South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig -  Weekly Agriculture News Summary  5de Maart 2025

South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 5de Maart 2025

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klikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse/Engelse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels. 

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Met die aanbreek van herfs in Maart en April, verhoog kouefronte die risiko vir stormagtige weer en hael in Suid-Afrika. Volgens Johan van den Berg, 'n onafhanklike landbouweerkundige, is daar twee spitstye vir sulke toestande: Oktober tot Desember (begin van somerreën) en Maart tot April (einde van somer). Kouefronte wat met warm tropiese vog bots, skep gunstige omstandighede vir storms en hael, veral aan die begin en einde van die somerseisoen. Voorspellings dui op verdere reën in Maart en April oor die somerreëngebied, maar met ongelyke verspreiding. Tropiese stormaktiwiteite in die Mosambiekkanaal en naby Madagaskar kan reënpatrone onseker maak. Tog kan reën wes- en suidooswaarts skuif, wat moontlik beter toestande bring vir suidelike Namibië, Noord-Kaap en Oos-Kaap. In die winterreëngebied word min reën verwag vir die westelike dele (Swartland en Wynland), maar die Suid-Kaap se vooruitsigte verbeter effens in die komende weke. Die risiko vir hael en storms bly dus hoog oor die volgende twee maande.

Santam has reported a two-fold jump in claims for natural catastrophes over the past two decades, underscoring the escalating effect of climate-change induced disasters such as floods on the insurance industry. In its full-year earnings report for the year to end-December, SA’s largest short-term insurer showed that the average annual claims for natural disasters rose from less than R1bn in the 2005-15 period to about R2bn in the past 10 years. It highlights the heightened frequency and severity of extreme weather events. In 2024, Santam paid out R748m in claims from weather-related catastrophes, a slight increase from R744m in 2023. The Western Cape, Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal were particularly hard hit by flood losses.

President Donald Trump het aangekondig dat die VSA vanaf 2 April tariewe op "eksterne" landbouprodukte sal instel, as deel van 'n breër plan om handelsbeperkings op ingevoerde goedere op te lê. Hy het Maandag op sosiale media gesê Amerikaanse boere moet gereed maak om meer produkte vir die binnelandse mark te produseer. Hierdie stap volg nadat die VSA se landbouhandelstekort 'n rekord van $49 miljard bereik het, met voedselinvoere wat toeneem, volgens die Amerikaanse Departement van Landbou (USDA).  Die tariewe sal veral vrugte, groente, neute (wat sowat 50% van invoer uitmaak), suiker, koffie en kakao tref, wat 15% van invoere uitmaak. Invoer van gebruikte kookolie uit China vir biobrandstof kan ook geraak word, wat VSA-sojaboonolie sal bevoordeel. Meksiko, die VSA se grootste landbouverskaffer, het in 2023 $45,4 miljard se produkte gestuur, terwyl Kanada en die EU saam $73 miljard gelewer het.

Despite a midsummer drought affecting grains and oilseed harvests, South African agricultural exports rose 3%, reaching a record high of almost $14 billion (R258 billion) in 2024. According to a report by the Agricultural Business Chamber of South Africa (Agbiz) released on Monday, this marks the sixth consecutive year of growth in the sector's export trade.  The strong fruit harvest, along with the rebound in livestock and improved grain reserves from the prior season, bolstered South Africa's agricultural export growth in 2024.  African countries comprised 44% of the trade, followed by Asia and the Middle East at 21%, and the European Union at 19%. Amid concerns about the possible termination of AGOA, the report emphasises that the US comprises 4% of South African agricultural exports. 

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Outstanding articles of the week. Summary of some news Headlines in the Farming and Agriculture media.

The need for change is evident. Small-scale farmers, numbering around 2 million compared to just 35,000 commercial farmers, play a vital role in rural livelihoods and food security. Yet, they often lack access to land, financing, training, and markets—barriers compounded by historical inequities. Identity programs, such as those targeting youth, women, or black farmers, could offer tailored support to level the playing field. READ MORE 

The legal challenge, filed in the Pretoria high court in December, “relates to the duty of the minister” to decide and to establish an annual export quota for the 2024 and or 2025 calendar years for the trade in lion bones, bone pieces, bone products, claws, skeletons, skulls and teeth for commercial purposes”, Sapa president Johannes Wessels said in his founding affidavit. READ MORE 

