AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 21st November 2021

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This AGRI NEWS NET -Some of the news stories of this week-,

Suid Afrika -Boere se marges gaan in die komende jaar onder ernstige druk kom weens hoër produksiekoste. Boere se marges gaan in die komende jaar onder ernstige druk kom weens hoër produksiekoste en daar wag ’n rowwe tyd op saaiboere wat mettertyd ook na veeboere sal deurspoel. Dit skep op sy beurt risiko’s vir inflasiedruk, het prof. Johan Willemse, onafhanklike landbou-ekonoom, gesê.

Die eerste vraag wat gevra moet word, is hoekom die Reserwebank verbruikers straf vir prysstygings waarvoor hulle nie verantwoordelik is nie? Wat kan die Bank doen aan die stygings in die internasionale ru-olieprys, 'n verswakkende wisselkoers wat verder sal verswak as gevolg van die vernietigende politieke en ekonomiese sosialistiese ideologie van die ANC-regering.

Saffraan is een van die mees waardevolle en duur speserye wêreldwyd bekend danksy sy kleur, geur en medisinale eienskappe. Wat medisinale eienskappe, kan jy vra? Die lys is omvangryk en gaan voort om te groei.

Voëlkenner Dirk Heinrich sê hy is druk besig om weer aasvoëls te ring en met merkplaatjies te voorsien. Hy sê vroeër het boere aasvoëls vergiftig, maar die meeste boere ag aasvoëls as hul beste vriende, want hulle dui aan waar dooie diere lê. Heinrich sê baie boere ondersteun die ring van aasvoëls en waardevolle inligting van die bedreigde spesies word met behulp van boere ingesamel.

According to The World Health Organisation, World Food Safety Day “draws the attention and inspires action to help prevent, detect and manage food safety risks in order to promote the availability of safe and healthy food for all.

Vergeet maar daarvan om steeds jou kinders te probeer leer dat die jaar in vier seisoene, elk drie maande lank, opgedeel kan word. Ook dat ’n mens eers ’n paar maande lank ’n matige lente geniet voordat temperature styg en somer aanbreek. Dié idees hoort in die verlede.

Brief on October 2021 Stats SA food inflation - This report gives an overview of food inflation dynamics, its associated causes and the cost of basic healthy eating for October 2021. • Inflation on food and non-alcoholic beverages for October 2021 was 6.1% – a slight moderation from September levels.

Maize and wheat: The shift to the consumption of chicken and eggs is a less efficient use of South Africa’s maize than direct human consumption. About half of South Africa’s maize is used for animal feed, and about 70% of the feed is used for poultry.

Dr. Theo de Jager, Chairman of the Board of Saai, was honoured by the Commercial Farmers Union of Zimbabwe (CFU) with the 2021 Agricultural Oscar Award. This prestigious award is given annually to a person who broadens the horizons of agriculture in Zimbabwe. This award was presented on 17 November during CFU’s 78th Congress.

The world’s fish stocks are being pushed to the brink. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), 31% of the world’s fish populations are overfished, and another 58% are fished at the maximum sustainable level. It’s obvious, wild fish cannot reproduce as fast as 8 billion people can eat them, hence the rise of plant-based seafood to the fore.

International Grains Council forecasts 2021/22 global maize production at 1,21 billion tonnes (up 8% year-on-year y/y), wheat at 781 million tonnes (up 1% y/y), rice at 513 million tonnes (up 1% y/y), soybeans at 380 million tonnes (up 4% y/y), and sorghum at 65 million tonnes (up 7% y/y).

Die toekoms vir Suid-Afrikaanse boere lyk warm en droog, volgens die klimatoloog prof. Francois Engelbrecht van die instituut vir globale verandering aan die Universiteit van die Witwatersrand. “Die aarde is besig om vinniger te verwarm as wat wetenskaplikes verwag het.

Vuisvose verbruikers sal bly wees om te hoor dat die pryse van produkte soos sonneblom-, palm-, en sojaboonolie na verwagting in die eerste ses maande van aanstaande jaar sal daal. ié verlaging in pryse is te danke aan 'n toename in produksie en voorrade van groente-olies.

International agricultural producers and food prices have increased sharply the past year because of international higher demand for food but even more because of the “disruptions to the global supply chain that are set to persist in 2022, according to the chief executive officer of Cargill Inc., David MacLennan, the agriculture powerhouse in the United States.

New reserch conducted by WorldFish and Stanford University Center for Ocean Solutions, has identified that a growing number of nations are prioritising the link between fisheries and aquaculture and nutrition and public health in policies, marking an increased recognition of the role of aquatic foods in sustainable healthy diets.

Restrained consumer spending detrimental to South African pineapple market- Local pineapple production is year-round from the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, with volumes picking up this time of the year.

Mnr. Bheki Cele, minister van polisie, het die geweldadige betogings van Julie vanjaar bestempel as die boosaardige vernietiging van infrastruktuur en die plundering van besigheidspersele.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE , when you download the APP.

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Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.

Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.

Onafhanklik - altyd aanlyn en altyd op tyd- Dit is AGRI NEWS NET-  die wereld van Landbou in jou hand. 


So gesels ons diere voels elke dag

Die wonder van die Natuur

En so leer ons huisdiere ons eie maniere aan.

As dit warm is- en jy is 'n olifant dan is water die beste plek

So geniet jy jou diere en die buitelewe