Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life/Lifeiselect - Health  05th June  2024

Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life/Lifeiselect - Health 05th June 2024

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Welcome to our weekly Quanlim Life- Health information and news for Farmers and families.  

Exclusive to Quanlim Life-  - LIFE-I-SELECT
PLEASE TAKE NOTE - We only give you a message in this weekly Article-
(Thankyou for the great response on this Weekly Article)
People are sick- they called it "VARKGRIEP" and they stay sick for weeks- Some end up in the Hospital for the symptoms.  It is important that you do not wait -
You need to take the correct action- This is all to do with your blood.. and a few other things- be wide awake.
Malnutrition, in all its forms, includes undernutrition (wasting, stunting, underweight), inadequate vitamins or minerals, overweight and obesity. South Africa has undergone a nutritional transition over the past 30 years characterised by the triple burden of malnutrition: households are simultaneously experiencing undernutrition, hidden hunger, and overweight or obesity due to nutrient-poor diets. 
Results of the first in-depth, nationwide study into food and nutrition since 1994, the National Food and Nutrition Security Survey, found almost half the adult population of South Africa were overweight or obese.
While there was sufficient food to feed everyone through domestic production and imports, many families and individuals went to bed on empty stomachs.
Due to high unemployment figures, families relied on social grants to buy basic food items. Many tended to buy food with little nutritional value to avoid hunger.
The survey, conducted by the Human Sciences Research Council, was commissioned by the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development to map hunger and malnutrition hotspots in the country.
Data was collected from more than 34 500 households between 2021 and 2023. Close to 100 indicators were used to compile the report.
Carrying excess weight poses a number of health risks. It increases the dangers of high blood pressure, high triglyceride levels, coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, sleep apnoea, and respiratory problems.
People are overweight if their body mass index, a measure of body fat based on height and weight, is greater than 25.
Obese adults have a body mass index greater than 30.
Some of the significant findings were:
69% of obese adults lived in food insecure households where families had little dietary choices and were forced to eat food with little nutritional value.
More than two-thirds (67.9%) of females were either overweight or obese. There were higher incidences of obesity among women than men.
Adults aged 35 to 64 years had a significantly greater prevalence of obesity than younger age groups. This could be explained by differences in metabolism and the fact that youngsters are more active than adults.
KwaZulu-Natal reported a higher prevalence of obesity (39.4%) compared to the other provinces. More research is needed to explore this finding and whether cultural factors are behind this.
The survey period overlapped with the tail-end of Covid-19. Focus group discussions took place in all districts where data was collected to assess the effects of the pandemic.
The survey found that the swift responses by government through various relief programmes significantly reduced the exposure of families to extreme poverty and food insecurity during this period.
Moving forward
Obesity is a global problem. A new study released by the Lancet showed that, in 2022, more than 1 billion people in the world were living with obesity.
Worldwide, obesity among adults had more than doubled since 1990, and had quadrupled among children and adolescents (5 to 19 years of age).

