AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News 25th August 2024

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 25th August 2024

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-Welcome to our world- the real world of Farming and Agriculture in South Africa- Local and International news-  

This AGRI NEWS RUSH -Some of the news stories of this week-, SUNDAY EDITIONALWAYS ON TIME  -

News Comments  - Internationally shared - Nothing Sensational.  News platform of the commercial farmers of South Africa .

Just that " ONE" step ahead- 

12 Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappye is reeds deur Saoedi-Arabië goedgekeur om beesvleis na die land uit te voer en sewe maatskappye vir die uitvoer van lamsvleis en skaapvleisprodukte. Suid-Afrika verwag om sy uitvoermarkaandeel met Saoedi-Arabië uit te brei gegewe die ondertekening van onlangse handelsooreenkomste. Saoedi-Arabië is ’n netto invoerder van beesvleis. Sy invoer van bevrore beesvleis en vars of verkoelde vleis het groeikoerse van onderskeidelik sowat 71% en 90% bereik .Dit is ’n gunstige tyd vir Suid-Afrikaanse vleisprodusente om voordeel te trek uit die opheffing van die verbod en om hul produkte na die koninkryk uit te voer. Dit kan bydra tot die groei van ons ekonomie en die versterking van ons bilaterale ekonomiese betrekkinge met Saoedi-Arabië.

Access to markets and the government’s policy stance towards SA’s main agricultural trading partners, remain the biggest risk for its exports, the Agrikonsult survey barometer shows.  Botswana recently imposed another ban on agricultural imports from SA, specifically oranges, and the Namibian Agronomic Board last month announced a one-month ban for July on the importation of eight of the 20 crops that are on the special controlled products list. The barometer, which surveyed agricultural economists working in SA commercial agriculture, showed a decrease in government policy risks from 62% in January 2024 to 46%, reflecting optimism in the government of national unity (GNU) and the appointment of a new agriculture minister.  Infrastructure risks remained elevated at 54%, though this was an improvement from 62% earlier in the year, the barometer showed. Agricultural exports were also facing a serious threat due to government policies and the absence of new trade agreements. Market conditions were alarmingly challenging, with livestock and fruit exports particularly vulnerable and now facing a 65% risk level.

A huge shortage of veterinarians in the country has left vacancies in clinics, especially in rural areas, and vets are leaving the country en masse. About 100 veterinarians leave the country every year to work overseas, while only about 140 qualify a year, according to recent figures from the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development. Paul van der Merwe, president of the SA Veterinary Association (Sava), said the crisis was worse in rural areas, where there was often a lack of equipment or medicines, and clinics frequently closed down. About 40% of the 455 state veterinary positions were vacant in 2023, according to an answer given in parliament by the agriculture minister. This is worse than the 35% vacancy rate in 2019. The situation is most serious in Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal. SA has almost 4,000 registered vets, of whom about 230 are specialists, which comes to just more than 60 vets per million people. The international standard, according to the SA Veterinary Council, the body that regulates vets, is between 200 and 400 vets per million people.

The global nominal food price index, as reported by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), decreased in July 2024. This decline was primarily driven by a reduction in the cereal price index (3.8%), which outweighed increases in other indices. The decline was primarily due to improved global wheat and maize production prospects. Specifically, the vegetable oil price index rose by 2.4%, driven by higher prices for sunflower and palm oils due to tight supply conditions and increased demand. The sugar price index also increased by 0.7%, mainly due to concerns over adverse weather and monsoons affecting production in Brazil and India. Additionally, the meat price index rose by 1.2%, as global demand for poultry and beef stabilised price fluctuations.

Interested Articles posted on Farmingportal/Agricultureportal 

With data from a single farmer, you can’t do much, but if you combine it with data from all farmers, it becomes invaluable. I am certainly in favor of data sharing, but it’s crucial to consider with whom this data is shared. And more importantly, who processes and analyzes it, and for what purposes. READ MORE 

The Indian urea tender closes for offers early next week and thereafter the price will be published. A price of close to $340/t CFR India is being talked about, which would equate to around $320/t for the Middle East. This is $10-15/t lower than the current price level. READ MORE 

Regenerative viticulture aims to restore soil health by mimicking natural processes. As soil life improves, so does its ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, making it a valuable tool in combating global warming. Accumulating organic carbon in vineyard soils improves their health, resilience to erosion, and drought resistance due to enhanced water retention.  READ MORE 

This places South Africa's total maize exports in the 2024/25 marketing year at 655k tonnes out of the expected 1,85 million tonnes (down from 3,44 million tonnes in the 2023/24 marketing year because of the mid-summer drought). READ MORE 

EXCLUSIVE to Farmingportal - Farm FOR SALE -Type- Livestock  Area – Lothair/Ermelo, Mpumalanga Hectares – 1,100.7387

One of the best and most sought after farms in the area. For sale because the owner and his wife are both in their seventies and the children are not interested in farming. The farm is fenced in and divided into several camps : 310 ha is currently used for the cultivation of mealies and soya-beans; 400 ha is used for grazing of livestock. At least 200 ha of this can be switched to the cultivation of crops. There are also 50 ha planted pastures (Eragrostis curvula) and 237 ha plantations (Eucalyptus). There is an abundance of water on the farm. Two streams flow through the farm. There are two fully equipped boreholes, a big dam and several fountains.  READ MORE 

Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life/Lifeiselect - 21st August 2024


 Dankie dat jy elke dag deel is van ons - NUUS NETWERK- Ons maak dit nog groter. 7 dae per week is ons span werksaam-  Onafhanklik en gefokus op ons werk-   Internasionaal is daar groot belangstelling in ons mediums. Our visitors to our mediums increased with 38 % in the past week - We have hundreds of new upcoming farmers visiting our mediums . No medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address. - 350 "good news " stories per week-  Our domains -  and en landbounuusnet.

