AGRI NEWS NET -Summary of the Weeks News - 25th July 2021

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The United States is the world’s largest producer of chocolate, despite barely growing any cocoa trees. Conversely, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) holds over half of the world’s reserves of cobalt, the key raw material for the batteries used to power smartphones and autonomous vehicles.

’n Dekade of twee gelede was bemarking redelik beperk tot gedrukte media en TV- en radioadvertensies. Nou is daar ontelbare bemarkingskanale en -tegnieke wat jou in kontak kan bring met jou ideale kliënt en die sukses van jou besigheid kan beïnvloed.

The Recent analysis of South Africa’s agricultural production for the 2019/20 and 2020/21 production seasons has largely carried a positive tone. Over the past month, focus has been on summer crops and horticulture, where record yields have been a dominant feature in the discussion.

Die onlangse onluste in KwaZulu-Natal en dele van Gauteng, asook pres. Cyril Ramaphosa se erkenning dat die staat onvoorbereid was om die plundering en beskadiging van eiendom te keer, bewys weer die belangrik van mense se reg tot selfverdediging, sê mnr. Tommie Esterhuyse, ondervoorsitter van Vrystaat Landbou.

The Draft Constitution Eighteenth Amendment Bill is so damaging that it must simply be abandoned. The sanctity of property rights should instead be strongly reaffirmed, while the government should find sound practical ways to resolve the land reform and housing problems that expropriation without compensation (EWC) and state custodianship will worsen, rather than improve.

Navorsing dui daarop dat vleisverbruik in ontwikkelende lande toeneem, veral in Afrika en die Midde-Ooste, waar dit ekonomies beter met verbruikers gaan en hulle meer vleis by hul daaglikse dieet insluit.

SAB het sy regsgeding teen die regering se jongste verbod op die verkoop van alkohol verloor toe die Wes Kaapse Hooggeregshof sy aansoek met koste van die hand gewys het. Dit is dalk nou tyd die aangewese Minister wat verantwoordelik is vir die vernietiging van die bedryf in haar persoon aangevat word omdat sy met haar optrede duidende mense se lewens verwoes.

It takes one hive of bees 88,500 kilometres of flight to produce 450 grams of honey. Incredible amount of work to produce such a small amount of honey. Though, is that it takes approximately two million flowers for bees to produce that one 450 grams of honey. Bees can fly up to 15 miles per hour which allows them to go from flower to flower in a relatively short amount of time.

The sales numbers are in for the first six months of 2021 and if we narrow the bakkie focus down to double cabs, it was a very close race between Toyota and Ford. According to Lightstone Auto, the Toyota Hilux emerged as South Africa’s best-selling double cab, with a total of 9 251 units sold between January and June this year.

Landbouers en ander Besighede en Maatskappye in Suid Afrika moet kennis neem van die volgende nuwe vereistes vir indeinsneming -Volgens die wet op Gelyke Indiensnemeing Wet 55 van 1998 moet alle werkgewers wat binne die definisie van "designated employer" soos uiteengesit in die wet voldoen aan die wetlike vereistes vir Gelyke Indiensneming soos vervat in die wet.

South Africa has plans of becoming a beneficiary of its own precious metals. This was the message that came through loud and clear following the launch of the first state-of-the-art facility, custom designed to host manufacturing processes of platinum group metal (PGM) components for the fuel cell and electrolyser industries that underpin the emerging green hydrogen industry.

The estimated structural damages due to fires that swept across parts of the Free State last week amounts to R2,7 million. This is according to preliminary data that Free State Agriculture has received after conducting an online survey among farmers affected by the fires.

Unrest that swept through KwaZulu-Natal last week has resulted in the import food industry losing significant volumes of raw material and 40 000 tons of cold storage capacity. Paul Matthew,CEO of the Association of Meat Importers and Exporters,say they have made calls to government stakeholders to help accelerate the flow of meat products through the Durban port in a bid to prevent food shortages.

Disaster relief is a more general need in the agricultural environment, but it is a luxury. Apart from limited contributions from the Western Cape Provincial Government, there is precious little assistance for farmers who are going to rack and ruin because of fires, unrest, droughts or flood.

A coffee tree is a woody perennial evergreen, covered with dark-green, waxy leaves growing opposite each other in pairs. They can grow 30 feet (9 m) high, but in cultivation, coffee trees are kept short for easier harvesting. It takes three or four years after planting for the tree to become productive.

