Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life/Lifeiselect - Health  01st May  2024

Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life/Lifeiselect - Health 01st May 2024

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Welcome to our weekly Quanlim Life- Health information and news for Farmers and families.  

Exclusive to Quanlim Life-  - LIFE-I-SELECT
PLEASE TAKE NOTE - We only give you a message in this weekly Article-
We are prohibited by the Health Professions Council’s ethical rule 23 from endorsing, preferring, supporting or marketing any specific medicine, or medical device. We give you message with the option to "READ MORE"

You've probably heard of antihistamines. They're medicines that tame allergy symptoms. But what are histamines? They're chemicals your immune system makes. Histamines act like bouncers at a club. They help your body get rid of something that's bothering you -- in this case, an allergy trigger, or "allergen." Histamines start the process that hustles those allergens out of your body or off your skin. They can make you sneeze, tear up, or itch -- whatever it takes to get the job done. They are part of your body's defense system. When you have allergies, some of your triggers -- such as pollen, pet dander, or dust -- seem harmless. But your immune system sees them as a threat and responds. Your body's intention -- to keep you safe -- is good. But its overreaction gives you those all-too-familiar allergy symptoms, which you then try to stop with an antihistamine.

First, it sends a chemical signal to "mast cells" in your skin, lungs, nose, mouth, gut, and blood. The message is, "Release histamines," which are stored in the mast cells.When they leave the mast cells, histamines boost blood flow in the area of your body the allergen affected. This causes inflammation, which lets other chemicals from your immune system step in to do repair work. Histamines then dock at special places called "receptors" in your body.The result? If your nose was affected -- say by pollen -- histamines prompt thin walls, called membranes, to make more mucus. You can get a runny or stuffy nose. And you'll sneeze. The mucus can also bother your throat and make you cough. Histamines can make your eyes and nose itch.

If you have a food allergy, histamines are in on that response process, too. When you accidentally eat or drink something you shouldn't, they'll work in your gut to trigger your allergic reaction. Some foods are also naturally high in histamines. These include aged and fermented foods and alcohol (especially red wine). Some people may be sensitive to that. "Histamine poisoning" can happen if you eat fish that weren't kept at safe temperatures and spoiled before you got them. Those fish can build up high levels of histamines, which can make you sick. Doctors call this "scombrotoxin fish poisoning," or SFP. It's not likely to happen with good food safety practices.

You need to eat food that is low in Hitamines.

It time to go and visit a real Professional Healthcare Practitioner- you need to sort out the Reason - not the symptoms. 

Please stay away from all these Quick Fixes- 
Moenie n pil in jou mond sit as jy NIE presies weet wat die oorsaak is NIE. EN......maak seker jou liggaam verteer die Pil- en lees die NEW EFFEKTE - 
Dis jou liggaam pas dit op. Wees dankbaar as jy gesond voel.. gesond is .. en Gesond lyk..
Bly weg van maatskappye wat op grond van 'n paar vra jou eie Vitamines wil meng- Dis onverantwoordelik en selfvernietiging.
BOTOX-( BAD)  you may look good-  maybe no wrinkles anymore - maybe younger -  no more sacking or hanging- but we surely want to see your expressions and emotions as well not that stiff smile. 

