Welcome to our weekly Quanlim Life- Health information and news for Farmers and families-
Dwarsoor die wereld kom sogenaamde regsdenkende mense en geleerdes onder die besef hoe vernietigend sekere voedsel en drank is. Gesonde skoon natuurlike minerale water is skaars en mense bly nog steeds skoongemaakte water drink. Dit word ook duideliker dat die aanhoudende gebruik van Voorgeskrewe "drugs" vir baie siektes verantwoordelik is- en die baie newe effekte kan vernietigend wees op jou DNA en sekere Gene. Die mediese wereld hou aan om die simptome te beheer- want dan kan hy jou beheer. Dis 'n maandelikse inkomste vir PHARMA -GMO graan vernietig die lewensomstandighede van baie mense en is oorsaak van vele verterings probleme en immuun siektes. Dis alles onbekend vir 'n gesonde liggaam.
Die duisende soorte gesondheids middels wat oral te koop is en aanbeveel word, is nog 'n probleem. Meeste is sinteties en onbekend vir jou liggaam en word bloot uitgeskei of het 'n newe effek.
Moenie iets in jou mond sit as jy nie weet wat dit is nie en voor jy nie weet wat fout is in jou liggaam nie. Wyse mense pas hulle liggame op en maak gebruik van wyse mense vir inligting wat self gesond en gesond lyk. Sosiale media is vol van baie inligting- wonder werke en baie beloftes- Dis goed om dit te sien en te lees- maar jy is uniek- jy nie 'n robot nie- moenie blindelings al die raad volg voor jy nie weet wat is verkeerd in jou liggaam nie. "Epidynamics" wat deel is van ons praktyk maak baie deure oop om jou unieke gesondheid probleem en behoefte aan te spreek.
Once a person lacks folate, the resulting damage is irreversible. The researchers therefore encourage people to be more aware of the level of folate in the blood. Folate is a type of vitamin B found in, for example, broccoli, spinach, peas, mushrooms, shellfish, and fruit such as bananas and melon. The problem with folate deficiency is that it affects chromosome maintenance, and once a cell has lost a chromosome or part of it, it can never be fixed. That is, once cell division has gone wrong, you cannot fix it subsequently by consuming a lot of folic acid. You need to digest your Folic Acid and its good to stop eating any Wheat products. Once the damage is done, it is irreversible. Researchers have known for many years that folate deficiency is associated with mental illness, age-related dementia, and deformation of the brain and spinal cord of fetuses, also known as neural tube defects. But they have not been able to establish the causality—that is, whether folate deficiency directly causes the disorders or the disorders result from the secondary effect of folate deficiency. But before you start reading and buying Folate- do a Full Methylation Test with a professional Health practitioner with the knowledge and correct equipment to monitor you and although the clever medical people say they cant' fix it- the body can do many things if provided with the correct menu.
The young men of the world need more Testosterone- not in their natural way but in the comfort of Pharma and all their medical drugs -Testosterone enanthate injection (Xyosted) and other testosterone products may cause an increase in blood pressure which can increase your risk of having a heart attack or stroke that may be life-threatening. Wait until you get into you 50 and 60- You may look good- have a very good sex lust- with a short drive and you will end up with a very bad attitude- Testosterone, a hormone, helps men maintain muscle, bone health, libido, and the ability to perform in the bedroom. But beginning in their mid-30s, men lose an average of just under 2% per year. Eventually, that drop could lead to hypogonadism, or low testosterone. This happens to 1 in 5 men in their 60s, and the likelihood rises as men get older. Testosterone replacement treatment (TRT) aims to boost those low levels back up.
Start looking at your lifestyle- what you eat - what you drink and what is your emotional status before you start injecting yourself with all these quick fixes- You body can produce its own exclusive TESTOSTERONE - don't stop your own manufacturing with all these drugs. Not enough sleep- 7 to 8 hours destroy Testosterone- ""STRESS ,Alcohol and smoking destroy Testosterone- Not enough sex and wrong eating habits- Be a man- act like a man- have respect - love yourself, look after your body- eat healthy- keep moving - speak life and you will start producing your own testosterone.