PLEASE- Stay away from any FAT BURNING PILLS and all these QUICK FIXES.  And as we always say- don't put a pil in your mouth unless you know what is wrong)
We are prohibited by the Health Professions Council’s ethical rule 23 from endorsing, preferring, supporting or marketing any specific medicine, or medical device. We give you message with the option to "READ MORE" 
Social media is full of information- METHYLATION. We talk about the basics of methylation, how if affects you and how you can use this information to improve your overall health, reduce brain fog, improve sleep and enhance longevity. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR; EC 1.5. 1.20) plays a central role in folate and homocysteine metabolism by catalyzing the conversion of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, the primary circulatory form of folate which is utilized in homocysteine remethylation to methionine. Doctors may recommend dietary and lifestyle changes to help offset any resulting nutritional deficiencies in people with an MTHFR variant. People with high homocysteine levels due to folate or vitamin B12 deficiencies can take folate or vitamin B12, respectively and 2 more ingredients. Before you start buying all these products make sure you know the status of you health and your digestive system.
You are unique - don;t let anybody make money out of your health unless you know what is your health status.
The Methylation report on the medical is full colour- lots of codes and lots of information- and it will cost you almost R5000.00
Let us assist you with your methylation - We have the correct product to treat this after we did a full scan.
Jou Lewe
Die wereld is vol siek mense- en die meeste weet nie eers daarvan totdat die simptome hulle tref en dan kos dit geld- hard verdiende geld wat spandeer word op elke metode wat daar bestaan om te sien waar is die fout- en dan word dit aangespreek deur "drugs" of 'n operasie om iets te verwyder wat nog meer komplikasie het.
Dis is jou as ouer se plig om te sorg dat jou kinders reg eet en drink en weet wat dit is om gesond te lewe terwyl hulle nog onder jou sorg is.
As jy gesond lewe- reg eet en drink en jou liggaam se gesondheid instant hou sal jy gesonde kinders in die lewe bring. Teen die pas wat ongesonde kinders gebore word deur ongesonde ouers gaan ons groot gesondheidsprobleme hê in die toekoms.
Bly weg van "supplements" as jy nie presies weet wat jou liggaam nodig het- en of dit wel verteer nie. Moenie 'n pil in jou mond sit as jy nie presies weet wat in jou liggaam fout is nie . Om simptome te behandel is nie die oplossing nie. Jy is uniek.
Ons maandelikse inligtings seminare is 'n "eye opener" vir elkeen wat dit bywoon. Dis lekker om te sien hoe mense reageer rondom ware Gesondheid en begin om verantwoordelikheid te neem vir hulle eie gesondheid . Saam met dit sien ons hoe mense met 'n ander oog kyk na die onverskillige gebruik
"supplements" en die newe effekte van dit en PHARMA se voorgeskrewe "drugs" - Saam met dit besef mense dat hulle moet ophou om simptome te wil behandel as liewer na die oorsaak te kyk.
Ons lewe in 2024- en baie dinge is verkeerd aan oorgedra in die verlede deur 'n sisteem wat ons wil beheer en beheer en uit ons liggame wil geld maak.
Dankie vir al die positiewe reaksie en opmerkings- osn wil jou gesond sien-
Consuming alcohol and adrenal fatigue have one thing in common – raised cortisol levels. A study indicated that alcohol and adrenal fatigue are closely linked when it comes to the production of stress hormones because stress, the HPA axis, and cortisol production are negatively influenced by alcoholism, as high alcohol consumption can result in neurotoxicity. But it is not only alcohol abuse that comes into play, as sudden abstinence may also increase your body’s perception of stress.
Constantly high levels of cortisol may damage neurons, increasing your vulnerability to other situations which in turn may do the same. This may result in a loss of certain memory functions. These are common symptoms found in older people, but it would seem alcohol consumption may have a similar effect.
Furthermore, research indicates that cortisol levels in the brain remain high for a long period after alcohol consumption is stopped, even although levels in the blood may seem normal. Once these cortisol levels go down, however, the body goes into a state of stress once more and exhibits feelings of anxiety, sleep disturbances, and generally feeling unwell. In effect, you have withdrawal symptoms.
Those who cease their alcohol consumption numerous times tend to show greater neurological damage as their bodies are forced through this cycle again and again.
Interestingly, the highest levels of cortisol in the brain are found in the hippocampus which is connected to the hypothalamus, which is part of your HPA axis and which plays a fundamental role in cortisol regulation and adrenal fatigue.
It is thus clear that the consumption of alcohol and adrenal fatigue are closely related in their relationship to high levels of cortisol, withdrawal symptoms, and the associated neurological damage.
Its your life- it your health- if you want ot be in the hand of PHARMA then you need to Leave this addiction.
A full Methylation scan and test will assist you in knowing the status of your genes and DNA. This is the only way to find out what is wrong in your DNA- No blood Test- 
and with our knowledge of Epic Genetics we will assist you in getting rid of this irritation.
The higher your Histamine- the lower you Methylation-  the higher your Homocysteine - and the result is a Income for the Medical profession and a unhealthy unbalanced body for you.
Only one way to treat it- Let us assist you.

Elke dag sien ons met watter gemak mense allerhande pille in hulle mond sit sonder om die gevolge daarvan te oordink . Sosiale media en "Mr google" is die plek waar hulle meestal se diagnoseer met hulle huidige simptome. Niemand kan jou op die oog diagnoseer nie- en allerhande toetse is ook simptome gekonsentreer.
Maak nie saak wat die prys van jou "supplements" kos nie- Maak nie saak wie dit gemaak het nie- maak nie saak wie dit vir jou op "vraelys" voorberei het nie- Maak nie saak wat binne in die produk is nie-maak nie saak wat dit gaan doen aan jou toestand nie-
Jy moet baie mooi dink voor jy sommer enige pil in jou mond sit voor jy nie weet wat die oorsaak is van jou simptome nie en wat die pil in ou liggaam gaan doen.
Newe effekte kom partymaal eers op 'n latere stadium voor.
Ons sien elke dag hoe duur produkte aangebied word in mooi mooi verpakkings en allerhande "sexy" bottels met baie beloftes.
Pas jou liggaam op- wees verantwoordelik en besoek 'n professionele gesondheidspraktisyn met jare se ondervinding.

