Capturing Carbon before we go Kelp Farming

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We will transform the Green Economy by helping nature rebalance, while repurposing CO2 for the betterment of human development.

We will soon be offering a direct, positive and proactive approach to carbon pollution by selling Ocean Extracted Carbon (OCE) by the ton.

We have carbon negative circular economy because we subsidise our sale price of Kelp animal feed to farmers so they can reduce their methane gas emissions by over 90%.

We are fundraising to make all of this happen as fast as possible. 

This is why

Humans emit 36 billion tonnes of carbon a year, and the amount is increasing. Our individual carbon footprint is 9.84 tonnes a year. Avoiding flying, consuming less meat, switching to renewable energy providers, and making other less environmentally harmful choices are some ways we try to reduce our impact – but what if we could proactively reverse pollution? 

The oceans absorb 50% of the pollution we create. These vast quantities of carbon dioxide cause the water to become more acidic. As our oceans get warmer they can hold less CO2

Our goal is reverse carbon pollution through a global network of farms that will extract gigatons of CO2 from our oceans. Once extracted, the kelp can be used as food, feed and fertiliser to complete a carbon-negative circular economy. 

In September 2019, our two founders, Howard and Dave, met by chance during a screening of Climate Race, which included a Q&A session with the film’s director and producer, Paul Maple. ‘”If only there was a way to capture carbon naturally - oh  yeah, there is - trees,” Maple joked. Howard mentioned he would be willing to pay for a tonne of carbon, to reverse his impact on the environment. Dave commented that kelp grows 30 times faster than trees.  And thus an idea was born.

Fast forward to 2020 and we are thrilled to introduce you to Ocean Carbon Extraction (OCE), removing pollutants from our atmosphere and oceans through a global network of carbon extraction farms.

Our farms will capture carbon dioxide through kelp photosynthesis, cleaning our oceans, supporting marine life, and cooling our oceans. 

READ MORE The debate is over: The oceans are in hot, hot water

Our goal is simple:

We will create a global network of farms by 2030 to actively extract gigatonnes of carbon from our oceans.

What can you do?

We are fundraising to make this happen faster and create up to four new hectare farms by June 2021.

Your donation will help us fund a new Kelp Farm and help us to spread the word of our mission around the globe.

How our farms will capture carbon:

Like other plants, kelp absorbs carbon dioxide as it grows. Kelp is a particularly effective carbon sink (an absorber of carbon dioxide or CO2) because of its astonishingly fast growth rate. Kelp grows 30 times faster than land-based plants. This makes it ideally suited for farming and further processing. Our business provides one of the first carbon-negative circular economies using the resulting nutrient-rich kelp as food, feed or fertiliser.

Our farms will offer companies and individuals the opportunity to rebalance their carbon impact.

Join us and help lead the carbon-capturing revolution.

In just six months, one-tenth of a one hectare farm would capture I ton of carbon dioxide. A typical hardwood tree would need up to forty years to absorb the same amount.

Tree-planting programmes are an important element in the fight against climate change.  However, forested areas cannot be effectively used for agriculture: growing trees and crops on the same land is a challenge. Kelp farming does not conflict with agricultural needs or reforestation initiatives.

In 2021, we aim to create 8 farms. By year three, we aim to expand our global kelp farm network to 100 farms. In 2030, we intend to have grown our network to 10,000 farms around the world. 18.5 million square miles of ocean are suitable for kelp farming. In addition to actively absorbing carbon dioxide, these underwater forests will support and create habitats for marine life. 

Once harvested, our kelp will be processed into animal feed and fertiliser. The resulting natural fertiliser adds vital micronutrients to the soil, increasing yield and productivity. Kelp-based cattle feed helps lower methane emissions by as much as 90%, creating a sustainable circular economy.

Our Kelp Farms will be part of a global network. We will work together with some of the most innovative maritime engineering solutions on the planet, and collaborate directly with local communities and our partners at Climate Foundation.

Please donate what you can and help us tackle the climate crisis.

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