Welcome to our weekly Quanlim Life- Health information and news for Farmers and families.
Diabetic neuropathy, or nerve damage caused by diabetes, is one of the most common known causes of neuropathy. It is one of many complications associated with diabetes, with nearly 60 percent of diabetics having some form of nerve damage. It is a progressive disease that can involve loss of sensation, as well as pain and weakness, in the feet and sometimes in the hands. Peripheral neuropathy may be more prevalent in people who have difficulty managing their blood sugar levels, have high blood pressure, are overweight, and are over 40 years old. A clinical examination may identify early signs of neuropathy in diabetics without symptoms.
The first sign of diabetic neuropathy is usually numbness, tingling or pain in the feet, legs or hands. Over a period of several years, the neuropathy may lead to muscle weakness in the feet and a loss of reflexes, especially around the ankle. As the nerve damage increases, the loss of sensation in the feet can reduce a person's ability to detect temperature or to notice pain. Because the person can no longer notice when his/her feet become injured, people with diabetic neuropathy are more likely to develop foot problems such as skin lesions and ulcers that may become infected.
Diabetic neuropathy may suddenly flare up and affect a specific nerve or group of nerves. When this occurs, the result may be weakness and muscle atrophy in various parts of the body, such as involvement of the eye muscles or eyelid (e.g., causing double vision or a drooping eyelid) or thigh muscles. Alternatively, neuropathy caused by diabetes may slowly progress over time. It also can interfere with the normal functioning of the digestive system and sexual organs.
As jy 'n ware man en Pa is sal jy 'n voorbeeld wees van standvastigheid en liefde en ondersteuning as dit kom by jou vrou en kinders. Jy het geen reg om ongeskik te wees met jou vrou omdat jy oor een of ander probleem ongelukkig is - of sogenaamd "gestress" is en moontlik besig is om uitmekaar te val. Ondersteun jou vrou en respekteer haar- sy is die Ma van jou kinders. Jy verdien respek- en moenie dit verloor nie- want jy gaan dit nie weer terugkry nie- Moenie eers iets verloor waarvoor jy lief is en geld nie kan koop- voor jy besef wat jy gedoen het nie.

You not a sheep to follow- Take control of your health- You are in control
Die hele sosiale media is vol van mooi sterk jong manne en vroue wat vreeslik gesondheidsbewus is en so graag hulle lywe vir jou wil wys deur wat hulle reken gesond eet is. Dis waarskynlik waar - maar daar is geen manier hoe jy jouself gesond sal eet as jy nie die oorsaak van jou probleem op DNA vlak aanspreek nie. En as jy langer na hulle aanbieding kyk gaan hulle jou oortuig om een of ander wondermiddels te koop wat alles bevat. Of hulle bied jou 'n volledige duur ete aan wat jy sommer net kan warm maak. Jy is uniek- moenie val vir al hierdie mooi praaitjies nie- dit is alles om jou te maak koop- en daar is geen waarborg dat dit gaan werk nie. Wees verantwoordelik en weet dat jy uniek is-
Die nuutste gier is om vitamine in te "VAPE"- die nou wanneer jy dink jou liggaam is geprogrameer en daarby nog onverantwoordelik is om dit te doen en na-ive genoeg is om te glo. Jy is besig om jou liggaam langtermyn te vernietig- daarmee saam jou longe en stemselle en nog meer - BLY WEG - jy is in beheer.
Tydens hierdie omvattende prosedure verwyder die chirurg die einde van die femurbeen en heg ‘n metaalkappie in sy plek. Hierdie kappie word met beensement stewig in posisie gehou, wat stabiliteit en lang lewensduur verseker. Die prosedure behels ook die vervanging van die boonste einde van die tibiabeen. ‘n Chirurg sny hierdie deel uit en vervang dit met ‘n metaal tibia-bak. . Om hierdie bak stewig op sy plek te hou, word beensement weer gebruik.
Voor jy sommer gaan vir 'n knie vervanging- kry liewer 3 opinies van Dokters op verskeie plekke in die land- R300,000 is groot bedrag wat baie aanloklik lyk as daar nie baie stukkende kniee is nie.

When we look at objects like a computer or phone screen, the eyes and the muscles around the eyes are worked excessively as they are trying to adjust to the light that is emitted from the screen. This constant adjustment to quickly changing images or text is what causes the structures within the eye to get strained.
The use of cell phones has been linked to cancer of the eye by a German study. Another study has shown that these microwave exposures can cause cataracts. Besides the development of eye cancer, cell phone radiation can also be responsible for the formation of cataracts. Burning of the eyes, pain behind the eyes, ‘floaters’ (actually little bits of gel that detach themselves from the inside of the eye and float around), and a general deterioration of the vision are all hallmarks of damage caused by cell phone radiation. The human eye was not made to look at images we see on the television or phone. The adjustment it has to make is one of the greatest reasons for their deterioration. It is necessary to improve the circulation to our eyes and the optic nerves to keep them healthy, as they are constantly at work. Blue light is the most dangerous light for the retina, not only because it causes free radicals to form but pierces deeper into the eyes than UV light does, which allows it to damage the rods and cones in the eye. Blue light isn't easy to avoid. It is found in sunlight, LED and fluorescent lights, computer monitors, tablets, smart phones and more! The only protection is macular pigment, which absorbs the blue light and protects the delicate eye cells.

