AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News -4th September 2022

AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News -4th September 2022

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Business leaders are fed up. South Africa's unemployment rate has increased from under 25% a decade ago to 33.9% in the second quarter of 2022, and that's if you ignore the discouraged job seekers. A whopping 66% of young people are not employed. Warnings about a recurrence of the July 2021 riots are growing as escalating food prices and other living expenses have pushed more households towards and below the poverty line. And South Africa seems stuck in the 1% to 1.5% growth corridor, which means there isn't much hope for the unemployed and hungry.The country's GDP growth can't seem to reach 5%, something other emerging countries already have. The GDP per capita and industrial output have declined materially, but Eskom still can't generate enough electricity to keep the economy going - even with less demand. Nedbank CEO Mike Brown said it was time the government accepted that economic growth won't magically appear from somewhere without it delivering on the structural reforms it has been promising for the past decade.

The recent quarrel between the EU and SA over import rules has not so far affected SA’s avocado exporters — but local avo exporters and “marketers” caution they also face similar logistical problems at major European ports. Local avocado growers garner better profits from exports than domestic sales, and SA avocado farming has become largely an export business. Export volumes in 2021 were similar to those of 2020, with SA sending about 16-million 4kg cartons to overseas markets. In 2020, overall SA exports of avocados were valued at nearly $77m, with about 65%-70% of the annual crop exported. Though 2021 was not the best season for local avocados, with about the same amount of production tonnage as in 2020 and less than in 2018, the local “green gold” has nonetheless been scoring overseas, and predominantly in the EU. SA exporters have made gains in the EU and UK, which represent the deep, affluent markets for local exporters. The main importing countries of SA avocados are the Netherlands, France, Spain and the UK. SA is the second-biggest avocado supplier to the Netherlands with an 11% share, and also to the larger European market with a 14% share.

Ons landbouers wat langs die grens met Lesotho boer, word daagliks beroof van skape en beeste- En daar is baie min wat gedoen word om hierdie boere te beskerm. Die veediewe skryf sommer self die permitte uit wat jy nodig het om vee te vervoer. By padblokkades word hierdie permitte net aanvaar. Miljoene rande se vee word jaarliks gesteel en oor die grens geneem. 

Ons edelagbare President het die naweek gewys hoe mense 'n gat in 'n teerpad heelmaak ten aanskoue van al sy volgelinge. Hy het 'n roller gebruik om die gat toe te rol. Die regerings elf is verantwoordelik vir die swak toestand van die paaie en nou dink hulle dat om gate met 'n bietjie teer regtemaak dit die probleem gaan oplos- Paaie moet instand gehou word en oorgebou word waneer dit vol gate is. 

Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers SA junior communicator awards

Hollard is proud to sponsor the Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers SA junior communicator awards.

The Agricultural sector is critical in helping create a better future for all South Africans and the purpose of this competition is to encourage accurate storytelling and relaying of information within this sector. The competition seeks to create a platform where students of agriculture or journalism can publish their work and get a taste for communicating to the public and industry stakeholders and stand the chance to win some nice cash prizes.There are two sections to the competition, one for journalism students and another for students of agricultural disciplines. The latter includes scientists and economists.The competition closes at the end of October 2022 and the winners will be announced at an event held at the historical Villa Arcadia in Parktown in November. Villa Arcadia is the home of Hollard and we look forward to presenting this event at this special place.  

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News stories on AGRI NEWS NET

Parliamentarians were left stunned after attending the screening of a new wildlife documentary, “Lions, Bones and Bullets”. This included the likes of the IFP’s Narend Singh, the DA’s Dave Bryant as well as members of the National Assembly committee on forestry, fisheries and the environment.

Vinnige klimaatsverandering kan die fisiologie, optrede en voortplantingsukses van diere negatief raak. Volgens Nicholas Pattinson van die Percy Fitzpatrick-instituut vir Afrika-voëlkunde aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad kan hoë temperature, wat hittegolwe insluit, negatief inwerk op broeiprestasie. Pattinson sê dit kan lei tot verminderde kanse vir jong voëls om te oorleef tot volwassenheid.

Agroecology has been proposed as a strategy to improve food system sustainability, but has also been criticised for using land inefficiently. We compared five explorative storylines, developed in a stakeholder process, for future food systems in the EU to 2050.

Superior bags of cabbage sold between R50 and R60, with the average quality selling between R40 and R50 per bag. Loose cabbage heads sold between R9 and R12. Produce from the Northern provinces was of good quality, but heads were small in size. Prepacked bags of 1 kg carrots sold between R4 and R5.

Vroulike grondeienaars in Namibië kan aansoek doen vir kwytskelding van grondbelasting en die aansoeke word deur die waardeerder-generaal persoonlik evalueer. Grondeienaars wat hul plase verkoop het en noodgedwonge alle grondbelasting moes betaal, kan ‘n aansoekvorm by die ministerie van grondhervorming indien om die gelde wat te veel betaal is, terug te eis.

Die Automobiel Assosiasie sê hy hoop dat die regering ‘n besluit in die mediumtermyn beleidsverklaring gaan aankondig om die e-tolstelsel te skrap. Die minister van Finansies, Enoch Godongwana, lewer aanstaande maand sy mediumtermynbegroting. Die AA sê duisende mense is besig om sy aanlyn petisie te onderteken waarin hy vra dat e-tol in sy geheel geskrap word.