If the US imposes tariffs on EU food and agriculture products, US importers would initially face higher costs, making EU goods pricier and weakening the competitive edge of EU exporters. An analysis suggests agricultural machinery would be hit hardest, with beverages, fruits and vegetables, dairy, and seafood facing moderate impacts.  READ MORE 

South Africa lacks favourable climatic conditions to grow rice and palm oil and thus relies on imports of these products. Regarding wheat, South Africa imports nearly half of the annual consumption. In the Free State province, which used to be amongst the major wheat-growing regions of the country, production has declined notably over time because of the unfavourable weather conditions and profitability challenges of wheat relative to other crops. Meanwhile, imports are around 20% of the annual domestic consumption of poultry. READ MORE 


Type- Wine Farm

Area – Stellenbosch – Western Cape

Hectares – 157,27ha + 70ha

One of the biggest Family Farms in Stellenbosch. For sale because the owners have no kids and would like to plan for his retirement. The farm has 3 Title deeds (30.69ha; 66,42ha; 60,16ha) in total 157,27ha. There are 110ha planted with winegrapes (Chenin Blanc/Sauvignon Blanc/Chardonnay/Pinotage/Shiraz/Merlot/Cabernet). 30ha are vlei land and can be used for cattle. There is an abundance of water on the farm.  READ MORE - 

Since 2020, Farmingportal and Agri News Net have worked to make their content AI-friendly, achieving a "ripping rate" of nearly 49%. This has increased their articles’ integration into the AI surge, utilized by service providers like Grok, ChatGPT, Meta, and Google. They’ve developed specialized articles to boost this rate, benefiting their advertisers.

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 VIEWPOINT- Can South African Agriculture Adapt to Support New and Small-Scale Farmers Under Identity Programs?

FLEXBOX It's NEW- it's excited and EXCLUSIVE- Designed by a South African in the heart of Los Angeles in the USA and sold worldwide. 80 units already sold in South Africa.

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Farming isn’t your typical 9-to-5 gig. It’s a lifestyle that demands early mornings, late nights, and plenty of time operating machinery or walking the land. That’s where Audiocast shine. They’re hands-free, portable, and don’t care if you’re covered in dirt or steering through a muddy field. Unlike a book or a video, a Audiocast doesn’t ask you to stop what you’re doing—it joins you in the cab, the shed, or wherever the day takes you. And farmers are listening. Surveys suggest that a significant chunk of the agricultural community—some estimates say over a third—tune into ag-related podcasts regularly. Whether it’s catching up on market trends, learning about the latest in soil health, or just hearing a good story from another grower, these audio shows have become a go-to resource.

15 Best South Africa News Podcasts

AGRI NEWS NET on NUMBER 7 for the month of February 2025

The numbers tell the story: Audiocast listenership is climbing, and agriculture is no exception. By some estimates, over 100 million people in the U.S. alone are tuning into podcasts, with farmers and ranchers making up a dedicated slice of that pie. Successful ag-focused shows are racking up thousands of downloads per episode, and some are even attracting sponsors eager to reach this engaged audience.

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Landboukundiges doen ‘n beroep vir die kommersialisering van Suid-Afrika se bokbedryf om ekonomiese groei te stimuleer. Die Landbounavorsingsraad en belanghebbendes in die bedryf beklemtoon die meeste bokke word lewendig op informele markte verkoop, met slegs 0,5-persent wat deur formele slagpale verwerk word. Kenners voer aan beter teling, beter voorsieningskettings en regeringsingryping kan werk skep, voedselsekerheid verbeter en die afhanklikheid van invoere verminder. Die raad beveel teelsentrums, formele groeperingspilpunte en ‘n verhoging in die bevordering van bokvleis en suiwel aan. 

Die eerste aanduidings op weermodelle is dat die 2025-’26-somerseisoen dalk meer gaan neig na neutrale en/of El Niño-toestande. “Dit is nog baie vroeg in die seisoen en heelwat veranderings kan voorkom, maar tans is die kanse redelik goed dat ’n La Niña-verskynsel nie volgende somer gaan voorkom nie, maar dat toestande dalk eerder na neutraal of El Niño kan neig.” Só sê Johan van den Berg, onafhanklike landbouweerkundige, in sy nuutste weeklikse weervoorspelling.

