Investment Opportunities in  Agriculture,Media and Health in South Africa

Investment Opportunities in Agriculture,Media and Health in South Africa

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South Africa Farming and Agriculture-  May  2023

Its very difficult to start a business, trade or investment if you are a foreigner - Getting in contact with the right people in South Africa-

Getting all the information and connecting with the correct people that is reliable with real knowledge, integrity and Trust  is a challenge -

Trading is very difficult because of all the rules and regulations as well as  some corrupt Government officials who is always ready  for a bribe.

You will also deal with a lot of middle men and organizations who is unproductive but always ready to receive commission. 

No red tape - you deal with professional people. 

We as the CRA Group in partnership with a brand NEW Company can now assist you on a Professional way and dealing with the correct people and getting the correct


TRADE, EXPORT, IMPORT,TOURISM, INVESTMENT and all other business related projects, 

Its time to Invest in South Africa and Africa- Commercial farmers with years of experience- 


Despite the aftermath of the global recession still being felt in my countries across the globe, South Africa has seen considerable growth in its developing sectors. 

We have available 

EXCLUSIVE for Serious investors. (Foreign Investors welcome.)

Maize Peanuts, Wheat and Soya Farms- Excellent farmers.

Macadamia Nuts- Fruit Farms, Milk and Diary ,Avocado-

 Farms available in Mpumalanga 

Investing in a group of companies- 

Investing in Tourism Farms and Game Farms.

Tourism investment for a certain part of society.

Investing is Solar and other energy projects

Investing in Water projects and Green projects

Agriculture technology is on the grow and need investment from Foreigners.  

We need a alternative Health care outside the medical "drug" system.  We do have a project plan for alternative healing in South Africa that need to be funded. We have great skills and people are moving away from Doctors who dose them with drugs. 

Farming and Agriculture is doing good, investing in existing farmers will be a  very profitable investment.

South Africa's farmers are excellent in what they do- They are very hard workers and professional in every part of farming and Agriculture.

Farmers in South Africa are battling to get finance from financial banks and other financial companies in South Africa. 

Farmers need to have excess to funds to invest in a new crop and in new machinery.

Most of the local banks in South Africa are under the laws of the South African credit control that makes it difficult to get finance.

Investment in a Farming and Agriculture Media in South Africa, Africa and the rest of the world. 

We already have a list of farmers with good farms as a running business and farming experience.

The South African Government does not have the skills to create prosperity and wealth- Agriculture is the heart of South Africa - South African Commercial farmers are excellent in their career- but the Government is only interesting in their Tax money.

We need to get these farmers financially FREE from any banks or government in South Africa.  


Any other business we can assist. 

The CEO Business Club inherits a rich history of relationship building, deal making and investing. Dr. Jeh Shyan Wong, a co-founder from Malaysia, a Singapore venture capitalist/private equity veteran investor, along with several business-people from various African countries saw the need during Covid 19 lock down to establish a Pan Africa business network that transcends national and continental  boundaries.  

Our mission is inspired by our history, namely, empowering and connecting business leaders across Africa and the World. 

We have a vision of establishing the most prevalent Pan-African ecosystem for accelerating business networking and trusted relationship building, deal making and investing.

The CEO Business Club offers an enabling environment for CEOs dedicated to improving the quality and profitability of their companies through quality relationships, opportunities and personal growth.

CEO’s and candidate CEOs face unique challenges in today’s business environment. To name a few, customer behavior patterns are changing, new market trends emerge, economic activities are down, consumer spending is down, competition is rife, marketing budgets are cut, and government policy and restrictions are not helping.

Being the CEO is a lonely job, with little support from stakeholders. VUCA factors challenge the abilities of CEO’s and aspiring CEOs to their limit.

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We can assist you in certain areas of farming.

We have a group of 10 well established farmers with years of farming experience and with mega farming units.

No government involvement- 

Contact us directly- deal directly with us- Farming and Agriculture in South Africa , Botswana and Zambia. 

Contact us directly- 

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CRA GROUP trading 

IF you need any information you welcome to contact us.

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