Verwerping deur jou eie mense- jou eie bloed is seker een van die slegste ondervindings wat daar is. Dis 'n gevoel wat jy aan niemand kan verduidelik nie.
Jy moet jouself grasie gee en koester in tye wanneer die gevoel van verwerping jou oorheers. Ons is 75% geprogrammeer om eerste negatief te dink en dis hoekom ons onmiddellik voel die wêreld het in duie gestort sodra ons nie die verwagte uitkoms kry nie. Dit is in hierdie oomblikke waar ’n verhouding verbrokkel het, ’n werksaansoek onsuksesvol was, of ’n toekenning jou ontglip het, dat jy eerder jouself moet opbou, op jou sterk eienskappe fokus en die emosies opsy sit. Koester jouself, hergroepeer en sien dit as terugvoer.
Jy moenie toelaat dat die negatiewe uitslag jou toekoms definieer of bepaal nie. Jy weet nou dat niks in die lewe persoonlik is nie, en dat daar soveel buitefaktore is wat ’n invloed op bepaalde uitslae het. Daarom kan jy elke keer opstaan en van rigting verander, totdat jy die verlangde resultaat kry.
Hierdie is kenmerke van iemand wat aan verwerping lei.
Ek doen my werk baie goed … Ek voel almal is teen my …. Ek voel verworpe …Ek voel maklik misbruik …
Ek vergewe nie maklik nie ….Ek kan nogal verbitterd raak … En soms ‘n bietjie wraakneming …
Minderwaardig, soms … Nie ‘n baie goeie selfbeeld nie …Makliker liewer vir diere as vir mense …..
Bang om weer in verhouding te staan …Selfbejammering, soms …Ek ontsnap maklik in ‘n droomwêreld …
Rook en drink om te ontspan …Go Getter ...
Emosioneel kan dit manifisteer in volgende siekte : Gewasse .... Arteritis ....Gewrigsontsteking .....Kanker ...Suikersiekte ......
Hou jou liggaam gesond- daar is net een van jou. Moenie jou liggaam en gesondheid aan enige iemand toevertrou nie- Jy is Uniek- Jy sit nie 'n pil in jou mond as jy nie weet wat presies fout in jou liggaam nie-en of dit verteer nie.
Jou gesondheid is jou verantwoordelikheid- en nie jou mediesefonds nie.
Kunsmatige intelligensie (KI) kan ingespan word om mense gesonder te kry en langer te laat leef, glo die Mediese Skema.
Dit sal ’n gebruiker se gesondheidsinligting gebruik om ’n persoonlike plan uit te werk. Die app sal byvoorbeeld die beste gewoontes of optredes aan die gebruiker voorstel. ’n Speletjie-benadering is ontwerp om die proses prettig te maak.
Gebruikers sal byvoorbeeld ’n aanbeveling kry om op ’n gegewe dag 5 000 treë te stap, die dokter te besoek, of ’n raming van hul gesondheids ouderdom te doen. Alle om die sisteem aan die gang te hou.
Daar is ook 'n toets vir geestesgesondheid wat via die app gedoen kan word.
Hiervolgens word geestesgesondheidsrisiko’s geëvalueer gegrond op die resultate van die toets en kliniese data. Op grond daarvan gee die app dan aanbevelings oor die volgende stappe, soos om ’n afspraak met ’n dokter of sielkundige te maak, of om ’n virtuele afrigtingsessie met ’n opgeleide gesondheidsorgwerker by te woon om simptome te bespreek.
Alles gaan net oor simptome... en om die sisteem aan die gang te hou en te sorg dat daar werk is..Solank jy jou premier betaal.
Wil jy as mens deur 'n APP beheer word- daar is net een van jou.
Pas jou gesondheid op- dis jou lyf- dis privaat en jy het nie iemand nodig om jou op te pas nie- onthou alles gaan oor simptome en om solank as moontlik geld uit jou lyf te maak.
If you have a tattoo. Just read this. Again. It's just a message. You decide. The popularity of tattoos is only growing.
With the amount of popularity regarding tattoos, there has been controversy surrounding whether or not tattoo ink is safe. Certain pigment colors are thought to contain metals; sometimes, it’s even possible that tattoo ink contains mercury and lead! When a tattoo is removed with lasers the ink particles are shattered and broken down then being flushed out by the lymphatic system.
When tattoo ink contains mercury, lead or other metals, flushing through the body is a toxic endeavor!
Whatever you put on your skin.. or in your skin will eventually reach your liver and your limf will deal with it.
No matter what the person said regarding the safety of the ink.. it's not safe.
Its your body ..your choice. Whatever emotions forced you to get a tattoo will eventually force you to get rid of this toxins in your body that is slowly intoxicated you.
Don't be a fool. Take care of your body.
Don't be fooled by the people who did this art on your body believing that it is safe.
A full Methylation scan and test will assist you in knowing the status of your genes and DNA. This is the only way to find out what is wrong in your DNA- No blood Test- 
and with our knowledge of Epic Genetics we will assist you in getting rid of this irritation.
The higher your Histamine- the lower you Methylation-  the higher your Homocysteine - and the result is a Income for the Medical profession and a unhealthy unbalanced body for you.
Only one way to treat it- Let us assist you.