Skade aan en diefstal van infrastruktuur van Eskom, Transnet en Prasa, en die gepaardgaande laer mynbouproduksie, kos die ekonomie na raming 47 miljard per jaar of 130 miljoen rand per dag. Dit is volgens die minister van Handel, Nywerheid en Mededinging, Ebrahim Patel.

About 80% of the billions of dollars pledged by rich nations for South Africa's shift away from coal will be loans, not grants, and some may be hard to unlock due to national rules protecting domestic jobs, an official familiar with the matter said.

The greatest threat to honey bees isn’t much larger than a pinhead. But left unchecked, the varroa mite—a blind, eight-legged parasite—can kill enough bees to doom an entire colony. Now, researchers report that a strain of honey bee bred to fight back survives much better than standard commercial colonies, even under the stressful conditions of industrial-scale pollinating.

Glenfiddich has released a range of three luxury single malts, themed around time. The Time Re:Imagined collection includes 30-year-old, 40-year-old and 50-year-old expressions, priced from £900 up to £35,000.

Ontevrede afslaers, beesboere en vervoerkontrakteurs het op ’n vergadering op Lichtenburg, Noordwes, eenparig besluit om ’n nuwe bek-en-klouseerforum te stig om hul belange te verteenwoordig. Mnr. Wilhelm Rochér, boer van Swartruggens en lid van die forum se dagbestuur, sê hulle wil sorg vir daadwerklike optrede teen die siekte en “nie net kennis neem” van die probleem nie.\

Suid Afrika se regering wil nou ook beheer neem oor hoe jy jou boerewors moet maak- die regulasies is meer van toepassing op die handel . Die regering sukkel nog steeds om beheer te neem oor die land en sy mense - so ek dink nie hulle gaan suksesvol wees met die reels en regulasies van jou eie boerewors nie.

Die BKB Merino Classic vind plaas op 15 en 16 September 2022 tydens NAMPO Kaap in die nuwe BKB-veesentrum op Bredasdorp Park. Volgens Willie van Heerden, bestuurder van Merino SA, is die BKB Merino Classic Suid-Afrika se nasionale Merino-skou. “Deelnemers aan die BKB Merino Classic is nie beperk tot stoettelers en lede van Merino SA nie.

Volgens die 2022 tot 2031 vooruitskouing wat onlangs deur die organisasie vir ekonomiese samewerking en ontwikkeling (OECD) en die voedsel- en landbou-organisasie van die Verenigde Nasies (FAO) vrygestel is, word die globale vleismark steeds gekonfronteer met onsekerhede, waarvan dieregesondheiduitbrekings die grootste risiko inhou.

Die Internasionale Monetêre Fonds het ‘n lening van een-komma-drie miljard dollar aan Zambië goedgekeur. Die IMF sê die lening sal Zambië help om ekonomiese stabiliteit te herstel en hoër en meer inklusiewe groei te bevorder. Volgens die organisasie is die land nie in staat om na jare se ekonomiese wanbestuur — armoede, ongelykheid en ondervoeding op sy eie te hanteer nie.

 AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News -28th August 2022

Famous Brands and South Africa's industry body for potatoes have said the country will have enough supply and raw materials to produce slap chips, despite claims that there may be a looming shortage.

The purchase of a large hatching machine by the Kgora Farmers Training Centre in Mahikeng is expected to increase poultry production capacity.

Fikile Mbalula, minister van vervoer, sê die hernuwingstydperk vir rybewyse gaan hersien word. Bestuurslisensies is tans 5 jaar lank geldig, maar volgens Mbalula gaan hy die kabinet vra vir goedkeuring om dié tydperk te verleng na tussen 8 tot 10 jaar.

Die RPO het kennis geneem van die afkondiging van die Minister van Landbou, Grondhervorming en Landelike Ontwikkeling, me Thoko Didiza op 16 Augustus dat alle beweging van beeste opgeskort word vir ‘n aanvanklike tydperk van 21 dae met die opsie om dit te verleng

A recent study published in Current Biology has created the first modern map of all 20,000 bee species across the globe. Given that bees are insects we rely heavily on to pollinate our crops, a surprisingly little amount is known about bee populations, apart from that their numbers continue to decline around the world

SA is, volgens navorsing, die voorloper in die gebruik van dagga. Iets soos 9% Suid-Afrikaners gebruik dagga. Dis meer as die res van die wêreld.Klink nie goed nie hier nie 'n ekonomiese groeigeleentheid nie? Ons gaan by die dag agteruit- Het jy al gesien hoe lyk iemand wat sterk dagga rook- en dink jy hy /sy is produktief.

Current shortage of watermelons in South Africa’s market-on the fresh produce market, watermelons had been selling for about R150 each. A market agent at Exec-U-Fruit, says year-round the demand for watermelons was driven by the tourism and catering industry in Mauritius, Madagascar and Zanzibar, as well as South Africa’s upmarket hotel industry.

Die geheim agter die wêreld se duurste koffie – bone wat jou hier in die omgewing van R22 000/kg uit die sak kan jaag. Die rede vir dié duur drankie? Die onlasting van die klein Asiatiese palmsivetkat!

A growing number of people in South Africa are against trophy hunting, according to a new survey published in August 2022. The survey, conducted by IPSOS, found that 68 percent oppose the activity generally, up from 56 percent in 2018

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Die Cowboys van dien Wilde Weste

Dis waarom mens hierdie diere WILDEDIERE noem-  ONVOORSPELBAAR

Die koning van die diereryk

Dit is Zambia - 

Europa se boere is nog steeds besig met die regering

Flamingos is terug op die water panne van die Vrystaat

So moet daar gestroop word.