The Importance of Good Sleep- Quanlim Life

The Importance of Good Sleep- Quanlim Life

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If you’re not getting a good night’s sleep then you’re seriously damaging your mind and body... to the point where you could develop dementia, Alzheimer’s, Cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and a number of other life threatening medical issues.

After going through over 17-thousand clinical trials and pouring over results from 30-years of clinical tests Scientists, Researchers and Doctors now say you need to have 7 to 9 hours of good, deep sleep. Anything less than 7 hours doubles the likelihood of developing crippling diseases and dramatically reduces your lifespan. 8 hours of good sleep is the ideal.

So if you think you can get by on 6 hours or less – think again. You may feel you can but science says you can and you’ll end up paying the price in a few years.

Maybe you’re feeling the impact of not getting good sleep right now.

If you’re tossing and turning or wake up during the night then you’re not getting the good restful sleep your mind and body needs to heal.

If you’re feeling tired during the day, can’t think clearly, feel like you have brain fog, forget things, are yawning during the day, get annoyed easily, feel anxious or down then you’re not getting good sleep.

Over time the lack of good sleep will wear you down physically and mentally.

In fact, Doctor’s now say that getting 6 hours of sleep is as bad as being legally drunk – your mind and body don’t react as quickly as you want or expect.

And those who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to be negative, feel anxious and depressed.

79-Percent of Adults don’t get the good sleep they need – so you’re not alone when it comes to struggling with sleep.

I know. I used to have a horrible time sleeping.

Like most of us, I thought it was just my busy schedule. I would work until late, had a family to take care of and I had to manage multiple businesses – there never seemed like there was enough time to get everything done, let alone sleep.

We often think we don’t need sleep – that we can get by without sleep or make do with just a few hours of sleep.

Science and the research says that kind of thinking leads to an early death. We need sleep – good, deep sleep.

Catching up on sleep over the weekend doesn’t help either. Sleep isn’t like a bank. You can’t deposit and withdraw as you please to try and make up or borrow some as you need it.

To be at your best and avoid an early death and/or a debilitating life threatening disease you need to sleep well every night.

But how can you get good sleep when you’ve got so much to do, not enough time and feel constantly stressed.

  How to get good, deep sleep – and why you need it

When you finally get to bed you feel exhausted but you can’t fall asleep and stay asleep because your mind is over active. You keep thinking about everything and you just can’t fall asleep – you feel wired but tired.

That’s because all the stress, all that you keep thinking about, is forcing your body to produce more and more cortisol.

Known as the stress hormone, cortisol is supposed to help us make quick decisions when we’re under stress. But today (and every day) we constantly feel stressed. So our bodies keep producing more and more cortisol. The cortisol producing switch in our body is stuck in the “on” position and we have way too much cortisol.

When we have too much cortisol our body it works against the sleep hormones our body produces, so we want to go to sleep, we feel tired but we can’t fall asleep because the extra cortisol is keeping us up at night.

Medication and over the counter sleep aids don’t help because they just try to knock you out and in the morning you feel more tired than the night before.

The real solution is to reduce your cortisol so you can fall asleep and stay asleep.

You can reduce cortisol by controlling your thoughts and not focusing on all those things that make you feel stressed. It’s easier said than done and it takes practice.

So the next time you’re feeling stressed track your thoughts and change them to something positive or something more pleasant. Try to avoid thinking about the things that make you feel stressed or anxious.

You can also reduce your cortisol by exercising but you have to exercise every day. If you’re not regularly exercising then start with a light routine and work your way up to more rigorous exercises. You’ll want to get to a point where you’re breaking a sweat to reduce cortisol and you’ll need to exercises for at least an hour a day.

If you’re already exercising then step it up a bit and you may have to increase your workout to bring down your cortisol.

I discovered I had high cortisol levels when I couldn’t sleep at night. So I started working on reducing my cortisol but everything I tried just wasn’t getting the job done.

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