Itchiness a neurological response, which means that it is not a response to something on the skin itself. The immune system attacks the nerve tissues in the brain and spinal cord. This can cause changes in the nerves elsewhere in the body.
Alongside itching, a person may experience sensations of:
burning and heat
Scratching does not relieve the itch, and it may even make the sensation worse.
You need to visit a Professional Health Care practitioner with years of practical experience to the get to the source of the problem.

 Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life/Lifeiselect - Health 29th May 2024


The cells in the body are often referred to as the ‘’building blocks of life.’’ There over 200 different types of cells that make up the different areas of the body including the muscles, bones, and organs. The cells are responsible for converting nutrients into energy and keeping the body healthy and thriving. First and foremost, we cannot live without an abundance of healthy cells versus malfunctioning cells in the body.

The cell membrane is the cell's outermost line of defense against viruses. Cell membranes are just a few nanometres thick but are essential for life. They serve as a barrier between the cell's interior and its surrounding environment and host many activities necessary for cell function.  If the cell membranes are more resistant to viral entry it would slow down the progress of viral infection and reduce its harmful effects.

 For a virus to spread, it must first find a way into a cell. Therefore, it is important to do all that we can do to ensure the optimal health of our cells, especially the integrity of the cell walls, and protect them from damage by the production of free radicals from oxidative stress caused by lifestyle factors, a poor diet, toxin exposure and chronic stress. Good cell health is essential for the body to function properly. If you do not, then internal processes will become sluggish and lead to illness or poor health.

The Function of Cells in the Body

The body's 75 trillion cells (nerve cells, blood cells, muscle cells, bone cells, etc.) are all working together, day and night. Cells combine to form many different types of tissues that enable us to eat, breathe, feel, move, think, and reproduce. There are around 200 different types of specialized cells with specific functions throughout the body such as in:  the brain, the heart, the blood, the muscles, the liver, the eyes, and more. All these cells communicate with each other and rely on these communications to keep us alive. Each cell must perform specific tasks to collaborate effectively with other cells in the body and each cell must make the molecules it needs to maintain the integrity of the cell wall, survive, grow, multiply, and do its job. In our bodies, cells are constantly being damaged, dying, and being replaced — even in healthy people.

 The Body Signals When Cellular Malfunction is Occurring

Our body tells us when it is having trouble. We must recognize the signals by listening for them and then not ignoring them until the problem becomes serious enough to cause a severe decline in our health. Often the warning signs are evident in our physical appearance — we just do not look like we feel well. Other signs include:

-Low energy level or fatigue

-Aches and pains

-Skin problems & Allergies

-Digestion troubles

-Sleep difficulties

-Susceptibility to infections

-Mood, thought, or behavioural problems

-Weight issues

Let us assist you in getting to the real problem


Sukses en geld- Dis is die norm wat vandag geld in die besigheids wereld. Mense vertel jou eers wat die persoon se titel en wat hy besit -
Sukses begin in jou huis- Suksesvolle man- vrou en suksesvolle Pa of Ma- Liefde en omgee en absolute "support"
Daagliks sien mens die manne met hulle sogenaamde suksesvolle besighede in die media- "Show" op alle gebiede- Duur motors- plase- besighede- en by die huis 'n stukkende huisgesin.
Jou titel- Jou salaris- jou grade en toekenings - jou motors - jou huis en eiendom wat bestaan uit sement,kongreet, rubber, plastiek en metaal maak nie van jou 'n beter mens nie- Word wakker- wat jy geplant het gaan jy oes. Ons bly in 'n siek wereld-
Jy is nie skaap om ander mense te volg nie- nog minder om aan die lippe van sogenaamde suksevolle persone of sportmanne of sangers se lippe te hang nie. Aan jou vriende word geken. 
Staan by huisgesin- en by kinders- Wees 'n voorbeeld- Wees 'n MAN -
Sosiale media is vol van baie slim mense wat vir jou baie stories vertel oor gewigsverlies- duur programme- allerhande rate en metodes en "quick fixes" en in baie gevalle gaan jy weer gewig optel.
Jy is uniek- Daar is 'n rede hoekom jy oorgewig is- dalk baie redes- en voor jy nie weet wat die rede is nie- gaan jy jou geld mors... kry eers die oorsaak reg en volg dan 'n program wat presies by jou liggaam aanpas.
Jou DNA speel 'n baie belangrike rol in jou algemene gesondheid en gewig - 
Bly weg van al die programme  met al die beloftes- veral die wat so aanlyn spog.
Moenie 'n pil in jou mond sit as jy nie weet wat presies fout is in jou liggaam nie en of die pil verteer en of die pil newe effekte het. 
"FAT BURNERS"- is die laaste spyker in jou goeie gesondheid- die pille is nie geprogrammeer om net die VET weg te brand op die plekke wat jy dit wil he nie-
Dit brand  waarskynlik heel eerste in jou BREIN - dan verloor jy daardie vetselle- 

Its time that you read all the SIDE EFFECTS if your Prescribed Drugs-  it's not that simple- it's serious. 


