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Die Reserwebank bly aanhou om rentekoerse te verhoog en sodoende miljoene mense met plaas en huisverbande asook ander skuld se toekoms te vernietig. Dit kan nie so werk werk dat net 5 mense die lot van miljoene mense rentekoerse bepaal nie. Meeste van die mense se skuld is aangegaan onder streng keuringsmaatreels en nou is die Reserwebank met die goedkeuring van nog 'n paar ekonome besig om mense se lewens te vernietig. Met soveel korrupsie in alle sektore van die regering kan mens nie anders as om ook hierdie syfers te bevraagteken nie. Daar moet meer verteenwoordiging van die privaat sektor wees wat nie banke en ander instellings insluit wat nie deel is van die reserwebank nie. Dit is verstommend om die oorwegend neutrale kommentaar op die jongste rentekoersverhoging deur die Reserwebank gade te slaan, met sommige menings wat selfs positief op dié onsinnige stap gereageer het. Die Reserwebank het die rentekoers met 75 basispunte verhoog. Rentekoersverhogings lei tot ’n toename in die koste van kapitaal, wat tans broodnodig vir die verbetering van infrastruktuur en die uitbreiding van produksievermoë deur die private sektor is.
In 2021 the South African government set the country’s contribution at 350 million to 375 million tons of carbon equivalent by 2030, consistent with limiting climate change to 1,5 °C. Currently our emissions run at about 450 million tons, so this target requires a reduction in emissions of about 17%. South Africa is the 13th largest emitter in the world. Our 450 million tons compare to a global average of 172 million tons per country. Per capita we emit about 7,5 tons against a global average of 4,8 tons. Measured per capita, we are the 15 largest in the world. Whichever metric, we are a big emitter. The rest of Africa has not contributed much to Greenhouse gasses. When talking emissions some African leaders are indeed quick to say “Africa, South Africa excluded …”. We thus cannot hide behind Africa.
In 2024 SA will celebrate 30 years as a democracy. This celebration will coincide with South Africans going to the polls to elect a new government for the seventh time since the country put the apartheid era behind it in 1994. Land expropriation without compensation has dominated national discourse after the government failed to meet its target of redistributing 30% of land to black people by the 2014 deadline. Only 6.78% of commercial farmland was returned to its original owners by then. However, research has shown that 70%-90% of these farms are no longer productive because most of the resettled people had no experience in commercial farming and did not receive post-settlement support. In pre-1994 SA black people had access to 12.1% of the country’s land, with 7.8% set aside for blacks living in the so-called homelands. I grew up in one of the homelands, Transkei, which was incorporated into the Eastern Cape province after 1994. In Transkei, communal farming was practised on 84.3% of the land, and in Ciskei, another former homeland incorporated into the Eastern Cape, on 74% of the land, leaving little room for commercial, market-orientated agriculture. In both former homelands communal farming is in a far worse state than before democracy due to underinvestment and poor infrastructure.