 Lees gerus wat ons mediums is- READ MORE  


Hollard is proud to sponsor the Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers SA junior communicator awards. Our 4th  year - The Agricultural sector is critical in helping create a better future for all South Africans and the purpose of this competition is to encourage accurate storytelling and relaying of information within this sector. The competition seeks to create a platform where students of agriculture or journalism can publish their work and get a taste for communicating to the public and industry stakeholders and stand the chance to win some nice cash prizes. There are two sections to the competition, one for journalism students and another for students of agricultural disciplines. The latter includes scientists and economists. The competition closes at the end of August  2024  and the winners will be announced at an event held at the historical Villa Arcadia in Parktown en of October 2024. Villa Arcadia is the home of Hollard and we look forward to presenting this event at this special place.  READ MORE 

Michelle Marais- Winner of the FIRST Voice of women in Agriculture.

Andries Wiese and Johann Pretorius- 

Farmingportal/Agricultureportal/ AGRI NEWS NET Independent and impartial -Making Farming and Agriculture easy to read- to hear to view and to understand- 7 days a week- 365 days of the year. Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers and Upcoming Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world.

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 18th August 2024

We proud to announce that our mediums is now part of 38 international Farming and Agriculture news mediums around the world.  We are Independent and a leading farming and agriculture in South Africa- Africa and the rest of the world.  18 years of constant reporting with a dedicated creative team.

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WATCH OUT- NEW program on the way - exclusive to CRA MEDIA -   

Welcome to the real world of Farmingportal/Agricultureportal/ AGRI NEWS NET Independent and impartial -Making Farming and Agriculture easy to read- to hear to view and to understand- 7 days a week- 365 days of the year.  Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers and Upcoming Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world.  Quality articles and information ---Visit AGRI NEWS NET for more daily news 

NEWS  on AGRI NEWS NET - For more news visit  - This is just a  a summary of a few stories- much more on

On various occasions, I have highlighted South Africa's agricultural sector's gains in the first three decades of democracy. The sector has more than doubled in value and volume terms. Better seed varieties in crops, vegetables, and fruits, as well as improved genetics in livestock and poultry, have, among other interventions, been the catalyst for output growth.

The climate plays a big role in the banana supply chain, with warmer weather and a lot of rain impacting volumes in especially South American growing countries. Ecuador saw 1,6% less exports up to July, 2024. This is mainly due to climatic factors leading to lower yields.

The USDA forecast 2024 US corn production at 15.147 billion bushels, up 47 million bushels from the WASDE’s trend-line projection in July and down 195 million bushels, or 1.3%, from record-high production of 15.342 billion bushels in 2023. If realized, this year’s corn production will be the third highest on record.

Navorsing deur die Sentrum vir Wêreldontwikkeling voorspel klimaatsverandering gaan Afrika se bruto binnelandse produk met 7,1 persent inkort. Die studie, Die maatskaplik-ekonomiese uitwerking van klimaatsverandering in ontwikkelende lande in die volgende dekades, voorspel dat klimaatsverandering 200 miljoen inwoners van Afrika tot ernstige honger sal dryf.

The Eastern Cape government introduced the livestock identification and traceability system (LITS) in Tsolo, aiming to enhance cattle security and combat stock theft across 120 farming enterprises. This technology-based ear tag system, which will benefit 30,000 cattle, allows for individual animal identification and owner verification. While some farmers expressed concerns about the visibility and potential removal of the tags, the initiative represents a significant step towards integrating modern technology with traditional agricultural practices to secure livestock and improve prosecution rates for theft.


Old Mutual has partnered with the Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry to boost South Africa’s agricultural growth by providing financial support and digital tools to rural farmers. This collaboration aims to create an enabling environment for businesses and stakeholders to flourish. Key initiatives include the Old Mutual Masisizane Fund, which offers micro-business loans and support to underprivileged entrepreneurs, and the introduction of Old Mutual SMEgo, a digital platform designed to meet the needs of agricultural SMEs. The partnership seeks to address financial challenges and promote sustainable agricultural development in underserved communities.

The global nominal food price index, as reported by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), decreased in July 2024. This decline was primarily driven by a reduction in the cereal price index (3.8%), which outweighed increases in other indices. The decline was primarily due to improved global wheat and maize production prospects.

The Port of Cape Town on Friday morning confirmed that “vessel turnaround times may be longer” and “customer satisfaction may be compromised” as it recovers from ship-to-shore cranes (STS) breaking down. In an “STS status update” sent out to industry, Transnet managing executive for the Western Cape region, Oscar Borchards, said six cranes were currently available while three were being repaired.

For a much-needed segment of South Africa’s cargo industry that has been underperforming for decades, rail freight finds itself at the crossroads of opportunity and transformation, transport minister Barbara Creecy has said.”

Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana has announced that a fuel price intervention plan will soon be tabled in Cabinet to tackle high fuel prices, the DA said on Friday. Democratic Alliance (DA) MP and spokesperson, Kevin Mileham, said the announcement was a victory for every South African who had felt the impact of rising fuel prices.

The export symposium held at the International Convention Centre in East London on 21 and 22 August showcased the dynamic partnership between the EU and South Africa.Pamina Boher, secretary-general of the Italian Chamber, said there was growing potential for South African products in the European market.

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