Vaccinations and Adrenal Fatigue

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When the body responds to stress from any source, the initial response is the same.

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is stimulated. This stimulation sets in motion a cascade of hormone and other biochemical responses, culminating in the adrenal glands secreting cortisol, the body’s stress-fighting hormone. Cortisol works to limit the effects of stress on the body. Normally, once the stress is over, the body returns to its natural homeostatic condition and things are in balance. However, in our stress-filled world, stress continues unabated. This brings on further stimulation of the HPA axis and increases the demand on the adrenals for more cortisol. In time, the adrenals reach the point of being unable to meet the demand, and adrenal fatigue results. This leads to the development of various significant symptoms that may escalate into serious conditions.

Unfortunately, practitioners of conventional medicine do not know how to accurately assess or remediate AFS. The conventional approach is to deal with individual symptoms or organs and alleviate the symptoms only. Often, this merely suppresses symptoms temporarily. A more comprehensive approach, the NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) approach, allows healthcare practitioners to find the root causes of symptoms and deal with them in the ways they affect different organ systems in the body.

Vaccinations, the Immune System, and Advanced AFS
The symptoms associated with the advanced stages of AFS, stages 3 and 4, are severe and pervasive. The immune system has typically been dealing with recurrent infections since the person with this condition was in stage 2. Thus, the immune system has become debilitated from overuse in stage 3 AFS. Any additional demand placed on the immune system can lead to further debilitation.

One of these additional demands can be vaccinations. The purpose of vaccinations is to help a person develop immunity to pathogens without developing the condition. In order to do this, many vaccines contain aluminum, which acts as an adjuvant. This is necessary because the vaccines are composed of inactivated pathogens. The aluminum stimulates the immune system to a high degree so that it reacts to everything in the vaccine, including the inactivated pathogens.

In this way, the vaccine manipulates the immune system to develop antibodies to its pathogens. As it does this, it overstimulates the immune system and may further debilitate the system.

READ MORE Vaccinations and Adrenal Fatigue - Dr Lam

This abnormal set of circumstances sees vaccinations bypass the normal pathway for pathogens to enter the body. It slows down development of the immune system, bringing on possible over-reactions to environmental stimuli.

It may well be that this abnormal development of immune responses due to vaccinations are based on underlying principles and mechanisms of the immune system that are not well understood.

With the poor health found in stage 3 and 4 AFS, the person may not be able to develop a satisfactory immune response to vaccines. This will leave them relatively unprotected from pathogens. People with poor health may also not have an immune system with the ability to ‘remember’ pathogens to which they have been exposed and thus not be able to resist these pathogens.

From research conducted on vaccinations and the immune system, it appears significant damage may occur to the immune system by vaccinations in some people. There are several methods by which this kind of research is done.

One method allows researchers to observe how often serious illnesses or other health conditions occur following vaccinations. Studying immune functioning through white blood cells, the body’s main immune defense, to determine whether vaccines have a negative effect on these cells is another method of research. Still another is to look at illness patterns before and after vaccinations. It appears that while vaccinations are safe for the vast majority of adults, vaccines may significantly harm the immune system by suppressing it in some people who may already have a compromised body.

Pros and Cons of Adult Flu Shots
Every year, multiple millions of dollars are spent on advertising the need for adults to get flu shots. And every year, physicians and others are not sure which strain of flu will be the worst and whether the vaccine will satisfactorily deal with it.

Flu vaccines only protect against one or two strains of the flu. But there are many other strains present in the environment, along with other pathogens that lead to respiratory conditions. Most people believe getting the flu shot will offer them protection against all strains of the flu. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

If you are at high risk or immunocompromised, always follow your healthcare practitioner’s advise.

Pros of Getting Flu Shots
There are positives about getting the flu shot as an adult. At least, these are the benefits touted by conventional medicine and the media.

Decreases Your Chance of Getting Flu. You’re 70% less likely to get the flu if you get the vaccine, i.e. the one or two strains affected by the flu vaccine.

Decreases Your Susceptibility to Possibly Serious Complications. These complications include breathing difficulties, developing pneumonia, and possibly death. This is most important if you’re in one of the groups of people who are likely to experience these complications. Some of these groups include pregnant women, people over the age of 50, those who have compromised immune systems, and those with chronic illnesses. Babies less than six months of age are especially vulnerable but too young to get the vaccines. This makes it important for those close to them to be vaccinated.

