The real Health living products that will heal you-  Living products - Ep 2

The real Health living products that will heal you- Living products - Ep 2

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Only living products can stimulate life.  Dead chemicals can temporarily change the chemical balance in the body, thereby masking the symptoms of disease, but it cannot bring about healing.  In the long run it only erodes life.

We know that living foods stimulate life.  If used correctly it can bring about profound long term healing. The best healers are good foods, herbs and spices. 

Far from obtaining ingredients from the “cheapest on the market,” we source our raw materials from trusted suppliers all over the world using our strict protocols to consistently ensure the best quality that is the foundation of all our products.  

Unfortunately some of the best foods, such as Natto, have acquired tastes, are seasonal or are hard to come by.  Therefore our products are  prepared using only naturally dried fresh foods, ground and wrapped in vegetable cellulose housing for easy enjoyment.

Supplements are pills that can be bought over the counter (without a prescription from a medical doctor).

E trillion-dollar supplement industry will tell you that Nutritional Supplementation is imperative to wellness.  That it is impossible to be healthy without supplementation.  Vitamins are substances the body must have to survive. Taking vitamins is not a choice for humans. The only question is, how many vitamins should we take?

The statement that the ‘Standard American Diet’ (SAD) fails to provide nutrition sufficient for humans to derive the maximum benefits to their health is true.  But it is because the Standard American Diet consists mostly of processed foods. Processing most often destroys nutrients. Because people prefer processed foods, they use vitamins to try to replace some of the nutrients lost.  

Please WAKE UP  its your health-  Stop treating your body with PHARMA- They control you. 

What is Cayenne pepper?

The antioxidants in cayenne pepper include:

vitamin C, which also supports the immune system
vitamin E
beta carotene
cryptoxanthin, a source of vitamin A
Cryptoxanthin is also a type of pigment called a carotenoid, and it gives the pepper its red color.

Antioxidants offer a wide range of health benefits by helping the body remove free radicals — toxic substances that can cause harm if too many build up.

Removing free radicals may help prevent a range of health problems, including cancer, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s.

The body produces some antioxidants, while others come from the diet.

Which foods are good sources of antioxidants? Find out here.

​Eye Health
Cayenne contains the following for eye health:

Easing cold symptoms
Some people use cayenne pepper in home remedies for coughs, congestion, and to fight off colds.

Authors of a 2016 review found that capsaicin may relieve symptoms such as sneezing, a stuffy nose, postnasal drip, and congestion when allergies or smoking are not the cause.

Capsaicin may have these effects by shrinking dilated blood vessels in the nose and throat.

Researchers behind a 2019 study involving 46 participants found that capsaicin nasal spray provided “significant rapid and sustainable relief” from the above symptoms — when allergies were not the cause. The improvement started as soon as 10 minutes after using the spray.

Meanwhile, a 2015 study suggested that cayenne pepper may have antibacterial properties. In laboratory tests, scientists found that it combatted group A Streptococci, the type of bacteria responsible for strep throat and other diseases.

To make a home remedy that includes cayenne pepper, a person could try the following:

Combine 1/4 teaspoon (tsp) of cayenne pepper, 1/4 tsp of ground ginger, 1 tablespoon (tbsp) of honey, 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar, and 2 tbsp of water, then taking the mixture by the teaspoon.
Mix cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar into hot water, making a tea, to clear the sinuses.
However, there is a lack of scientific evidence to suggest that these home remedies are effective.

What are some other natural cold remedies? Find out here.

Relieving pain
Capsaicin, the active ingredient in cayenne peppers, may have pain-relieving properties.

One review published in 2016 looked at the potential for capsaicin in a cream to reduce pain. The authors concluded that there may be benefits to long-term use.

Capsaicin may help alleviate pain by reducing the amount of substance P — a chemical that carries pain messages to the brain.

Creams or ointments containing 0.0125% purified capsaicin may reduce pain and tenderness from osteoarthritis, for example, according to one study. Participants benefitted from applying the cream three times daily to the sites of their pain.

However, some people who try this treatment experience an unpleasant burning sensation as a side effect.

Other research has suggested that taking oral capsaicin supplements may help relieve pain and discomfort in athletes. However, scientists are still investigating how this might work and what dosage might be effective.

There are also concerns that it may cause gastrointestinal distress in some people.

It is important to note that the findings above refer to medicinal rather than dietary uses of capsaicin.

How can the diet impact osteoarthritis knee pain? Find out here.

Easing skin issues
Capsaicin appears to have antibacterial properties that help protect the body from Streptococcus pyogenes, or group A Streptococcus. These bacteria can cause skin and soft tissue infections, such as impetigo and cellulitis.

Authors of a 2016 review concluded that capsaicin patches may reduce itching caused by various skin conditions, including psoriasis, as well as itching resulting from dialysis, a process of purifying the blood in people with kidney damage.

Here, learn about foods that can boost skin health.

Managing weight
Many products that contain cayenne pepper claim to boost metabolism and promote weight loss, but not all the evidence has been conclusive.

One study found that consuming 1 gram (g) of cayenne pepper in a meal increased core body temperature slightly. This, in turn, would burn additional calories. In some cases, participants also had less desire to eat fatty, sweet, or salty foods after consuming capsaicin.

In 2018, scientists gave healthy volunteers a placebo, a 2-milligram (mg) dosage, or a 4-mg dosage of capsaicin for 12 weeks. Those who took the higher dosage experienced a reduction of nearly 6% in body fat, compared with those who took the placebo.

However, many other studies have looked at cayenne or capsaicin combined with other ingredients, so it is not possible to identify the exact role of the pepper compound.

If further research indicates that cayenne or capsaicin helps the body burn calories, the pepper could become a healthful part of a weight management plan.