Suid Afrika en sy nuwe mediese wet-

Niemand in Suid Afrika wil in enige staatshospitaal beland nie- inteendeel daar is sekere privaat hospitale wat ook nie meer so op standaard is nie.- Jy en net alleen is verantwoordelik vir jou gesondheid- en daarom moes jy al lankal 'n besluit geneem het om uit die hande van die mediese wereld te bly- Jou mediesefonds soek altyd redes om jou nie ten volle te betaal nie- Die mediesewereld het jou liggaam nodig om geld te maak- dis waarom jy beheer moet he oor jou gesondheid en dit onderhou-

Alternatiewe gesondheid het ook sy eie probleme- en moenie toelaat dat jy weereens op simptome behandel word nie- daar is baie metodes- maar daar is net 'n paar wat reg is.  Die mense in Gesondheidswinkels het baie kennis oor produkte- maar het nie kennis oor jou gesondheid nie. 


Never put supplements in your mouth unless you know what your body needed and what your Methylations status are. Synthetic products is not healthy, and not part of your body. You need to know what is really wrong in your body,before you use anything. Only a real professional health practitioner with the right equipment will be able to find the real coarse and not reacting on the symptoms.

Don't jump on the wagon and start drinking Methylation products- this will also be bad- You need to use the full combination to finally get all the Vitamines, Amino Acids and Minerals you needed.

Quanlim Life do a FULL SCAN - of your whole body.  BOOK your session today - 

25 years of real Health - www.lifeiselect.co.za
It's always good to see happy healthy clients when they come back and they feel better and look better. It's not easy to keep cancer patients positive while getting chemo. We always do our best to assist them and support them. To see how these people get better ..feel better..and start living again is such a privilege. They always come back and they maintain their health. Most of changed their habits and walking a new path. Satisfied and thankful for the knowledge we obtained over 20 years of practical health experience.
Let us assist you in getting your real Health back. We are getting great results on our exclusive methylation scanning  program- what a pleasure to get to the root of the problem. You need to feel good about yourself- you need to be healthy and look healthy- 
Let us assist you in getting to the ROOT of your problem
Thanks for all the positive replies - 
By ons is jy spesiaal- en wil ons jou gesond sien- Vry van al die kwale en allerhande Sintetiese pille en voorgeskrewe pille wat jou liggaam verniel en jou ontneem van 'n gesonde liggaam. 
Saamgestel deur Johann Pretorius -  
Professionele Gesondheidspraktisyn Pretoria - Gesonde gesondheid sorg- en 25 jaar van praktiese ondervinding
You can book at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Our Name on our products -  Q-JOHANN
We only give you a message- you need to do more research to understand - You are responsible for your Health - don't be a sheep to follow the crowd and make sure you know what is wrong in your body before you only treat the symptoms - we live in 2024 .
 Our own Health products range- Exclusive from Quanlim Life and Life i select
We have our own EXCLUSIVE range of  real healthy Supplements-   Only available in our Practise if we know what is wrong inside your body.
Good quality-
1) Pure Bile
2) Tissue Renowal
3) Quanlim Greens
4) Betaine Hydrochloride acid ( Exclusive)
5) Methylated Folate
6) Ultimate Digest.
7) Methylated B12
8) Ultimate Maintenance
9) Methylated HOMOSYSTEINE - Assist. 
10) Colon Assist
11) Neuro Sciatica assist. 
12) Histamine assist.
13) P5P - 
More coming up- Not available in the open market 


We only make use of Suppliers who practise the following

We only purchase raw herbal ingredients from reputable manufacturers.
A signed certificate of analysis must accompany each ingredient.
Even from excellent sources, we occasionally reject a herbal extract because it does not meet our strict requirements.
All our products are manufactured in sterile environments.
We adhere to strict international Good Manufacturing Practices.
Our manufacturing facility is inspected by the Medicines Control Council on a regular basis.
Up to date batch records are kept on all manufactured products.
To ensure safety, shelf life and stability on our dermatological products, stability testing is done on a regular basis.


Regulation 42(4) prohibits any off-label statements. This means, any indication for which a product is not registered for that use by SAHPRA – the medicines regulatory authority. Any person or entity, are offences in terms of section 29 of the Medicines Act, which could attract fines or even imprisonment. What is permitted are disease awareness campaigns, which we as a company fully support, as they benefit public health, if the public and patients are empowered. Disease awareness activities may however not lead to the support, endorsement or recommendation, specifically or by implication, of any specific schedule 2 to 6 medicine. South Africa.

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