READ MORE -9 Signs of Low Testosterone
As jou verteringstelsel korrek werk- (jou masjien-) gesond is en jy drink nie al die baie Voorgeskrewe medisyne van PARMA nie, nie oorgewig nie - is daar geen fout om Rooivleis te eet nie. Vorige navorsing het getoon ’n oormaat van rooivleis kan lei tot gesondheidsprobleme soos hartsiektes, beroertes en kanker, maar navorsers van die Washington Universiteit het bevind dat die meeste studies verwarrende veranderlikes bevat soos dat party vleis eters net eenvoudig minder groente eet, meer rook of minder oefen. Mense kan ook nie met redelike sekerheid bepaal hoeveel vleis hulle in ’n bepaalde tyd geëet het nie. “Ons het bevind dat die bewyse en verband tussen rooivleis en kanker, borskanker, tipe twee diabetes en hartsiekte te vaag is. Ons het ook geen bewyse gekry dat rooivleis beroertes veroorsaak nie,” lui die navorsing. Volgens die navorsers is daar min tot geen bewyse van gesondheidsrisiko’s as jy op ’n gereelde basis rooivleis inneem nie. “Daar is nie so iets soos ongesonde kos nie, maar party kossoorte moet in mindere hoeveelheid ingeneem word. Rooivleis bevat belangrike voedingstowwe soos soos proteïen, vitamien B12 en yster. Rooivleis noodsaaklik vir ’n gebalanseerde dieet. Ons hoorgereeld een of ander slim geleerde prof of Dr met sy dik brille wat Rooivleis die skuld wil gee. Eet matig- gebalanseerd en sorg dat jou verteringstelsel reg werk.
Lots more to tell- You wasting your money if you keep on buying all these products without knowing what is really wrong inside your body- You play with your Health
If you do not know what is wrong inside your body- stop drinking all these supplements, drops, shakes and more that is available with lots of promises- You can listen and view all the information online- but visit a real professional health practitioner with years of practical experience- one who understand and live Healthy. You need to know what your body need- what is wrong inside- You allow people to assist you with your problem. Take care of your body and health. www.quanlim.com
Dié wondermiddel wat energie en fokus waarborg, is iets waaraan die meeste van ons gretig sluk, ondanks negatiewe berigte dat sommige van die byvoegings daarin dalk kan skade doen. ʼn Meningspeiling deur die navorsingsmaatskappy Analytix Business Intelligence toon dat Suid-Afrika die land is met die hoogste inname van energiedrankies met ʼn hoë kafeïeninhoud. Meer as 6 miljoen Suid-Afrikaners bo die ouderdom van 15 jaar gebruik ten minste een energiedrankie per week. “Die inname van energiedrankies word toenemend ʼn mode onder jong Suid-Afrikaners,” sê Berna Harmse, voorheen president van die Vereniging vir Dieëtkunde in Suid-Afrika (VDSA). Dié wondermiddel wat energie en fokus waarborg, is iets waaraan die meeste van ons gretig sluk, ondanks negatiewe berigte dat sommige van die byvoegings daarin dalk kan skade doen.ʼn Meningspeiling deur die navorsingsmaatskappy Analytix Business Intelligence toon dat Suid-Afrika die land is met die hoogste inname van energiedrankies met ʼn hoë kafeïeninhoud. Meer as 6 miljoen Suid-Afrikaners bo die ouderdom van 15 jaar gebruik ten minste een energiedrankie per week. “Die inname van energiedrankies word toenemend ʼn mode onder jong Suid-Afrikaners,” sê Berna Harmse, voorheen president van die Vereniging vir Dieëtkunde in Suid-Afrika (VDSA). Daar waar jy so lekker kuier en na jou gunsteling Afrikaanse sanger luister by die groot konserte- hou maar jou drankie se inname dop. LEES MEER
Some concerns about whether probiotic bacteria in supplements reach the gut microbiome alive. You may be confused as to whether probiotics are a good addition to your daily health routine, or a waste of money. There has been a lot of coverage in the media regarding the survival of probiotic bacteria through stomach acidity, and this concern is very valid; Enteric coating, can also help probiotics to survive transit through the harsh stomach environment. Enteric coating is a special coating for capsules, which is intended to remain intact in the stomach but to dissolve in the small intestine, and provides another option for ensuring probiotics survive to reach the gut alive. However, critics of enteric coating have pointed out that it can involve the use of synthetic chemicals, as well as highlighting some doubts over whether the capsules eventually break down in the lower GI tract to release the probiotics, or if they pass through the intestines intact with their beneficial probiotic cargo still on board. Therefore, it may be better to simply use hardy strains of bacteria that do not require other types of 'manufactured' protection to survive transit through the stomach. You waste your money if you buy any Probiotics if you don't use the correct one for your health.
