AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 27th June 2021

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Die Landbouprodukteagenteraad (Apac) sal vanaf 1 Julie 2021 met ondersoeke begin om vas te stel of produsente en veilingskrale verantwoordelik te werk gaan met die verkoop en vervoer van lewendehawe, al dan nie.

Volgens die Namibiese Statistieke Agentskap het die ekonomie met 6,5 persent in die eerste kwartaal ingekrimp. Dit is meestendeels deur inkrimpings van 24 persent in konstruksie, 22 persent in vervaardiging, 19 persent in mynwese en 8,2 persent in kleinhandel, onder andere, gedryf.

Technology on a farm is a systems approach. If you do a poor job on your fertility, it doesn’t matter what you have. Unfortunately, most people think it starts with the planter but it doesn’t. It’s the last thing to look at to elevate your ROI,” he says. “If you don’t go out and compact the hell out of your farm, for example, you don’t need downforce.”

Dr Theo de Jager, Uitvoerende Voorsitter van Saai, se mandaat as President van die Wêreld Landbou-organisasie (WFO) is so pas tydens dié organisasie se Algemene Jaarvergadering met nog 'n jaar verleng! Baie geluk aan hierdie wêreldklas landbouleier en mentor!

Statistics South Africa has published its latest consumer price index, showing that annual headline inflation has climbed above the 4.5% midpoint of the South African Reserve Bank’s monetary policy target range, accelerating to 5.2% in May from 4.4% in April.

Feedlot studies in the US demonstrated that a 10% improvement in average daily gain (ADG) as a result of a 7% increase in appetite improved profitability 18%, whereas a 10% improvement in feed efficiency returned a 43% increase in profits. By improving feed efficiency, farmers contribute to a more sustainable and profitable production system.

South Africa’s avocado season has been rather disappointing, says the chairperson of the South Africa Avocado Growers Association, Clive Garrett. “Volumes are lower than expected and the current crop is now estimated at 16million 4kg equivalent export cartons.”

This week saw the release of the May 2021 inflation numbers and the outcome painted a picture of a deterioration in the consumer welfare as the CPI spiked to a 30-month high of 5.2% year-on-year (y/y). The CPI is now back above the midpoint and drifting towards the upper end of the Reserve Bank’s target range of 3% to 6%.

Ondanks die feit dat die nasionale oesskattingskomitee (NOK) sy skatting vir vanjaar se mielie-oes vir vier opeenvolgende maande telkens verhoog het en meen dat dit 6% hoër as verlede jaar s’n sal wees, is daar boere wat hardnekkig glo die oes is kleiner as ’n jaar gelede.

Ná dekades waarin staal en beton die gewildste boumateriale vir wolkekrabbers en ander groot geboue was, is hout weer besig om van sy vervloë gewildheid terug te wen. Dit is deels te danke aan die ontwikkeling van sogenaamde oorkruis-gelamineerde hout (cross-laminated timber of CLT), wat in blokke vervaardig word deur lae dun hout oorkruis op mekaar vas te gom.

While South African wine businesses were fighting for survival over the past year due to Covid-19 trade restrictions and their unintended consequences, Vinpro and other wine industry bodies have been working hard behind the scenes not only to reopen trade (and keep it open) but also to help wine businesses recover

The current growth momentum in South Africa's agricultural sector, which I have written about several times over the past few weeks, is not just a development of the past two seasons. If one casts an eye back to 2010, just two years before the official publication of the National Development Plan, the agri sector's aggregate volume of production in 2020 was 19% higher compared with that year.

Soil is an important resource that is useful to us in many different ways. It is central to successful farming and allows plants and trees to grow which can then be used for financial purposes. Both nature and people can affect the health of soil through changes in the climate or the ways in which we use the land.

Calculating the total milk supply involves the conversion of imported and exported dairy products to milk equivalent litres. The calculation methodology that the MPO and the South African Milk Processors’ Organisation use, differ in that the MPO includes sales to other Southern African Customs Union countries (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, and Eswatini) as part of its export complex.

Die Akkerbou Produsentevereniging gaan proewe op verskillende gewasse doen om ’n geleentheid tot diversifikasie vir akkerbouprodusente te skep. Dié langverwagte proewe het sopas in die Grootfontein-omgewing begin. Die proewe sal onder droëland en besproeiingstoestande in verskillende produksiesones gedoen word, naamlik die Mieliedriehoek, Summerdown, Hochfeld en Hardap.

Ondanks voortslepende openbare beskuldigings en teenbeskuldigings tussen die lewendehawe-uitvoerder Al Mawashi en Suid-Afrika se nasionale Dierebeskermingsvereniging (NDBV) het ’n besending van 56 000 skape, 800 beeste en 178 bokke vandag aan boord van die gespesialiseerde veevervoerskip Al Messilah uit Oos-Londen vertrek.

A range of new products for swine producers hit the market in June 2021, including various pig health products. Plus: Charoen Pokphand Foods steps up to help the Philippine swine industry and both Novus as well as Verba have reason to celebrate this year.

In May 2021, an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in cattle was confirmed at a dip tank in the uMkhanyakude district municipality of KwaZulu-Natal. This location is in the suspended FMD-free zone and the affected area involves communal grazing land.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE -

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Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.

Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.

Die tyd om die harde werk te proe-  Suid Afrika se wyne op sy beste

We are bottling our 2019 Shiraz today. Can't wait to share this wine with you guys. 😉🍷🍇 #LaBoucher @KwaggaBoucher @BuffaloBreeder

— La Boucher Wines (@LaBoucher) June 21, 2021

Die vlug van Vryheid

Die wonder van die Natuur

Die hond verstaan skape

So moet daar gestroop word

Die Kaap is omgekrap

As jy windgat raak in plaaspad.