The real Health living products that will heal you- Living products - Ep 1

What is Chromium for Health?

Chromium is an essential trace mineral that people need small quantities.  

​Although only small quantities are needed, chromium deficiency may be linked to diabetes.  There is a relationship between being low in chromium and an increased risk for diabetes and high blood sugar.  There is also an increased risk for high triglyceride levels, heart disease, and high cholesterol levels. Chromium can improve insulin sensitivity and enhance protein, carbohydrate, and lipid metabolism.

Many people are naturally low in this essential mineral—particularly the elderly, those who are physically very active, pregnant women and people who consume much sugar-filled foods. It may enhance muscle mass, weight loss, and glucose control.

Chromium picolinate supplements are normally used to address deficiencies, but some people don't tolerate it well.  Good food sources include broccoli, liver, and brewers’ yeast.

Chromium Enriched Yeast Extracts
Chromium enriched yeast extract is made when Chromium is added to a yeast fermentation process. The chromium is absorbed and transformed to a bioavailable format.  It has good water solubility and can be more efficiently and safely absorbed and utilized by human body. It can enhance insulin activity, promoting glucose metabolism and lipid metabolism, and has profound effects on diabetes and obesity.

​Just like there are good bacteria and bad bacteria, there are good yeasts and bad yeasts.  Doctors normally prescribe FloraWin or Interflora with antibiotics to protect the intestinal balance while using antibiotics.  Both FloraWin and Interflora are not probiotics.  They are yeasts.  Good yeasts named Saccharomyces boulardii.  Good yeasts can devour bad yeasts.  Interflora has been used successfully to treat Candida.

 Candida is a bad yeast, caused and aggravated by sugar and processed foods, not other yeasts.  

 Our yeast enriched minerals are fermented with a good yeast -Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The living yeast cells convert inorganic mineral ions (such as zinc, chromium, selenium ) into organic forms. The content is as follows: 51% of the minerals is in the yeast cell wall, 45% is in the short peptide- amino acid. The remaining distribution is in the mitochondria and microsomes. Molecules combine to form a polysaccharide protein zinc complex. Its bioavailability is higher than inorganic minerals.  The mineral content is high - up to 2000mg/kg.  It is the best source of minerals - combined with enzymes, probiotics, proteins, vitamins and other nutrients. 

What is Cordyceps Sinensis (Chinese Caterpillar Fungus)?


Cordyceps is one of the most amazing natural health products available and it is safe to take alongside prescription drugs.

Cordyceps is a fungus that lives on certain caterpillars in the high mountainous regions of China. The fungus attacks adult caterpillars and finally kill them. These dead, dried out, caterpillars are ground and used for their health benefits.  Natural cordyceps is hard to get and may be expensive. Cordyceps grown in a laboratory is less expensive and more available.

Cordyceps is most commonly used for kidney disorders and male sexual problems. It is also used after a kidney transplant. It is also used for liver problems, improving athletic performance, and many other conditions.

Proven benefits:

Kidney injury caused by certain antibiotics (aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity). Early research shows that using cordyceps might reduce kidney damage caused by the drug in older people.
Asthma. Early research suggests that taking cordyceps alone can reduce asthma symptoms in adults. 
Long-term kidney disease (chronic kidney disease or CKD). Early research shows that taking cordyceps may improve kidney function. 
Kidney damage caused by contrast dyes (contrast induced nephropathy). Some early research shows that taking cordyceps while undergoing an exam using contrast dye reduces the chance of kidney damage caused by the dye. 
Kidney damage caused by the drug cyclosporine. There is early evidence that taking cordyceps with cyclosporine can reduce kidney damage caused by cyclosporine in people with kidney transplants.
Swelling (inflammation) of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus (hepatitis B). Early evidence shows that taking cordyceps by mouth might improve liver function in people with hepatitis B.  Can be taken withastragalus and fo-ti for even better improvement.
Kidney transplant. Early research shows that taking cordyceps with low-dose cyclosporine can improve 1-year survival, prevent transplant rejection, and reduce the risk of infection similar to taking standard dose cyclosporine in people who received a kidney transplant. Also, cordyceps seems to improve kidney transplant survival, kidney transplant rejection, and infection similar to azathioprine when taken with medications to prevent organ rejection. It might also reduce the risk of long-term impaired kidney function called chronic allograft nephropathy, which is the leading cause of kidney transplant failure.
Early research shows that taking cordyceps daily for 40 days might improve sex drive in people with low sex drive.

Inflammation and Immunology
A polysaccharide from the fruiting bodies of Cordyceps Sinensis appears to have mitogenic properties on splenocytes as well as the ability to increase macrophage phagocytosis by 12% at 50-100mg/kg bodyweight,[17] although immunostimulatory polysaccharides are common to most species of Cordyceps. Immunostimulation has been found with Militaris (stimulation of macrophage Nitric Oxide and TNF-α)[19] and Militaris grown on Germinated soybeans.[28]

Cordyceps appears to be beneficial when given after kidney transplantation for reducing immune cell infiltration (a step which leads to damage and possible organ rejection) and when given to humans codyceps appears to have protective effects alongside standard immunosuppressive therapy.

Another study found that Cordyceps preparation, showed potential promise to decrease serum creatinine, increase creatine clearance, reduce proteinuria and alleviate CKD-associated complications, such as increased haemoglobin and serum albumin. 

Another study with 51 patients suffering chronic renal failure showed that the administration of 3-5g per day of Cordyceps sinensis significantly improved the kidney and immune functions of the patients.

Don't buy or use any health medication unless you visited 'n real Professional Health Practitioner

PLEASE STOP USING Synthetic pills - Its dead-  Stop buying all these Vitamin pills-that is all over and not really assisting.