Your food and drink is the problem of your Health-  Part 1

Your food and drink is the problem of your Health- Part 1

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Currently there are 30% more obese people on the planet than undernourished people. And this has happened only within 15 years because 15 years ago it was exactly the opposite. And it’s occurring in countries that still have under nutrition.

So how do you explain that, other than to say that can’t be behavior, that’s got to be an exposure. This looks like any standard pandemic influenza, typhoid, etc. This looks like a microbial phenomenon rather than a behavioral phenomenon, we’re going to go there.

366 million diabetics walking the earth, that’s 5% of the world’s population. And they are chewing through all the health-care resources.

This was just three months ago, diabetes costs the US $24 billion. Now if we could recoup even a fraction of that, we wouldn’t even need health-care reform. In fact, it’s been suggested that we wouldn’t even need financial reform. Okay, 41% rise in 5 years, this is going up so fast it makes your head spin.

What’s the future going to be like

And here’s the future if we do nothing. Experts predict 165 million Americans, 42% would be obese by the year 2030. 100 million Americans, that’ll be 33%, will have diabetes by 2050, but fear not, because it won’t really matter because Medicare will be broke by 2026.

For the last 30 years we’ve done the same thing over and over and over again and there has been no change in the result. So we have to rethink this, we have to reframe the argument and that’s what we are going to try to do tonight. And I’m going to do it right now.

 America: 30% obese over here, and 70% normal weight over here. And everybody assumes that the problem is this group over here because 80% of the obese population is sick in some fashion with type-2 diabetes, lipid problems, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, polycystic ovarian disease, etc, etc.

So if you do the math on this, that’s 80% of 30% of 240 million, that’s 57 million sick, and it’s those 57 million that are bankrupting the country. And so it’s the obese person’s fault only. And that’s the way everyone views this.

In fact, 20% of the obese population is completely metabolically normal. They have normal insulin dynamics. They don’t get sick. They will live a completely normal life, die at a completely normal age, cost the taxpayer nothing, they’re just fat.

Conversely, up to 40% of the normal weight population have the exact same metabolic dysfunction that the obese do, they are just normal weight. And so they don’t even know they are sick, until it’s too late, because normal weight people get type-2 diabetes, they get hypertension, they get dyslipidemia, they get cardiovascular disease, they get cancer, they get dementia, etc, etc.

And so when you do the math on that, that’s another 67 million. So that’s actually outclassing the obese, and so the total is 124 million, that’s more than half of all of America.

Why? All that visceral fat, all that fat surrounding the organs. 

Standing on a scale doesn’t tell you where your fat is, waist circumference is a good start. The bottom line is there are a lot of normal weight people.

   The Economic Impact of Overweight & Obesity

What is the problem?

Metabolic syndrome is the problem, the cluster of diseases because that’s where all the money goes. Obesity costs almost nothing, metabolic syndrome is 75% of all health-care costs today.

Obesity obeys the first law of thermodynamics

It has to do with how you view the question of obesity and what does it mean. So of course obesity obeys the first law of thermodynamics. The total energy inside a closed system remains constant. It’s a law.

So here are the two interpretations. If you eat it, you better burn it, or you’re going to store it. If that’s true, then this is a matter of energy balance — energy balance, that’s what everyone will tell you. And it’s the result of two aberrant behaviors, calories in – gluttony, calories out – sloth. And that’s what everybody assumes, is, if you’re obese, well you must eat too much or exercise too little, or both. And therefore, it’s your fault.

And that’s what we believe and to this day we still don’t have insurance for obesity, although just today, you know that the AMA finally said “obesity is a disease”. 

It’s based on this dogma, the dogma is, that if you eat more than you burn you’ll gain weight, if you eat less than you burn you’ll lose weight, because all calories are the same, a calorie is a calorie.

This is the biggest pile of you-know-what there is. This is absolute not true.

But if you believe it, then the corollaries of a calorie is a calorie are that this is free will, you get to choose what you get to put in your mouth, it’s personal responsibility because if you are obese you chose to be gluttony and sloth that is your problem and diet and exercise will fix it.

And that’s what everyone believes from a calorie is a calorie.

Calorie is a Calorie?

And who says that a calorie is a calorie? Well the food industry says a calorie is a calorie, and that’s because it serves them well.“Beating obesity will take action by all of us based on one simple common sense fact”. Common sense fact, all calories count, no matter where they come from, including Coca-cola and everything else with calories, a calorie is a calorie. Why pick on Coca-Cola, why pick on Burger King, why pick on any individual because it serves them well, because it diffuses the issue.

Evolution of Fast Food

So you’d say, well this is why, this is the evolution of fast food over here. 1957 we had the original White Castle hamburger, 210 calories right there, 1 ounce. Over here we have today’s Bob’s Big Boy over here at 618 calories, and of course in the midst of the obesity epidemic Hardee’s had the temerity to offer us the Thickburger at 1420 calories and of course you can go to Carls’ Junior and get the 6$ burger, which is 2000 calories, that’s the entire caloric allotment for the day and people are proud to go do it, right?

Before you start with any program to heal you or to make you loose weight, belly fat or any other condition - make sure you know why you have the problem-  and don't only treat the symptoms like PHARMA want you to do- The side effect of these "drugs" need to be studied. 

South Africa has the same problem- wherever you look you see people that is overweight and obese.  Belly fat is all over- Most of these people has already done a very expensive weight program- orr trained in the Gym for months - orr run miles and miles- without success.  The problem is that the real problem is not corrected by 'n person who know what its all about. 

It's time to wake up and start understanding what real health is all about. you don't want to end up in a Hospital in South Africa. 

This is the problem- but how do you fix it-?  Quanlim Life

Not with a weight loss program alone - you will surely loose weight on very dramatic or nice way if you make use of certain weight loss programs- you can use some "prescribed drugs" by PHARMA or so called Health products- but this will never heal you completely - because you need to fix the real problem first.  You need to control what you eat and drink- but if your digestive system is not healthy it's of no use. There is certain steps that we used over past years to get our clients healthy. No quick fix - its process.

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