Older People Get More Benefits. The elderly and those with chronic medical conditions are 80% less likely to get the flu with vaccinations.
Getting The Vaccine Won’t Give You The Flu. The viruses used in vaccines are dead, so it is essentially impossible for them to give you the flu. If you did get the flu after getting the shot, you may have been exposed to it up to a week before the injection.

According to Experts, Both the Seasonal Flu and H1N1 Vaccines are Safe. Protection for the Whole Season. Early vaccinations protect you for the entire flu season.

Cons of Getting Adult Flu Shots
As you might suspect, there are negatives associated with getting flu shots, as well.

You May Get the Flu Anyway. Even with the flu shot, there is a 20% chance you will get the flu anyway. This is for the seasonal flu shots. This 20% is because those who decide which strains of the flu will be present in any given season are really only guessing. There are many other strains of the flu circulating in the environment each season, and you will be vulnerable to them.

You May Have Side Effects. Possible side effects of flu vaccinations include soreness and swelling at the injection site and low-grade fever. If you choose the nasal spray, you may have a headache, runny nose, and chills. This is because the nasal spray has a weak version of the virus and not a dead one.

The Vaccine Contains Preservatives. The preservative in the flu vaccines is thimerosal, which contains ethylmercury. This latter chemical is the subject of many controversies about vaccinations. Exposure to mercury is toxic and can lead to vision problems, impaired speech, and possibly tumors. Formaldehyde is also used to kill the flu virus. This chemical has been labeled by the Department of Health and Human Services as a carcinogen but is still found in the flu vaccine.

A much better way to protect yourself against the flu and any other respiratory condition is to strengthen your immune system.

Use Natural Immune Boosters to Support the Body’s Fight Against the Flu
Regularly using immune-strengthening supplements in the months before flu season is the best way of dealing with the flu. Following are some of those supplements and herbs that will help strengthen the immune system. Bear in mind these are not replacements for flu vaccinations. Always talk to your healthcare practitioner before embarking on any self-navigation.

Elderberry. Black elderberries are a rich source of polyphenols such as flavonoids, catechins, and proanthocyanidins. They also have strong antioxidant properties and may help strengthen your immune system. Clinical trials have also shown elderberries to fight off flu viruses as well as other viruses that cause respiratory symptoms. Elderberry leaves and stems, along with unripe or uncooked fruit, may be toxic.

Echinacea. This is the most well-known of the herbs used to alleviate colds and flu. Scientific studies have yielded mixed results, but one form of echinacea has been shown to be more effective than others. This form is a Swiss extract of fresh roots and aerial parts of Echinacea purpurea from plants that are organically grown. Mild side effects to echinacea have been reported. These include nausea, vomiting, fever, and diarrhea. Allergic reactions have been reported in children and adults who are allergic to ragweed and some flowers.

Ginseng. This is the supplement that has been studied the most regarding its effectiveness in dealing with flu and other respiratory viruses. It has been shown to decrease the risk of developing flu or other viral respiratory conditions. Doses vary depending on several factors. Sleep problems are the most common side effects of ginseng. Mild side effects such as a headache, upset stomach, breast pain, and dizziness have been reported. Serious allergic reactions have been reported on rare occasions. If you experience a rash, swelling of the face, throat, or tongue, or difficulty breathing, contact your healthcare practitioner immediately.

Calendula. This medicinal plant has been used since the 12th century. It contains significant levels of flavonoids and fights viruses, inflammation, and bacteria. Research studies have found no side effects with this supplement.

Astragalus Root. This is a strong antiviral herb used in Chinese medicine for centuries. It serves to stimulate the immune system, strengthening it. Recent studies have shown this supplement to be effective in fighting different kinds of viruses. Astragalus root has very few side effects. Large doses may paradoxically suppress the immune system.

Ginger. This supplement has been used for centuries to boost the immune system. One way it does this is to decrease the number of toxins in the body that makes your body susceptible to viruses, fungi, and bacteria. There are few side effects from this supplement. It may increase your tendency for bleeding and it might increase your insulin level and lower blood sugar levels.

Mushrooms. Portobello mushrooms help support the immune system. The Agaricus Blazei Murrill Mushroom is possibly the most potent of the mushrooms in regard to strengthening the immune system. These mushrooms contain Beta-glucans, long-chain polysaccharides, which are extremely potent substances that strengthen the immune system.

Use this information to do the best thing you can to combat the flu: strengthen your own immune system.

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