Glyphosate may be a critical environmental trigger in the etiology of several disease states, including celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome. Glyphosate exposure may also have consequences for mental health, including anxiety and depression, through alterations in the gut microbiome.” However, they add that much of the research on glyphosate’s effects on the microbiome suffers from methodological weaknesses such as unrealistically high doses, insufficient duration of exposure, and an over-reliance on animal models, which may not translate well to humans. They conclude that “Future long-term studies examining physiologically relevant doses in both healthy and genetically susceptible populations are warranted to determine the real risk posed to human health.”
South Africa is maybe even worse- "BOEPPENSE: is all around- and the its not only so called old people- its young men and women and children - It is a "TIME BOMB " No matter what you read on social media, or hear from Doctors orr Health practitioners- YES- you need to do act now- and please don't run to the GYM- or a so called Weight loss program - or any other quick fixes or expensive pre-made meals. Yes you need to control your meals, but you don't know what they put in the emails to taste better- and they tell you a different story. You carry a "timebomb" in your stomach- YES - that's true- Every day EATING "Braaivleis, bier, brandy, coke- wine and braaibroodtjies - or a "lekker" Fried chicken fully pump with sugar fat sauce- huge fat and a full Wheat bun. For a real take away- a nice Fully packed PIZZA - with all the creamy sugar sauces. Very nice- but not always healthy- This is creating BIOFILM- - and only one way to get rid of it.
It taste good- but you- with your "BELLY" it does not look good - it will eventually "CATCH" you READ MORE
Hospitale dwarsoor die land en wereld is vol van kanker pasiente- sit in rye om die DUUR vernietigende CHEMO te ontvang. Die laaste hoop op kanker genesing- Die mediese wereld se GOUDMYN- waaruit biljoene gegenereer word- Jy is maar net nog een van die miljoene- en dis soos 'n worsmasjien. Stukkende mense -moeg gedink- en swaar op die hart- Hierdie kanker hang soos 'n swaard oor hulle koppe en die bietjie hoop is in die Chemo- Gaan besoek gerus een van hierdie Kankersale en kyk vir jouself- dis nie 'n lekker plek nie- maar dit is 'n "WAKE UP call " vir jou wat lekker smul aan al die lekkernye-- soet en lekker- Drank en sigarette en al die "drugs" wat so vrylik voorgeskryf word en wat jy met soveel sorg en stiptelikheid elke dag drink. Dis jou DNA - pas dit op. Kry die regte raad- en dis beslis nie alleenlik in die gesondheidswinkel nie. Ek probeer elke dag om hierdie mense se lewens weer te herstel- - dis 'n lang pad.
The cells in the body are often referred to as the ‘’building blocks of life.’’ There over 200 different types of cells that make up the different areas of the body including the muscles, bones, and organs. The cells are responsible for converting nutrients into energy and keeping the body healthy and thriving. First and foremost, we cannot live without an abundance of healthy cells versus malfunctioning cells in the body.
The cell membrane is the cell's outermost line of defense against viruses. Cell membranes are just a few nanometres thick but are essential for life. They serve as a barrier between the cell's interior and its surrounding environment and host many activities necessary for cell function. If the cell membranes are more resistant to viral entry it would slow down the progress of viral infection and reduce its harmful effects.
