Welcome to our weekly Quanlim Life- Health information and news for Farmers and families.
In 2018 we started a program with 2 International Doctors in Europe and the USA regarding our immune system. We did it through our patients and clients. Vit D is needed for more than 130 receptors in your body. One of the most important vitamins. If you sit 15 to 20 minutes in the sun you will generate almost 35000 iu . Most of the people don't come in the sun anymore.. but the most important side is red light that is so important for your Melatonin levels because Melatonin is the building blocks of your immune system and the most important antioxidant. You destroy your Melatonin everyday with all the blue light you generate on your smartphone,PC,LED lights and all the gadgets. Your body makes melatonin and no pill will assist you. Its synthetic.
With your sleeping pill it's even worse because your will never go through the cleaning process. That is the main reason why so many people don't sleep well. It's much easier to pop a drug pill than healing the coarse.
It is good to light candles and sit in front of an open fire.. but without your smart phone. Enjoy the moment and relax and look into the fire. The world is sick and the smartphone is the real culprit.
We found very bad immune systems in most of all our patients even those who think they smart by drinking all kinds of immune boosters. Most of the patients’ immune system is always busy fighting toxins and inflammation. All these cognitive diseases of Pharma is part of this problem. Your immune system need to be balanced. Only one way to balance it. Start by getting red light and stop using your smartphone so much. Much more detailed information available. You are unique. A full scan will reveal your real status.
"BOEPPENSE" is all around- and it’s not only so called old people- its young men and women and children – It’s a "TIME BOMB " No matter what you read on social media, or hear from Doctors or Health shops. YES- you need to act now- and please don't run to the GYM- or a so called Weight loss program - or any other quick fixes or expensive pre-made meals. Yes you need to control your meals, but you don't know what they put in the meals to taste better- and they tell you a different story.
Your Stress levels is too high you need to fix that first. But it is not so easy. Only one way.. the correct way.
Apart from looking bad from the outside ..imagine the picture from inside. No quick fixes will help. You need to get to the root before spending all your money on what you hear and see.
These youngsters will eventually be part of Pharma when they reach their late forties .. and that is very expensive and you will surely kept alive by treating the symptoms.
Act now.. health is a choice
Daar gaan nie 'n dag verby dat ons nie n persoon in ons praktyk sien wat nie 'n Gene probleem het nie. Die skrikwekkend om te sien wat se pille hierdie mense gebruik wat voorgeskryf word en nog steeds is hulle siek. Want die regte probleem word nooit aangespreek nie. Dis net die simptome wat beheer word. Jy doen jou gesondheid meer skade as jy alles drink wat sogenaamde wyse mense vir jou gee. Moenie naive wees en deel wees van die mense wat alles drink en gebruik wat hulle in die media sien nie. Jy kan nie jouself suksesvol diagnoseer nie. Ons Methylation toetse is akkuraat en effektief. Ons sal jou liggaam die regte roumateriaal gee om die proses weer reg te laat verloop . Moenie met jou gesondheid speel nie. Jy is uniek en net een van jouself. Jy het nodig om siek te wees as jy oud word nie. "We practise what we preach." Elke dag wat jy uitstel doen meer skade. Quanlimlife gee om want ons verander jou gesondheid in die regte rigting.
Quanlim- Life make use of 3 Highly effective International devices to get to the root of your health problem. We work on DNA level- We will assist you in getting your body in balance and sort out the real problem. We will give you the correct Raw material your body needed- We will assist you in creating more Stem cells according to you natural processing style and more. Don't be naive in diagnose yourself and only reacting on symptoms. Do not put a pill in your mouth unless you know what is the real problem. Read labels and read the ingredients and ask questions. You not programmed and you are unique- what work for other will not work for you- Read the side effects of you Prescribed drugs. People who are healthy must look healthy - and act healthy- What you preach you must practice-
A bombshell new global study of 2.7 billion people has determined that COVID-19 did not cause any excess deaths during or after the pandemic, despite widespread claims to the contrary from health agencies around the world. However, the same explosive study has revealed that Covid mRNA shots, which were supposedly unleashed on the public to tackle the virus, have caused millions of excess deaths globally. The study, conducted by researchers from the Canadian non-profit Correlation Research in the Public Interest and the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières, found that the excess all-cause mortality in 125 countries is incompatible with a pandemic viral respiratory disease. The researchers analyzed excess mortality across the world during the pandemic years of 2020 to 2023. The study found that the COVID-19 virus itself did not cause any increase in excess death rates. Excess mortality is a term used in epidemiology and public health that refers to the number of deaths from all causes during a crisis above and beyond what we would have expected to see under “normal” conditions. It sounds like a real MAFIA .
