AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 4th July 2021

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Tabak is Zimbabwe se grootste buitelandse verdiener ná goud, wat ‘n inkomste van sowat 1,6 miljard Amerikaanse dollar van die 3,2 Amerikaanse dollar van uitvoere in 2018 ingebring het. Tabak het ‘n inkomste van $892 miljoen ingebring uit 184,1 miljoen kilogram wat in 2018 na China, Suid-Afrika, Indonesië, België en die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate uitgevoer is.

The latest development on the international market is that China’s appetite for beef imports surged in 2021, taking the world’s number one spot on the back of strong economic recovery post the devastating Covid-19 last year. The African Swine Fever (ASF) induced supply tightness and the subsequent spike in pork prices encouraged a switch to other meat types such as beef.

Die Professionele Jagtersvereniging verwelkom die verlenging van die tydperk van openbare deelname aan die voorgestelde wysiging van die Wet op Vuurwapenbeheer. Die publiek kan tot die einde van hierdie maand hul bydraes skriftelik voorlê. Die kommentaar wat tot dusver ontvang is, bevat hoofsaaklik besware oor die herroeping van die voorskrifte wat met selfverdediging verband hou.

Nog gevaar tekens is aan die waarsku oor die ekonomiese toestand van mense in Suid-Afrika wat op verskillende maniere deur die pandemie geraak word. Aan die een kant is daar vreugde oor meer voertuie wat verkoop word, want dit toon tekens dat die ekonomie besig is om geleidelik te herstel.

'n Bekende in die veebedryf, Chris Derksen, verskaf soos oudergewoonte die veilingspryse vir lewendehawe. Hy versprei dié inligting sodat produsente en kopers dieselfde inligting tot hul beskikking het om sodoende ingeligte besluite te kan neem met die aankoop en verkoop van lewende hawe op veilings. Die Noord-Vrystaat word as 'n indeksgebied gebruik. Besoek

Just like people, crops require good nutrition. Nearly all phosphorus acquired by plants during crop production comes from the soil. In 1861, nearly 200 years after Brandt’s discovery of phosphorus, French Georges Ville first reported the essential nature of phosphorus to plants. He said, “A judicious agriculturist must take account of what the soil receives and what it loses.”

THE UNEMPLOYMENT crisis in South Africa continued to worsen as more people lost their jobs in the non-agricultural sector during the first quarter of this year.Data from Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) yesterday showed that thousands of jobs were lost in the three months to March, despite expectations of a rise in employment.

Aan weerskante van Gauteng se grense is wildboere en jagters moedeloos oor die verbod op reis vir ontspanningsdoeleindes wat pres. Cyril Ramaphosa aangekondig het. Wildboere hoop daar sal vir hulle verligting wees wanneer me. Barbara Creecy, minister van omgewingsake, bosbou en visserye, haar riglyne bekend maak.

Nearly 40 percent of arable soils across England and Wales are 'degraded', according to a newly-developed soil health index developed by British scientists. The index, developed by Rothamsted Research, shows for the first time that 38% of arable soils in England and Wales are degraded. This is compared with less than 7 percent of grassland and woodland soils being given the same rating.

Guava production in the northern regions of South Africa has more than halved over the past decade. The main cause for this has been the devastating impact of guava wilt disease.

Klimaatverandering is dreigende globale koffie opbrengs soos veranderende temperature en reënvalpatrone beïnvloed plantegroei. Die veranderende klimaat kan ook plante verlaat meer kwesbaar vir siektes.

Die huidige hoë voedselpryse in Namibië plaas verbruikers onder verdere druk en volgens berigte word dit deur beperkings in voorraad gedryf. Die Namibiese Statistieke Agentskap sê voedselinflasie het van 4,8 persent in Mei verlede jaar na 7,1 persent in Mei gestyg. Vleis het die grootste styging getoon van 6,5 persent verlede jaar tot 16,9 persent op die oomblik. Intussen het huur ook toegeneem.

Climate change will affect all of us, but agriculture is an area where it will hit our lifestyle hard. The US Department of Agriculture's recent report, Climate Change and Agriculture in the United States: Effects and Adaptation, points to effects that are already underway and will continue to worsen just as our planet needs to feed increasingly more people.

The KwaZulu-Natal based sugar company Tongaat Hulett was fined R7.5-million last year by the JSE for misrepresenting its financial statements between 2011 and 2018, a scandal second only to the Steinhoff debacle in scale, and one that has cost more than 5,000 jobs and millions of rands for investors.

Wetenskaplikes het ‘n molekulêre analise van ‘n deel van die virus wat bek-en-klouseer veroorsaak onderneem in ‘n poging om te bepaal waarom die patogeen so aansteeklik is. Bek-en-klouseer is ‘n hoogs aansteeklike besmetting van diere met ‘n gesplete hoef wat ‘n impak op produksie en kuddevrugbaarheid het.

The Citrus Growers’ Association of Southern Africa has indicated that once the protocol comes into force, the volume of South African exports to China is expected to surpass those of Argentina and Chile.

Subsidies aan boerderye kan internasionale pryse verwring tot nadeel van die boere wat nie subsidies kry nie. Dit kan ook veroorsaak dat boere nie produkte lewer waarvoor daar ’n mark is nie, maar die produkte waarvoor hulle die grootste subsidies kry.

In the Western Cape where citrus producers are packing late navels, soft citrus like Fairchild and Valley Gold, with a bit of lemons, harvesting has ceased as the southwestern part of the province experiences a winter as it's supposed to be: icy and very wet.

For those of you who have never traveled to the southwest,of the USA, cattle guards are horizontal steel rails placed at fence openings, in dug-out places in the roads adjacent to highways (sometimes across highways), to prevent cattle from crossing over that area. For some reason the cattle will not step on the "guards," probably because they fear getting their feet caught between the rails.

Die Departement van Landbou, Grondhervorming en Landelike Ontwikkeling het in ‘n statusverslag oor die bek-en-klouseer uitbreking in KwaZulu-Natal aangedui dat die besmette diptenk onder kwarantyn geplaas is en dat geen diere met ‘n gesplete hoef of hul produkte toegelaat word om die gebied te verlaat nie.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE -

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Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.

Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.

Die donkie het nog nooit so ding gesien nie.


— Fern5 (@Fern514) June 30, 2021

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