Urea prices seem to be headed downwards for the coming weeks and it’s not surprising that the Indians are now talking of yet another tender. Indian urea purchases have been well above Q4 norms but urea prices of close to $1,000/t have not been forgotten and Indian buyers are keen to secure product at what they believe are good prices. READ MORE
There are aspects of the agricultural value chain ecosystem that threaten the sector’s growth prospects, despite solid growth in 2020 and 2021. Some are external to us, while others have been self-inflicted. These are the issues ANC delegates should debate to find solutions to critical failures and fault lines. The external factors include:
- Rising input costs (fuel, fertilisers, chemicals, transport);
- Non-tariff barriers introduced by main trading partners such as the EU and China;
- Slowing global growth, high inflation and higher interest rates; and
- Logistical and shipping bottlenecks. READ MORE
More significant and extensive rainfall is however expected during the coming weekend, focusing on the northeastern half of the summer rainfall region and including the summer-grain production region. Scattered to widespread thundershowers are expected as an upper-air trough moves through during the weekend. Following the system, current forecasts indicate a return to typical mid-summer conditions with isolated to scattered thundershowers over the summer rainfall region, but no intense system causing widespread heavy rainfall at this stage according to forecast models, after the weekend. Large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns are not expected to be particularly favorable for widespread rainfall during the remainder of next week according to current forecasts and it should be somewhat warmer with only isolated to scattered thundershowers over the central to eastern parts. READ MORE
Dr. Roy Jankielsohn praat in die Nasionale Raad van Provinsies oor die Suid-Afrikaanse grondkwessies. Jankielsohn is gevra om die debat te lei en af te sluit omdat hy ’n doktorale studie oor die grondkwessie aan die Noordwes-Universiteit se Potchefstroom-kampus gedoen het. Dit het oor transformasie in grondeienaarskap in Suid-Afrika gehandel. Jankielsohn sê van die belangrikste mense is diegene wat op gemeenskaplike (kommunale) grond boer wat onder die beheer van tradisionele instellings is. “Dit is hierdie boere wat bemagtig moet word met titelaktes op die grond waarop hulle werk. Die ANC en EFF wil Suid-Afrikaners egter as politieke en ekonomiese slawe op grond aanhou wat hulle al jare bewerk en op bly eerder as om hulle deur titelaktes ekonomies te bevry en te bemagtig.”
One of the best ways to improve understanding of South Africa’s vast and complex agricultural sector is through great writing – and the Hollard-sponsored Young Agri Writers Competition stimulates exactly that. The 2022 iteration of this exciting competition for young South Africans (they must be 28 or younger) features two categories: technical and non-technical writing. The competition winners have just been announced, with each receiving R5 000 in prize money. The runners-up and second runners-up in each category have won R3 000 and R2 000 respectively, with the other finalists each receiving R1 000. READ MORE
In 1994 when South Africa became a democracy, white farmers owned 77.580 million hectares of farmland out of the total surface area of 122 million hectares. The new government set a target of redistributing 30% of this within five years. This target date has been moved several times and is now 2030. According to popular belief between 8% and 10% has been redistributed so far. But as we show below this is incorrect as it omits a number of key statistics. Only 17%-20% of the 77,58 million ha is suitable for field crop, irrigation and horticultural production. More than 55% of farmland is only ideal for extensive grazing (land that is poor and dry but animals can roam widely, the Karoo being an example), and another 20% for intensive pastures and animal production (land, the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands being an example, that receives good rains and has good pastures for grazing).

Besoek ons eie EKSKLUSIEWE EIENDOM afdeling - Die plase wat hier bemark word is absoluut eksklusief en jy kry dit nie op die oop mark beskikbaar nie- Blaai gerus deur die lys wat weekliks opdateer word .
As the preferred agricultural partner, we aim to play a vital role in the food security chain in Southern Africa. We believe in long-term partnerships and invest in our customers’ operations every step of the way. Our unique approach enabled LAC to grow as a business since 1991, despite many challenging times in South Africa. READ MORE
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News stories on AGRI NEWS NET
Eating meat five times or less per week is associated with a lower overall cancer risk, according to a study published in the open access journal BMC Medicine.
Urbanization The impacts: Reduces the habitat for soil biota, and increased spatial heterogeneity and fragmentation. Alters soil communities and food web dynamics. Drastically alters the environment where soil organisms live.
Daar is deesdae baie gonswoorde wat deur konsultasie en tegnologiediensverskaffers rondgegooi word. Jy het sekerlik al van woorde soos AI, “machine learning”, “drones” en IOT gehoor. En dit is als goed wat jou meeste van die tyd deurmekaar maak.
Dis nie meer lank voor die Desember brandstofprys aangekondig word nie. Dit is belangrik in hierdie tyd wanneer Namibiërs wil reis. Die prys sal eers op 7 Desember in werking tree. Brent het met 8 persent in die afgelope sewe dae gedaal en verhandel tans rondom 86 Amerikaanse dollar ‘n vat. Die Amerikaanse geldeenheid het ook effe teruggesak.