The authors identify three primary causes of death associated with the excess all-cause mortality over this period. READ MORE
- Mandated measures such as lockdowns and masking
- Harmful medical interventions such as the use of ventilators and denial of the use of antibiotics
- Covid mRNA shots
Shingles is a painful skin rash. It is caused by the varicella zoster virus. Shingles usually appears in a band, a strip, or a small area on one side of the face or body. It is also called herpes zoster. Shingles is most common in older adults and people who have weak immune systems because of stress, injury, certain medicines, or other reasons. Most people who get shingles will get better and will not get it again. But it is possible to get shingles more than once. Shingles occurs when the virus that causes chickenpox starts up again in your body. After you get better from chickenpox, the virus "sleeps" (is dormant) in your nerve roots. In some people, it stays dormant forever. In others, the virus "wakes up" when disease, stress, or aging weakens the immune system. Some medicines may trigger the virus to wake up and cause a shingles rash. It is not clear why this happens. But after the virus becomes active again, it can only cause shingles, not chickenpox. You can't catch shingles from someone else who has shingles. But there is a small chance that a person with a shingles rash can spread the virus to another person who hasn't had chickenpox. Shingles symptoms happen in stages. At first you may have a headache or be sensitive to light. You may also feel like you have the flu but not have a fever. Later, you may feel itching, tingling, or pain in a certain area. That's where a band, strip, or small area of rash may occur a few days later. The rash turns into clusters of blisters. The blisters fill with fluid and then crust over. It takes 2 to 4 weeks for the blisters to heal, and they may leave scars. Some people only get a mild rash. And some do not get a rash at all. It's possible that you could also feel dizzy or weak. Or you could have long-term pain or a rash on your face, changes in your vision, changes in how well you can think, or a rash that spreads. If you have any of these problems from shingles, call your doctor right away.
Studies have revealed that a correlation exists between the liver and sleep patterns, with those suffering from liver problems such as cirrhosis and fatty liver disease often exhibiting disturbed or upset sleep patterns. Liver disease such as cirrhosis, can cause a whole plethora of symptoms. However, your liver doesn’t need to be that badly damaged to impact on sleep patterns. Sleep disturbances between 1-3am are often linked to the liver.
The liver plays a critical role when it comes to hormones. The liver isn’t responsible for secreting or producing hormones (numerous endocrine glands located around the body as well as organs such as the ovaries produce these) – but does deal with these hormones once they have served their purpose. Once the hormones circulating in the system have accomplished their task, whether it be triggering a stress reaction or getting a person ready for ovulation, they report to the liver, where they are broken down and deactivated – this prevents a hormonal imbalance from occurring.
When it comes to sleep patterns, many different hormones can have an effect but let’s look at the two main hormones that govern the sleep-wake cycle – cortisol and melatonin.
Cortisol is a stress hormone that is usually secreted just before you wake up in the morning so you feel refreshed and energised for the day ahead. Melatonin, on the other hand, is produced as natural light fades, helping you to feel relaxed and sleepy in preparation for bedtime.
The liver can influence these hormones in a couple of ways. People prone to stress or anxiety have elevated blood levels of cortisol, thereby increasing the liver’s workload when it comes to deactivating this particular hormone. In cases of chronic stress, the liver may become overwhelmed, meaning that excess cortisol may remain in the system for longer which not ideal for melatonin levels or sleep patterns!
Is it possible for excess melatonin to remain in the system like cortisol? Yes, but since cortisol is released as part of a stress reaction, higher levels of blood cortisol are more common. However, if a person is suffering from a troubled liver, it is possible that the liver may struggle to breakdown melatonin. This may result in increased bouts of daytime fatigue followed by night-time alertness when the liver finally gets around to deactivating the melatonin still circulating in the system. Glycogen is produced in the liver using leftover glucose (sugar) and is stored as an energy source that can be used by the body. For example, when your blood glucose levels start to fall, your liver can break glycogen down to release glucose into the bloodstream to help give your body some fuel.
Under normal circumstances, this system works well, however problems can arise. Stress can really take a toll on the liver because it depletes the liver’s stores of glycogen, which is used to produce stress hormones like adrenaline. Eventually, the liver will become fatigued from producing more and more glycogen, which will cause the blood sugar levels to become very high, upsetting sleep patterns. When blood glucose levels are high, the body secretes more insulin. When insulin levels are high, the liver produces more fat and cholesterol, which increases risk of developing NFLD.
We only make use of Suppliers who practise the following
We only purchase raw herbal ingredients from reputable manufacturers.
A signed certificate of analysis must accompany each ingredient.
Even from excellent sources, we occasionally reject a herbal extract because it does not meet our strict requirements.
All our products are manufactured in sterile environments.
We adhere to strict international Good Manufacturing Practices.
Our manufacturing facility is inspected by the Medicines Control Council on a regular basis.
Up to date batch records are kept on all manufactured products.
To ensure safety, shelf life and stability on our dermatological products, stability testing is done on a regular basis.
Regulation 42(4) prohibits any off-label statements. This means, any indication for which a product is not registered for that use by SAHPRA – the medicines regulatory authority. Any person or entity, are offences in terms of section 29 of the Medicines Act, which could attract fines or even imprisonment. What is permitted are disease awareness campaigns, which we as a company fully support, as they benefit public health, if the public and patients are empowered. Disease awareness activities may however not lead to the support, endorsement or recommendation, specifically or by implication, of any specific schedule 2 to 6 medicine. South Africa.