Heavy metals, elements like mercury and lead that are denser than water, are present in many everyday items, particularly if you live in a home built before the 1980s. Acute or chronic exposure can lead to heavy metal poisoning, a serious medical problem.
Heavy metal poisoning occurs when heavy metals build up in the body and negatively affect tissues and organs. Inside cells, heavy metals generate free radicals, causing oxidative damage that can harm or even kill the cells, which causes side effects and health problems.
Metal amalgam fillings are one of the top ways most South Africans are exposed to heavy metals. Biological dentists understand the urgency of safely removing these fillings using specialized protocols to keep the patient safe from the heavy metal toxicity of amalgam fillings.
The symptoms of heavy metal exposure in the body are digestive problems (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) and nervous system problems (tingling in hands and feet, numbness, lack of coordination, memory problems).
It’s also important to remove the source of the toxic metals. Otherwise, the patient will continue to be exposed and potentially become poisoned again. In the case of mercury amalgam fillings, the amalgam will continue to release mercury and other heavy metals until it’s removed.
We saw this in our practise everyday and we cannot believe what these people tell us about all the advice they got from very clever people.
Again- only one way to get rid of this metals- the right way.
Mercury amalgam fillings should only be removed by a dentist specifically trained in the safe removal of amalgam fillings. If a practitioner without proper training removes amalgam fillings, the patient and the dental staff can be exposed to highly toxic mercury vapors.
Root canal is very dangerous  according to  years of research and not that safe anymore  and very expensive and a good income for the Dentist - The side effects of this is enormous and only visible after years and it will affect your health..


Your spine is an important bone structure that supports your body and helps you walk, twist and move. Your spine is made up of vertebrae (bones), disks, joints, soft tissues, nerves and your spinal cord. Exercises can strengthen the core muscles that support your spine and prevent back injuries and pain. The spine, or backbone, is a bony structure that supports your body. It connects different parts of your musculoskeletal system, which includes your body’s bones and muscles. Your spine helps you sit, stand, walk, twist and bend. 

What are the parts of the spine?

  • Vertebrae: Your spine has 33 stacked vertebrae (small bones) that form the spinal canal. The spinal canal is a tunnel that houses your spinal cord and nerves, protecting them from injury. Most vertebrae move to allow for a range of motion. The lowest vertebrae (sacrum and coccyx) are fused together and don’t move.
  • Facet joints: These spinal joints have cartilage (a slippery connective tissue) that allows vertebrae to slide against each other. Facet joints let you twist and turn, and they provide flexibility and stability.
  • Intervertebral disks: These flat, round cushions sit between the vertebrae and act as your spine’s shock absorbers. Each disk has a soft, gel-like center (nucleus pulposus) surrounded by a flexible outer ring (annulus fibrosus). Intervertebral disks are under constant pressure, which may cause the nucleus pulposus to squeeze out and contact nerves, leading to symptoms like sciatica.
  • Spinal cord and nerves: Your spinal cord is a column of nerves that travels through your spinal canal. The cord extends from your skull to your lower back. Thirty-one pairs of nerves branch out through vertebral openings (neural foramen). These nerves carry messages between your brain and muscles.
  • Soft tissues: Ligaments connect the vertebrae to hold your spine in position. Muscles support your spine and help you move. Tendons connect muscles to bone and help prevent muscle injury while aiding in movement.

Strong back muscles can protect your spine and prevent spine conditions. Try to do back-strengthening and stretching exercises at least twice a week. Exercises like planks strengthen your core (abdominal, side and back muscles) to give your spine more support.

Other protective measures include:

  • Bending your knees and keeping your back straight when lifting items.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Using good posture (sitting up straight, not slouching).


Oorgewig- is 'n baie groot probleem en dis in meeste gevalle die abnormale gebruik van koolhidrate and suiker- daardie lekker van die lekker.
’n Hoë inname van koolhidraatryke kosse kan jou watergewig beïnvloed. Een gram koolhidrate benodig ongeveer 3 g water om as glikogeen (jou liggaam se energiereserwes) gestoor te word.
Baie mense dink egter verkeerdelik dat ’n baie lae koolhidraat dieet jou help om vet te verloor, omdat die skaal se naald sak, terwyl dit dikwels net watergewig is wat afgeskei word soos die glikogeenreserwes opgebruik word en minder dan gestoor word.
Onthou dat wat jy op die skaal sien ’n kombinasie is van vetmassa, spiermassa en minerale is.
Vetmassa is waarna meeste mense verwys as hulle sê hulle wil gewig verloor. Te veel vetselle, veral rondom die organe (genoem viserale vet), is gevaarlik en verhoog ons risiko op metaboliese siektes.
Dis dus nie ’n slegte idee om van daardie tipe vetgewig te wil ontslae raak as dit oortollig is nie. - dis eintlik 'n moet- die manne met hulle groot boeppense
Spiermassa is egter die tipe ‘gewig’ wat ons wil behou, maar ongelukkig dikwels verloor as kitsdiete gevolg word. Een kilogram spiere is egter baie meer kompak as een kilogram vet, omdat spierweefsel baie digter is, en spierweefsel is ook baie meer metabolies aktief is (verbruik dus meer energie) as vetmassa.
Jy het Suurstof nodig om gewig te verloor- net een manier en die regte manier
Wees gewaarsku-
Bly weg van sekere voorgeskrewe "drugs" wat deur PHARMA bemark word vir gewigsverlies-  Jy gaan beslis gewig verloor- maar jou spiermassa gaan moontlik ook weg wees.
Gaan lees maar eers die newe effekte voor jy enigsins verder kyk.
Sosiale media is vol van baie slim mense wat vir jou baie stories vertel oor gewigsverlies- duur programme- allerhande rate en metodes en "quick fixes" en in baie gevalle gaan jy weer gewig optel.
Jy is uniek- Daar is 'n rede hoekom jy oorgewig is- dalk baie redes- en voor jy nie weet wat die rede is nie- gaan jy jou geld mors... kry eers die oorsaak reg en volg dan 'n program wat presies by jou liggaam aanpas.
Jou DNA speel 'n baie belangrike rol in jou algemene gesondheid en gewig - 
Moenie 'n pil in jou mond sit as jy nie weet wat presies fout is in jou liggaam nie.

