to severe food poisoning. If a potato has turned green, it is best not to eat it. Another rule of thumb is that if the potatoes taste bitter, do not eat them.

29. Alkaline Water
Manufacturer: Essentia, Flow, Bai, Core Hydration, and more

Natural alkaline water is formed when water passes over rocks, and it has a higher pH level than tap water. Alkaline water promises to be better for your body than plain water, and it even claims to help conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.


However, if you have any chronic disease or kidney or liver disease, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting to drink alkaline water, as it can increase sodium levels in your body. 

30. Agave
Manufacturer: Wholesome, Kirkland Signature, Market Pantry, and more

Agave nectar is often touted as a healthy alternative to sugar or other syrups made with refined sugar. But, how true is that? The truth is that agave nectar has the same sugar content as many other sweeteners. In some cases, it might have even more.


A tablespoon of refined sugar has 40 calories, while the same amount of agave nectar has 60. In addition to that, agave is very high in fructose, which facilitates the accumulation of fat in the liver and increases bad cholesterol.

31. Sausages
Manufacturer: Jimmy Dean, Aidells, Hillshire Farm, and more

Sausages are very versatile and can be eaten and cooked in a wide variety of presentations. However, they are not a great option if you want to eat a healthy diet. Their main problem is their large amount of saturated fat.


As if that were not enough, all sausages have alarming amounts of sodium and nitrates, which are carcinogenic. If consumed in excess, this product can contribute to the development of obesity and even cause heart attacks and strokes.

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32. Onions
Manufacturer: Various

It’s true that onions have their benefits. According to Healthline, onions have sulfuric compounds and antioxidants, and early studies show that they’ve been linked to reduced cancer risk, lower blood sugar levels, and bone health improvements.


So, what’s the problem? Onions aren’t good for everyone. They’re very acidic, which means that if you have conditions like heartburn or gout, you’ll want to avoid onions or risk being in some serious pain. Other conditions that make onions unadvisable include colitis, acid reflux ulcers, intestinal inflammation, and rosacea. Healthline said that onion sensitivity or intolerance is a pretty “common occurrence.”  

33. Hamburgers
Manufacturer: McDonald’s, Burger King, White Castle, and other fast-food restaurants

Burgers are probably the most popular fast food out there. And much has been said regarding their contribution to weight gain. However, the health dangers that come with eating burgers go far beyond the extra pounds.


Hamburgers at fast-food restaurants are made with large amounts of saturated fat, sugar, and sodium. This can end up affecting your circulatory, nervous, and digestive systems. In addition, the ingredients used in its preparation add many calories but provide very few nutrients.

34. Tortilla Chips
Manufacturer: Tostitos, Layz, Utz, and more

Tortilla chips can be used in a myriad of ways. Perhaps the most popular is to prepare them as nachos, with beans, or with guacamole. The bad news is that, despite their versatility and delicious flavor, they are not the healthiest snacks out there.


All the chips are made from fried corn dough, which makes them instantly high in calories, cholesterol, and sodium. For that reason, it is not highly recommended that people with hypertension, obesity or heart problems consume them frequently.

35. Mole Sauce
Manufacturer: Dona Maria, La Costena, and more

Mole sauce is a dish from Mexico, and you can find it at many Mexican parties and celebrations. This sauce, which has become popular in the U.S. as well, is commonly made from chili peppers, spices, butter, dark chocolate, almonds, and thickeners like corn dough, bread, or tortilla, depending on the recipe that is followed. Sadly, it is not a dish that you would easily find on a healthy menu.


Due to the chilies used to prepare it, the mole can irritate the stomach and cause discomfort. In addition, the fact that it is usually eaten with rice, tortillas, and meat considerably increases the number of calories it provides.

36. Milk
Manufacturer: All Dean Foods, Danone, Lactaid, Hiland, Prairie Farms, etc.

If you think about it carefully, there are some puzzling things about drinking milk. First of all, humans are the only species that consume milk even when we have finished growing. Besides that, we are also the only ones that feed on the milk of animals of another species.


As if that were not enough, some of the hormones that can be found in this drink have been associated with the development of breast and prostate cancer. Of course, milk is undoubtedly high in protein and calcium, which benefits the bones. Just be careful to make sure the milk you drink is organic.

37. Energy Drinks
Manufacturer: Monster, Red Bull, and more

There are people who rely on energy drinks to get them through the day. If you are one of these energy drink aficionados, perhaps you should reconsider the habit, since these products do more harm than good to your body. Energy drinks often contain caffeine, taurine, and sugars.


All of these ingredients are stimulants, which can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, or diarrhea. If they are consumed in excess, the situation gets even worse, since they can cause alterations in the heart rate and blood pressure. It’s not unheard of for energy drinks to worsen anxiety; you can even become addicted to these drinks, according to Addiction Helper.

38. Dried Fruit
Manufacturer: Bare, Market Pantry, Rind, etc.

Dried fruit can be misleading. It is true that it has nutrients similar to those of fresh fruit. But, the dehydration process can kill some of these nutritional benefits. Vitamin C, for example, is very sensitive to heat and oxidation and therefore is often lost during dehydration.


On top of that, dehydration reduces the weight and size of fruits, which is why it’s easy to overeat if you’re careless. Dried fruit can be a great snack, but you should be informed about its nutritional value, and check the label for added sugars. Even “unsweetened” bags of dried fruit can still have a lot of sugar.

39. Roasted Peanuts
Manufacturer: Planters, Market Pantry, etc.

Both roasted and raw nuts have a lot of benefits, and they’re similar, as far as calories, carbs, protein, and carbs go. Roasted peanuts are often preferable to regular peanuts, as they have more flavor to them.


Roasting nuts might add flavor, but the process can damage the healthy fat in nuts, which reduces their nutritional value. In fact, roasting the nuts can even lead to the formation of acrylamide, a harmful substance that forms during high-temperature cooking. According to Science Daily, acrylamide can cause nerve damage, impaired muscle coordination, and muscle weakness, if you’re exposed to the chemical in large doses.