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DOWNLOAD AGRI NEWS NET from the GOOGLE APP store- Get update with the news 7 days a week- 365 days per year- This AGRI NEWS NET -Some of the Articles this week-,
More than 150 top international scientists are calling on the world to take urgent action on nitrogen pollution, to tackle the widespread harm it is causing to humans, wildlife and the planet. The present environmental crisis is much more than a carbon problem' and are asking all countries 'to wake up to the challenge' of halving nitrogen waste from all sources globally by 2030.
Around 17 July 2021, a hunter shot a massive elephant bull (a tusker) in the Controlled Hunting Area (CHA) CH8 in the Chobe region of Botswana. The hunt was legal from what we can gather (i.e. conducted with the requisite permits, licences, etc.).
Water scarcity, greater demand for water, and changes in water supply due to climate change are severely affecting South Africa, posing a significant risk to the region and its economies.
Avocados have skyrocketed 49% over the past year, and good quality ones have been hard to find following three weeks of unfavourable weather conditions in major producing regions during the fruit's flowering season in September last year. In a single week, the price for avocados surged 22% to R20.91 per kilogram,
Die hoër graanpryse en vanjaar se groot oes lyk goed op papier, maar boere en landbou-ondernemings moet hulle staal vir ’n moeiliker 2021-’22-produksiejaar weens stygende produksiekoste. Met die volgende planttyd vir somergraanboere om die draai kan stygende insetkoste ’n skadu werp oor die beter winste wat boere danksy hoër graanpryse behaal het.
69% of consumers are not confident they know what GMOs are, and less than a third of Americans (32%) say they are comfortable with the use of GMOs in their food products. Roughly 3 in 5 Americans are interested in learning more about GMOs. 74% want to learn more about GMOs’ impact on their overall health. 67% are interested in learning more about the overall safety of GMOs.
Die voormalige statistikus-generaal, Pali Lehohla, het uitgevaar teen die regering omdat oplossings nie gevind word vir werkloosheid onder die jeug nie. Werkloosheid onder jeugdiges is meer as 30 persent. Statistiek toon dat die werkloosheidskoers in die vierde kwartaal van verlede jaar van 32 komma 5 persent tot 32 komma 6 persent in die eerste kwartaal van vanjaar toegeneem het.
Research and innovation are critical in supporting smallholder and commercial farmers, especially in responding to new challenges of climate change, says Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Minister Thoko Didiza.
For years TLU SA has pointed out that this policy is perilous, but it is as rigid as steel. President Ramaphosa will under no circumstances disturb this gravy train patronage. His staying in power is the name of his game, so jobs for pals is sacrosanct, whatever happens to South Africa. As a Venda, he must watch the Zulus with a beady eye.
Suid-Afrika het ’n groot probleem met uitheemse indringerbome soos rooikrans (Acacia cyclops), swartwattel (Acacia mearnsii) en die muskietboom (Prosopis, ook bekend as suidwesdoring). Hierdie bome gebruik baie water, verdring ons eie plante en diere, verhoog die risiko vir skadelike veldbrande en verminder weiding. Baie van hulle is gelukkig ook goeie vuurmaakhout.
Die hoër graanpryse en vanjaar se groot oes lyk goed op papier, maar boere en landbou-ondernemings moet hulle staal vir ’n moeiliker 2021-’22-produksiejaar weens stygende produksiekoste. Met die volgende planttyd vir somergraanboere om die draai kan stygende insetkoste ’n skadu werp oor die beter winste wat boere danksy hoër graanpryse behaal het.
The cyber-attack on Transnet’s IT systems, along with the destruction caused by the recent civil unrest, could severely affect the availability of fertiliser for the current cropping season, according to Dr Pieter Haumann, CEO of the Fertilizer Association of South Africa (Fertasa).
Mnr. Dawie Maree, landbou- ekonoom en hoof van landbou-inligting en -bemarking by FNB, sê daar is ook ander koste wat druk op boere se winsgewendheid plaas. “Lone en elektrisiteit is geadministreerde koste, soos eiendomsbelasting en lisensiesgeld, en daaroor het produsente ongelukkig nie beheer nie.
The price index of a basket of dairy products traded internationally, as published by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), increased in the twelve monthsup to May 2021, to a level 27.9 percent higher than in May 2020, 13.3 percent higher than in May 2019 and 8.8 percent higher than in May 2018.
Goeie vordering is gemaak met die proses om nuwe toegang tot die Filippynse mark te bekom. Die tegniese werk is afgehandel en die Departement van Landbou is reeds vir vroeg die komende seisoen na Suid-Afrika genooi vir die sogenaamde verifikasie-besoek, as laaste stap in die marktoegang proses. Die ambisie bly om reeds vir minstens ‘n gedeelte van die komende seisoen marktoegang te verkry.
150 mense sterf daagliks aan Tuberkulose in Suid Afrika - TB versprei op dieselfde manier deur speeksel ens. Hoevel van die mense wat TB het word nou geklassifiseer as Covid 19 en dan op ventelators geplaas. Die Virus is hier- dit beheer ons lewens en die regering gebruik dit om ons beheer. Meeste van die toetse is 100% foutief in baie gevalle.