Probeer om elke dag iets nuuts te leer. 'n Skerp brein is 'n gelukkige brein. Dink aan jou brein as 'n spier; jy moet dit oefen om dit fiks te hou. Lees 'n boek. Leer 'n nuwe vaardigheid aan. Speel trivia. Maak van leer pret! Om bewustheidsoefeninge in jou daaglikse roetine in te sluit, is 'n goeie manier om stres te voorkom en jou veerkragtigheid te verhoog wanneer die lewe jou platslaan. Asemhalingstegnieke help nie net om aan jou brein suurstof te voorsien nie, maar help jou ook om meer in kontak te voel met jou fisiese liggaam. Dit is amper asof jy fisies kan voel hoe stres en spanning losgelaat word en jou nie langer gevange kan hou nie. As jy gesond wil wees, in beide gees en liggaam, moet jy ook gesond eet. As jy oorleef op gemorskos, beroof jy net jouself van gesondheid. Probeer om weg te bly van verwerkte voedsel en streef na 'n gebalanseerde dieet. Beide jou liggaam en gees sal jou bedank! Het jy al ooit opgemerk dat mense wat klaar geoefen het omtrent altyd in 'n goeie bui is? Om aktief te wees het veel meer as net fisiese waarde. Dit verbeter ons selfbeeld en laat ons meer bekwaam voel. Ons word sterker en meer selfversekerd. Fisiese aktiwiteit is 'n sleutelkomponent vir 'n gesonde gees. 'n Gesonde gees lê die grondslag vir 'n gesonde liggaam. Baie van die dinge wat ons doen om gesond van gees te wees en dit te handhaaf, bevorder ook fisiese gesondheid. Dit is amper soos ‘n koop-een-kry-een gratis uitverkoping by jou gunsteling winkel! Verandering verg tyd en volharding, maar moenie moed opgee nie. Jy is die moeite werd! ‘n Goeie nagrus is een van die belangrikste sleutels om goeie algemene gesondheid en welstand te ontsluit. Jou liggaam maak staat op slaap om noodsaaklike funksies uit te voer, veral in jou brein. Dit is nie net jou liggaam wat besig is om te herstel nie. As jy minder as sewe uur elke aand slaap, is daar 'n goeie kans dat jy swak punte sal kry vir ‘n IK-toets. Terwyl jy slaap, is jou brein besig om herinneringe te konsolideer en te stoor. ‘n Gesonde slaappatroon reguleer jou fisiese, emosionele en geestelike gesondheid. Jy het ook meer energie en is dan slaggereed om die dag wat voorlê aan te pak.
The person you will be in 5 years depends on: • the food you eat • amount of exercise you do • how much sleep per day • the drinks you drink • how you maintain your health • money you save and invest • who you work with • friends you spend time with • new skills you develop and if you still believe that treating the symptoms with "drugs" will heal you.
Let us assist you in getting to the ROOT of your problem

Die regte manier. Ons lewe in 2024- en baie dinge is verkeerd aan oorgedra in die verlede deur 'n sisteem wat ons wil beheer en beheer en uit ons liggame wil geld maak. Dankie vir al die positiewe reaksie en opmerkings- ons wil jou gesond sien
We only make use of Suppliers who practise the following
We only purchase raw herbal ingredients from reputable manufacturers.
A signed certificate of analysis must accompany each ingredient.
Even from excellent sources, we occasionally reject a herbal extract because it does not meet our strict requirements.
All our products are manufactured in sterile environments.
We adhere to strict international Good Manufacturing Practices.
Our manufacturing facility is inspected by the Medicines Control Council on a regular basis.
Up to date batch records are kept on all manufactured products.
To ensure safety, shelf life and stability on our dermatological products, stability testing is done on a regular basis.
Regulation 42(4) prohibits any off-label statements. This means, any indication for which a product is not registered for that use by SAHPRA – the medicines regulatory authority. Any person or entity, are offences in terms of section 29 of the Medicines Act, which could attract fines or even imprisonment. What is permitted are disease awareness campaigns, which we as a company fully support, as they benefit public health, if the public and patients are empowered. Disease awareness activities may however not lead to the support, endorsement or recommendation, specifically or by implication, of any specific schedule 2 to 6 medicine. South Africa.