For a virus to spread, it must first find a way into a cell. Therefore, it is important to do all that we can do to ensure the optimal health of our cells, especially the integrity of the cell walls, and protect them from damage by the production of free radicals from oxidative stress caused by lifestyle factors, a poor diet, toxin exposure and chronic stress. Good cell health is essential for the body to function properly. If you do not, then internal processes will become sluggish and lead to illness or poor health.
The Function of Cells in the Body
The body's 75 trillion cells (nerve cells, blood cells, muscle cells, bone cells, etc.) are all working together, day and night. Cells combine to form many different types of tissues that enable us to eat, breathe, feel, move, think, and reproduce. There are around 200 different types of specialized cells with specific functions throughout the body such as in: the brain, the heart, the blood, the muscles, the liver, the eyes, and more. All these cells communicate with each other and rely on these communications to keep us alive. Each cell must perform specific tasks to collaborate effectively with other cells in the body and each cell must make the molecules it needs to maintain the integrity of the cell wall, survive, grow, multiply, and do its job. In our bodies, cells are constantly being damaged, dying, and being replaced — even in healthy people.
Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life - Health 7th February 2024
The Body Signals When Cellular Malfunction is Occurring
Our body tells us when it is having trouble. We must recognize the signals by listening for them and then not ignoring them until the problem becomes serious enough to cause a severe decline in our health. Often the warning signs are evident in our physical appearance — we just do not look like we feel well. Other signs include:
-Low energy level or fatigue
-Aches and pains
-Skin problems & Allergies
-Digestion troubles
-Sleep difficulties
-Susceptibility to infections
-Mood, thought, or behavioural problems
-Weight issues
Diseases Involving Disturbance of Cell Membranes
Some illnesses are initiated when the body is unable to synthesize and incorporate into cell membranes adequate amounts of colamine phosphates such as Calcium-AEP. Conversely, restoring levels of Ca-AEP to proper levels has been shown to improve cell membrane integrity and produce actions that are both therapeutic and preventive in nature. Among the diseases initiated or influenced by disturbances in cellular membranes are:
-Multiple Sclerosis.
-Inflammatory disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis.
-Diabetes, both Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) and Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM)
-Diabetic complications, including diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy
-Lung diseases and other conditions characterized by poor gaseous exchange in the alveoli.
You can get the correct assistance and with a real health program you can have a better life- But- the choice is yours- Prescribed Drugs or finding the real solution
Just a message
Who do we trust the most:
Local pharmacists: 96% Nurses: 95% Doctors: 93% Engineers: 88% Teachers: 88% Scientists: 84% Judges: 81% Weather forecasters: 81% Police: 77% Civil servants: 76% Ordinary person in the street: 67% Clergy / priests: 61% Economists: 60% Pollsters: 57% Charity chief executives: 51% EU Leaders: 51% Local councillors: 48% Business leaders: 47% Journalists: 44% Bankers: 41% Landlords of private property: 39% Government ministers: 36% Politicians: 27% Advertising executives: 24% Social media influencers: 11% -
This is why the world is not healthy- it is all about Prescribed drugs -and controlling your health.
Never put supplements in your mouth unless you know what your body needed and what your Methylations status are. Synthetic products is not healthy, and not part of your body. You need to know what is really wrong in your body,before you use anything. Only a real professional health practitioner with the right equipment will be able to find the real coarse and not reacting on the symptoms.
Don't jump on the wagon and start drinking Methylation products- this will also be bad- You need to use the full combination to finally get all the Vitamines, Amino Acids and Minerals you needed.
Our own Health products range- Exclusive from Quanlim Life.
Here is 'n video from Dr Berg - Methylation- We do all these tests at Qanlim Life-
We only make use of Suppliers who practise the following
We only purchase raw herbal ingredients from reputable manufacturers.
A signed certificate of analysis must accompany each ingredient.
Even from excellent sources, we occasionally reject a herbal extract because it does not meet our strict requirements.
All our products are manufactured in sterile environments.
We adhere to strict international Good Manufacturing Practices.
Our manufacturing facility is inspected by the Medicines Control Council on a regular basis.
Up to date batch records are kept on all manufactured products.
To ensure safety, shelf life and stability on our dermatological products, stability testing is done on a regular basis.