Diageo, a major British alcohol company owning brands like Guinness and Smirnoff, has warned against South Africa’s proposed 6.83% above-inflation “sin tax” increase on beer and spirits in the 2025 Budget.




In a transformative boost for South Africa’s agricultural sector, PepsiCo’s Kgodiso Development Fund and Absa Group Ltd. have thrown their weight behind Khula, a mobile marketplace app designed to empower farmers.



Twee Stellenbosch-studente na internasionale innovasiewedstryd -Yasmin de Raay en Chris Erasmus, twee Meesters in Ingenieurswese-studente van Stellenbosch Universiteit, het deurdring na die internasionale ronde van die 2025 Blue Sky Young Researchers and Innovation-kompetisie.



Te midde van groeiende vrese vir 'n nuwe voëlgriep-uitbraak in Suid-Afrika, huiwer die departement van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling om plase goed te keur vir die inenting van pluimvee. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Pluimveevereniging waarsku dat die bedryf dringend inenting benodig om 'n ramp te voorkom, maar geen plaas het nog toestemming ontvang nie.



Die Afrika-kontinent bly Suid-Afrika se grootste uitvoermark en het 44% van die totale uitvoerwaarde in 2024 verteenwoordig. Belangrike uitvoerprodukte na Afrika sluit in mielies, mieliemeel, koring, suiker, appels en pere, vrugtesappe, wyn, sojaboonolie, sonneblomolie en oliekoek.As ’n kollektiewe mark was Asië en die Midde-Ooste die tweede grootste uitvoerbestemming, met 21% van die totale uitvoer.



South Africa Wine - Anel Andrag (SA Wine R&D Manager) highlighted ongoing research to mitigate extreme weather impacts on wine production:Studies focus on water stress effects on grape varieties, rootstocks, and technologies to measure stress and enhance water-use efficiency.



President Donald Trump het aangekondig dat die VSA vanaf 2 April tariewe op "eksterne" landbouprodukte sal instel, as deel van 'n breër plan om handelsbeperkings op ingevoerde goedere op te lê. Hy het Maandag op sosiale media gesê Amerikaanse boere moet gereed maak om meer produkte vir die binnelandse mark te produseer.



SA Winterkoringoes 2024: Volgens die Oesskattingskomitee (CEC) bly Suid-Afrika se koringproduksie stabiel op 1,92 miljoen ton, ten spyte van ’n 6% vermindering in aanplantings vergeleke met die vorige jaar. Wes-Kaap: Meer as helfte van SA se koring, met ’n 1% daling tot 1,07 miljoen ton weens oormatige reën.



The Global Inorganic Zinc Coatings Market was valued at approximately USD 740 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of over 9.0% from 2024 to 2032, reaching over USD 1,677 million by 2032. The market is driven by increasing demand for corrosion protection across various industries, rapid industrialization, and infrastructure development in emerging economies.


 Wetenskaplikes waarsku dat die wêreld se sterkste seestroom, die Antarktiese Ringstroom, vloei stadiger weens klimaatsverandering. Die Antarktiese Ringstroom wat kloksgewys vloei, is vier keer sterker as die Golfstroom en verbind die Atlantiese, Stille en Indiese Oseaan. Volgens ʼn Australies-geleide studie kan die seestroom teen 2050 20-persent stadiger vloei, wat ys in Antarktika vinniger laat smelt en seevlakke laat styg. Die medeskrywer, Taimoor Sohail, sê gesamentlike pogings om aardverwarming te beperk, sal ys in Antarktika stadiger laat smelt en keer dat die stroom stadiger vloei. 

AfriForum, a South African civil rights organization, has challenged the official crime statistics presented by Minister of Police Senzo Mchunu regarding farm murders between October and December 2024. While Mchunu, citing the South African Police Service (SAPS) third-quarter crime stats for 2024/2025 released on February 21, 2025, claimed only one farm murder occurred during this period, AfriForum provided evidence of eight confirmed cases. This discrepancy arose after Mchunu publicly challenged AfriForum to substantiate its claims about the scale of farm murders.

