GLOBAL WATER OUTLOOK TO 2025 Averting an Impending Crisis

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The Earth's ability to support growing human populations is increasingly constrained by water availability. As demand for water rises across agriculture, urban areas, and industries, farmers face growing competition for this critical resource. Environmental water use, essential for long-term sustainability, is often neglected.

Water is lewe- Suid Afrika

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 Lewe op aarde is al vir miljoene jare vir oorlewing van water afhanklik. Toe Neil Armstrong in 1969 op die maan geland het, het hy die planeet Aarde beskryf as “’n blink blou pêrel wat in die ruimte spin”

How water is stored in the earth

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Climate change is producing the phenomenon of extremes, too hot and dry alternating with occasional periods of excessive moisture as accumulations of atmospheric moisture that don’t fall as they normally would as rain, turn into atmospheric rivers which dump massive amounts of rain in a very short time.