Nearly half of parents (48%) agree that it can be a battle to get kids to eat more veg. 51.7% of parents have to tell their kids to finish their veg. 44% of children will remove at least some, if not all, of the salad from a burger. 43% of adults say their children are fussier eaters than when they were children.
At farm level, the South African Reserve Bank’s unanimous decision to keep the repo rate unchanged at 3.5% will bring relief to farmers who are up to their ears in debt and under pressure to pay accounts. This will, particularly, be the case for farmers who are farming drought-stricken areas. Lesetja Kganyago, SARB governor, made the announcement recently after a meeting of the monetary committee.
More than 150 top international scientists are calling on the world to take urgent action on nitrogen pollution, to tackle the widespread harm it is causing to humans, wildlife and the planet. The present environmental crisis is much more than a carbon problem' and are asking all countries 'to wake up to the challenge' of halving nitrogen waste from all sources globally by 2030
Agriculture is changing all over the world and a new way of thinking will have to take place very quickly. It is more likely that agricultural technology and the agricultural economy will develop in such a way that land will not necessarily serve as collateral for production. The calculation of risk will be traded on perpetual production rather than on assets and land.

Suid Afrika -Die reënvooruitsigte vir die komende somerplanttyd lyk taamlik gunstig, sê mnr. Johan van den Berg, onafhanklike weerkundige. “Die kans dat daar vanjaar weer ’n La Niñaverskynsel sal heers, het onlangs verbeter, en staan nou op 60-70%.”
Rekordreën laat in Julie oor Wes-Europa het riviere laat oorstroom en ’n rampspoedige effek op die landbou gehad in Duitsland, België en Nederland. Inwoners sê die skade aan onbeskermde sagtevrugte, kersies en groente wat in landerye verbou word, is reusagtig.

Hollard Insure together with Farmingportal.co.za and AGRI NEWS NET, invites submissions for the Young Agri Writers competition. This is an opportunity for aspiring writers under the age of 28 to be published and win prizes for their efforts.
This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET- Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE -
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Agri News Net en Farmingportal.co.za se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.
Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.
Melk-kos uit die boeke uit
Melkkos op n koue wintersaand. Heerlike snysels. Ouma se borde en Oumagrootjie se konfythouer. Dit smaak dan net lekkerder! pic.twitter.com/jf4Aam31oP
— Andre Schwartz (@Andre_Schwartz) July 28, 2021
As 'n trop bokke die pad kruis.
Really Beautiful ! https://t.co/GXuSuu1YSW
— Vipnesh Mathur (News24) (@MathurVipnesh) July 28, 2021
Liefde is oral
@rameshpandeyifs @ParveenKaswan @surenmehra @Saket_Badola @adityadickysin wishes for international tigers day pic.twitter.com/LzDF2xpEF9
— Ankur Chaturvedi (@AnkurChatur) July 29, 2021
As die ou gryses wil kompiteer
WATCH: 'Papa is everywhere!': Zach Taylor, 63, wins the 2021 ‘Hemingway Look-Alike Contest’ pic.twitter.com/IjE2bEvbno
— Reuters (@Reuters) August 1, 2021]
Monsoon reen maak dit moelik om te stroop
Harvest came to pause due to a monsoon. 4" in 45min pic.twitter.com/6RDWaPFUgi
— Aaron Martinka (@AaronMartinka) August 1, 2021