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 Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was.  Lees dit en nog meer op

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

White maize

R 5 380,00

per Ton


-3.76 %

R 5 590,00

Yellow maize

R 4 815,00

per Ton


-1.13 %

R 4 870,00


R 8 600,00

per Ton


-0.70 %

R 8 661,00

Sunflower seed

R 8 999,00

per Ton


-0.56 %

R 9 050,00


R 6 100,00

per Ton


0.84 %

R 6 049,00

Sorghum (IPP)

R 5 526,00

per Ton


-2.09 %

R 5 644,00

Groundnuts (IPP)

R 23 874,00

per Ton


0.68 %

R 23 713,00

Cotton (IPP)

R 10 370,00

per Ton


-0.58 %

R 10 430,00

Soy Meal (US derived price)

R 11 393,00

per Ton


0.00 %

R 11 393,00

Lusern (Grade 1)

R 3 100,00

per Ton


0.00 %

R 3 100,00

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price


R 9,76

per Kg


-1.01 %

R 9,86


R 12,52

per Kg


-5.72 %

R 13,28


R 16,89

per Kg


-18.95 %

R 20,84


R 17,61

per Kg


-8.14 %

R 19,17


R 23,03

per Kg


7.97 %

R 21,33


R 16,69

per Kg


15.26 %

R 14,48


R 8,08

per Kg


-6.48 %

R 8,64


R 14,21

per Kg


-5.33 %

R 15,01


R 17,58

per Kg


12.05 %

R 15,69


R 7,42

per Kg


-4.63 %

R 7,78


R 19,37

per Kg


-3.97 %

R 20,17

Naartjies (Mandarins)

R 36,50

per Kg


20.26 %

R 30,35


R 202,84

per Kg


-22.22 %

R 260,78


R 12,25

per Kg


-3.62 %

R 12,71


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price


R 66,32

per 10Kg


2.44 %

R 64,74


R 12,52

per Kg


42.92 %

R 8,76


R 6,20

per Kg


12.93 %

R 5,49


R 46,69

per 10Kg


4.87 %

R 44,52


R 3,52

per Kg


-6.13 %

R 3,75


R 42,73

per Kg


-11.24 %

R 48,14


R 9,50

per Kg


6.03 %

R 8,96

Sweet Potatoes

R 6,32

per Kg


22.48 %

R 5,16


R 11,93

per Kg


-12.98 %

R 13,71


R 5,54

per Kg


-0.72 %

R 5,58


R 3,01

per Kg


7.12 %

R 2,81


R 78,18

per Kg


-7.88 %

R 84,87


R 4,38

per Kg


10.61 %

R 3,96

Green beans

R 22,00

per Kg


34.64 %

R 16,34

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Sheep A2/3

R 99,67

per Kg


0.65 %

R 99,03

Feeder Lamb (Dual Purpose)

R 40,85

per Kg


4.00 %

R 39,28

Sheep AB2/3

R 78,11

per Kg


0.53 %

R 77,70

Sheep B2/3

R 67,42

per Kg


-6.07 %

R 71,78

Sheep C2/3

R 65,37

per Kg


0.43 %

R 65,09

Ave Wool - Non RWS

R 173,25

per Kg


0.42 %

R 172,53

Ave Wool - RWS

R 178,03

per Kg


0.76 %

R 176,68


R 359,42

per Kg


0.00 %

R 359,42


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Beef A2/3

R 55,24

per Kg


-0.22 %

R 55,36

Weaners (200-250kg)

R 34,02

per Kg


-0.58 %

R 34,22

Beef AB2/3

R 54,05

per Kg


0.26 %

R 53,91

Beef B2/3

R 49,65

per Kg


-2.11 %

R 50,72

Beef C2/3

R 47,62

per Kg


1.25 %

R 47,03

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Kids (under 30kg)

R 49,56

per kg


17.30 %

R 42,25

Medium (30-40kg)

R 44,85

per kg


-3.07 %

R 46,27

Large (above 40kg)

R 30,54

per kg


-34.34 %

R 46,51

Ewes (Goats)

R 38,43

per kg


11.52 %

R 34,46


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Poultry Frozen

R 32,94

per Kg


-1.35 %

R 33,39

Poultry fresh

R 34,56

per Kg


-2.21 %

R 35,34

Poultry IQF

R 33,29

per Kg


-0.39 %

R 33,42

Eggs (Ave national price)

R 23,59

per Dozen


-6.39 %

R 25,20

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Pork Porkers

R 32,64

per Kg


0.43 %

R 32,50

Pork Baconers

R 32,37

per Kg


0.87 %

R 32,09

Pork Sausage

R 25,64

per Kg


0.08 %

R 25,62