Its time that you read all the SIDE EFFECTS if your Prescribed Drugs-  it's not that simple- it's serious. 



Never put supplements in your mouth unless you know what your body needed and what your Methylations status are. Synthetic products is not healthy, and not part of your body. You need to know what is really wrong in your body,before you use anything. Only a real professional health practitioner with the right equipment will be able to find the real coarse and not reacting on the symptoms.

Don't jump on the wagon and start drinking Methylation products- this will also be bad- You need to use the full combination to finally get all the Vitamines, Amino Acids and Minerals you needed.

Quanlim Life do a FULL SCAN - of your whole body.  BOOK your session today - 

25 years of real Health - www.lifeiselect.co.za
It's always good to see happy healthy clients when they come back and they feel better and look better. It's not easy to keep cancer patients positive while getting chemo. We always do our best to assist them and support them. To see how these people get better ..feel better..and start living again is such a privilege. They always come back and they maintain their health. Most of changed their habits and walking a new path. Satisfied and thankful for the knowledge we obtained over 20 years of practical health experience.
Let us assist you in getting your real Health back. We are getting great results on our exclusive methylation scanning  program- what a pleasure to get to the root of the problem. You need to feel good about yourself- you need to be healthy and look healthy- 
Let us assist you in getting to the ROOT of your problem
Thanks for all the positive replies - 
By ons is jy spesiaal- en wil ons jou gesond sien- Vry van al die kwale en allerhande Sintetiese pille en voorgeskrewe pille wat jou liggaam verniel en jou ontneem van 'n gesonde liggaam. 
Saamgestel deur Johann Pretorius -  
Professionele Gesondheidspraktisyn Pretoria - Gesonde gesondheid sorg- en 25 jaar van praktiese ondervinding
You can book at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Our Name on our products -  Q-JOHANN
We only give you a message- you need to do more research to understand - You are responsible for your Health - don't be a sheep to follow the crowd and make sure you know what is wrong in your body before you only treat the symptoms - we live in 2024 .
 Our own Health products range- Exclusive from Quanlim Life and Life i select
We have our own EXCLUSIVE range of  real healthy Supplements-   Only available in our Practise if we know what is wrong inside your body.
Good quality-
1) Pure Bile
2) Tissue Renowal
3) Quanlim Greens
4) Betaine Hydrochloride acid ( Exclusive)
5) Methylated Folate
6) Ultimate Digest.
7) Methylated B12
8) Ultimate Maintenance
9) Methylated HOMOSYSTEINE - Assist. 
10) Colon Assist
11) Neuro Sciatica assist. 
12) Histamine assist.
13) P5P - 
More coming up- Not available in the open market 


We only make use of Suppliers who practise the following

We only purchase raw herbal ingredients from reputable manufacturers.
A signed certificate of analysis must accompany each ingredient.
Even from excellent sources, we occasionally reject a herbal extract because it does not meet our strict requirements.
All our products are manufactured in sterile environments.
We adhere to strict international Good Manufacturing Practices.
Our manufacturing facility is inspected by the Medicines Control Council on a regular basis.
Up to date batch records are kept on all manufactured products.
To ensure safety, shelf life and stability on our dermatological products, stability testing is done on a regular basis.


Regulation 42(4) prohibits any off-label statements. This means, any indication for which a product is not registered for that use by SAHPRA – the medicines regulatory authority. Any person or entity, are offences in terms of section 29 of the Medicines Act, which could attract fines or even imprisonment. What is permitted are disease awareness campaigns, which we as a company fully support, as they benefit public health, if the public and patients are empowered. Disease awareness activities may however not lead to the support, endorsement or recommendation, specifically or by implication, of any specific schedule 2 to 6 medicine. South Africa.

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