The thing that seems to worry people most about the next phase of automation is the sense that no one will be safe. This time it isn’t just factory workers and typists on the chopping block, we are told, it is taxi drivers, accountants and lawyers.
The thing that seems to worry people most about the next phase of automation is the sense that no one will be safe. This time it isn’t just factory workers and typists on the chopping block, we are told, it is taxi drivers, accountants and lawyers.
Since its introduction, Enogen® corn enzyme technology has provided corn growers with the opportunity to be enzyme suppliers for participating ethanol plants and earn a per-bushel premium. Syngenta reports that premiums-to-date paid to Enogen corn growers are expected to surpass $100 million during 2018.
Growers in the Netherlands had to contend with a dry period in recent weeks. Because of these extreme weather conditions, growers have to take various measures when looking at resources, usage, energy and water. For example, current water storage is often not sufficient for this long period of drought. In the horticultural area around Dinteloord, this shortage has been solved by using water from the Suiker Unie: the sugar factory, also known as the irrigation water factory.