Sitrus as uitvoerbedryf is in die binnebaan. Navorsing wys onderliggend aan dié sukses is wêreldklasnavorsing, eenheid en goeie mense. Dit lyk asof daar geen keer aan die Suid-Afrikaanse sitrusbedryf is nie.

This week saw the release of Statistics South Africa’s (StatsSA) monthly consumer price inflation (CPI) update and the outcome showed some improvement in the consumer welfare in June 2021 relative to the previous month. The June CPI is now back below the 5% level at 4.9% year-on-year (y/y) and pulled away from the upper end of the Reserve Bank’s target range of 3% to 6%.

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Verbruikerskommissie waarsku verskaffers om nie die pryse van noodsaaklike verbruikersgoedere, soos kos en dienste, onregverdig te verhoog nie. Dié waarskuwing volg nadat die voedselvoorsieningsketting in KwaZulu-Natal en Gauteng deur gewelddadige protesoptogte, plundery en grootskaalse diefstal by winkelsentrums en pakhuise lamgelê is.

Die nuutste verbod op die verkoop van drank het Distell vanaf 27 Junie, toe die verbod aangekondig is, tot 30 Junie sowat R30 miljoen se wins gekos. Dít volgens ’n handelsverslag vir tydperk 1 Julie 2020 tot 30 Junie 2021 wat op die JSE se Sens-nuusdiens gepubliseer is.

Dit is belangrik dat ’n boer bewus moet wees van die veranderende omgewing en mark waarin hy sake doen. Hy moet daarom die regte strategiese besluite neem om sy besigheid vir oorlewing op lang termyn te posisioneer. Mense is geneig om baie gesprekke en energie te bestee aan die politieke of ekonomiese omgewing in Suid-Afrika en hoe dinge in die volgende klompie jare kan ontwikkel.

The Economist has updated its Big Mac Index, showing how the rand continues to be one of the most undervalued currencies globally, relative to the US dollar.The Big Mac Index is an initiative created by The Economist that aims to measure whether currencies are priced at their “correct” level.

Most South Africans are aware of the dire situation created across the country by the past week’s unrest and looting. Dairy producers were not spared. It was a traumatic experience for every dairy farmer who had to throw away milk, a perishable product, because it could not be transported due to the impact that riots had on the milk collection routes.

Most South Africans are aware of the dire situation created across the country by the past week’s unrest and looting. Dairy producers were not spared. It was a traumatic experience for every dairy farmer who had to throw away milk, a perishable product, because it could not be transported due to the impact that riots had on the milk collection routes.

Ons nuusspan in die nuuskantoor het die week bietjie navorsing gedoen oor al die media en nuusdienste wat tans op "Facebook" aangebied word. Die nuus handel omtrent alles oor Suid Afrika se politiek en die regering asook plaasmoorde en ander verwante gebeure. Die videokanale is vol nuus soos elke ou sy eie program aanbied en sy droom uitleef.

Huidige wetgewing oor die onderverdeling van landbougrond in ekonomiese eenhede moet hersien word sodat plase van ’n voldoende en hanteerbare grootte aan opkomende boere oorhandig kan word. Sodoende kan grondherverdeling meer suksesvol toegepas word.

Agriculture employs 70% of the workforce in Africa and constitutes 30% of total GDP. Yet the continent relies heavily on imports and food aid. Africa is currently spending US$35 billion [about R500 billion] a year on food imports. Zambia alone imports 54% of its onions, 53% of its apples, and 23% of its citrus.

Strong demand and lower volumes lift South African onion prices- An onion trader at the Johannesburg municipal market says that the onion price lifted by R5 (0.29 Euro) / 10kg bag on Wednesday morning as a result of strong demand and lower volumes; the average price in Johannesburg is currently R3.89 (0.22 Euro) per kg for the most common 10kg bag category.

Despite a myriad of setbacks caused by Covid-19, optimism in South Africa's agricultural value chain recently reached a six-year high. This suggests that the industry is bouncing back, although the full impact of the lockdown is still coming to the fore.


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Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.

Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.

1) Dis nou spiere wys as dit kom by visvang 

2) So doen ons elke jaar alles weer van vooraf- maar dit bly lekker

3) As Boel gulsig raak.

— Account that heal your sadness (@lmprovetheday_) July 21, 2021

4) As jou breinselle jou in die steek laat 

5) As dit 200mm en meer reen in een uur 

6 )Dis tyd vir 'n nuwe seisoen in die Vrystaat-

7) Die wonder van die Natuur 

8) As diere begin inkopies doen