Welcome to our weekly Quanlim Life- Health information and news for Farmers and families.
QUANLIMLIFE - We Care for the past 20 years of practice and still updating ourselves through constant learning.

According to a 2021 study,
One 2020 review states that CBD may be helpful in the short term, specifically for sleeping difficulties relating to chronic illnesses such as multiple sclerosis or fibromyalgia.
The study authors suggest more research is necessary, especially as there is promising initial evidence that CBD may benefit:
- sleep apnea
- insomnia
- post-traumatic stress disorder-related nightmares
- restless leg syndrome
- rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder
- narcolepsy
However, it is important to note that CBD cannot cure sleep difficulties. In one case series,
More research is necessary to determine the long-term effects of CBD on sleep.
CBD - will not heal you- but will make you use more and more and more- The root course is not been sorted out-

But here’s the best part: Your genes are not your destiny.
Through the right diet, exercise, supplements, and lifestyle, you can influence how your genes express themselves—turning potential health challenges into opportunities for growth and strength.
It’s actually simple, but it’s not always easy in today’s world surrounded by environmental toxins, foods fortified with chemicals like synthetic folic acid, and loaded with sugar and stimulants that rob your body of its ability to properly regulate dopamine.
But if you have access to the right plan and you follow it, you can minimize the effect of these gene variants and the environment we live in.
Dopamine Spike: Cold exposure, especially in the form of cold showers or ice baths, can lead to a substantial increase in dopamine release. Research has shown that cold exposure can boost dopamine levels by up to 250%, which is a strong and sustained increase compared to other activities.
Mood and Focus Enhancement: Dopamine is often called the “feel-good” neurotransmitter, as it’s linked to motivation, reward, and mood regulation. Increased dopamine can help improve mood, sharpen focus, and support overall mental well-being. This is one reason why people often feel an energized or refreshed “afterglow” following cold exposure.
Sustained Effects: Unlike other stimulants (e.g., caffeine), the dopamine boost from cold exposure tends to be more gradual and lasts longer. This effect can help maintain focus and mood stability without the crash that often follows other dopamine-stimulating activities.
Cold Shock Proteins: Cold exposure also triggers the release of “cold shock proteins” and norepinephrine, which play a role in brain health, inflammation reduction, and further support the mood and focus effects initiated by the dopamine increase.
While cold exposure can be challenging, it’s become increasingly popular as a natural way to boost dopamine and improve mental health. Starting with brief cold showers and gradually increasing exposure time can help build tolerance and unlock these benefits safely.
Quanlim Life do the full test with our unique device and can regenerate the results anytime. We got all the correct ingredients to assist you if you have the MTHFR gene mutation -
If you think you have neurotransmitter imbalances you can try to support them, but you always have to look for root causes! An inflamed brain, an inflamed gut, dysfunctional mitochondria, histamine, neurotoxins, chronic stress - - these will all jack up your neurotransmitter balance - - but sometimes the right support can be noticed immediately. Work with someone who knows what they are talking about, and make sure seek appropriate mental health care!

Die regte manier. Ons lewe in 2024- en baie dinge is verkeerd aan oorgedra in die verlede deur 'n sisteem wat ons wil beheer en beheer en uit ons liggame wil geld maak. Dankie vir al die positiewe reaksie en opmerkings- ons wil jou gesond sien
Hallo Johan, ek wou nog vir jou se - my hande het in die afgelope 6 jaar konstant gepyn van die osteo arthritis, soms so erg dat dit gevoel ht of ek koorsig was. Ek het op Exinef 90 mg geleef en soms vir dae die 120mg gebruik. Vandat ek jou pille begin gebruik is my hande nooit meer seer of inflamend nie. My duime is soms so bietjie seer maar nie eens genoeg om 'n exinef te drink nie. Dis amazing en kan dit nie glo nie!!!!!!! BAIE BAIE BAIE DANKIE!!!!!!SantieWhat a pleasure to meet you Johan- you really changed my health. I was drinking a lot of supplements over years with no results- Thankyou -you indeed know your work - Rulande.Johann vir maande loop ek rond met kopsere en ongemak asook 'n skildklier wat nie werk nie - na 2 maande is alles weg- ,met die regte behandeling - Marita van Blerk.
I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for the outstanding work and exceptional results you've achieved in the online test regarding DNA tests and cancer. Your dedication and expertise in this field are truly commendable.
Your ability to distill complex concepts into clear and concise language made the test accessible and easy to understand. The depth of knowledge and insight you brought to the subject matter was impressive, and your enthusiasm for the topic was evident throughout.
Your excellent results are a testament to your hard work and commitment to excellence. You should be proud of your accomplishments, as they demonstrate a mastery of the subject matter and a passion for sharing knowledge with others.
Please know that your efforts have not gone unnoticed. Your contributions to the field of DNA tests and cancer research are valuable and appreciated. I am grateful for your dedication to advancing our understanding of this critical area.
Thank you again for your exceptional work and outstanding results. I look forward to seeing your continued success and contributions in the future.
Another year of great success for you.

We only make use of Suppliers who practise the following
We only purchase raw herbal ingredients from reputable manufacturers.
A signed certificate of analysis must accompany each ingredient.
Even from excellent sources, we occasionally reject a herbal extract because it does not meet our strict requirements.
All our products are manufactured in sterile environments.
We adhere to strict international Good Manufacturing Practices.
Our manufacturing facility is inspected by the Medicines Control Council on a regular basis.
Up to date batch records are kept on all manufactured products.
To ensure safety, shelf life and stability on our dermatological products, stability testing is done on a regular basis.
Regulation 42(4) prohibits any off-label statements. This means, any indication for which a product is not registered for that use by SAHPRA – the medicines regulatory authority. Any person or entity, are offences in terms of section 29 of the Medicines Act, which could attract fines or even imprisonment. What is permitted are disease awareness campaigns, which we as a company fully support, as they benefit public health, if the public and patients are empowered. Disease awareness activities may however not lead to the support, endorsement or recommendation, specifically or by implication, of any specific schedule 2 to 6 medicine. South Africa.
How Alcohol Damage Our Body? pic.twitter.com/vAZ8qYjNMs
— Interesting STEM (@InterestingSTEM) November 21, 2024