Die wenner van die 2022 Melkprodusente-organisasie (MPO) Nedbank Rentmeesterskaptoekenning sal op 30 November 2022 tydens ’n galadinee by Casa Toscana Lodge in Pretoria aangekondig word. Die drie topfinaliste, Dean Biggs, Garth Hume en Alan Webster, wag in spanning om te hoor wie met die groot prys van R40 000 gaan wegstap.
Die Friedrich Loeffler-instituut werk al vir etlike jare om ‘n nuwe entstof te ontwerp wat spesifiek die hondsdolheid-probleem onder koedoes in Namibië aanspreek. Die entstof is reeds deur die instituut op bokke getoets met goeie resultate, volgens die Namibiese Landbou-unie.
Facing unprecedented levels of global uncertainty with a muted growth outlook, amid elevated inflation, and accelerated policy normalisation, the South African Reserve Bank (Sarb) continued its tightening cycle this time with 75 basis points on Thursday, 24 November 2022.
One of the best ways to improve understanding of South Africa’s vast and complex agricultural sector is through great writing – and the Hollard-sponsored Young Agri Writers Competition stimulates exactly that. The 2022 iteration of this exciting competition for young South Africans (they must be 28 or younger) features two categories: technical and non-technical writing.
Trofeejag vorm een van die belangrike pilare waarop die Suid-Afrikaanse wildlewebestuursmodel gevestig is. Saam met wildteling, ekotoerisme en handel in wildleweprodukte, maak dit die bedryf lewensvatbaar en volhoubaar. Vandag het Suid-Afrika meer wildlewe as enige ander tyd in die afgelope 100 jaar. Dis amper weer winter en ons glo dat dit 'n beter jaar gaan wees.
Justus von Liebig's Law of the Minimum states that crop yield is proportional to the amount of the most limiting nutrient, whichever nutrient it may be. This means that any one nutrient deficiency could limit eventual crop yield and leave other available nutrients unused or poorly utilised by the crop.
Grapefruit is the citrus product with the lowest production worldwide. Of the only 2 million metric tons produced in 2021, the majority was concentrated in Mexico and the United States.
South African Reserve Bank (SARB) governor Lesetja Kganyago says that inflation is ravaging the incomes of South Africans and that the central bank will continue using its current hiking policy to bring it under control.
Daagliks lees ons artikels oor landbou wat geskryf word deur hoogs geleerde mense met allerhande soorte grade van baie bekende Universiteite. Baie goed om al die boeke kennis te he, maar in Landbou is hierdie kennis ongelukkig net 'n klein deeltjie van die werklike praktiese kennis en wysheid wat 'n ware landbouer met baie jare se ondervinding leer en met sy eie skoolgeld betaal.
Die vloedwaters van die Oranjerivier het tot in sommige rosynewingerde ingestoot en by sommiges het net die toppe gister (23 November) uitgesteek.Die hoë vlakke van die Benede-Oranjerivier is nie goeie nuus vir die produksie van rosyne nie.
AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News - 13th November 2022
In some cases, technology will offer solutions to problems facing grape growers and winemaker; in other cases, technology will revolutionize how we package, buy and consume wine. Here’s a closer look at 8 technology trends that will impact the future of wine.
Die verwagting is dat Ramaphosa na afloop van die leierskapsverkiesing in Desember – of dalk eerder vroeg in die nuwe jaar – wysigings aan sy kabinet sal aanbring om voorsiening vir die nuwe magsverhoudings in die nasionale uitvoerende komitee (NUK) te maak.
Agri SA se hoof van landelike veiligheid, Kobus Visser, sê Suid-Afrikaanse boere het veld-robotte begin gebruik om aandag te gee aan die uitdagings in boerdery. Dit volg nadat die Robotika in Landbou-verslag deur GlobalData aangedui het dat wêreldwye veld-robotverkope na verwagting teen 2030, 189 miljard Namibiese dollar sal bereik.
The 13th sale of the 2022/23 wool season took place this week, with a larger offering of 10 777 bales. The offering consisted of good quality wools, with longer length fine micron wools comprising 60% of the offering and sustainably certified wools making up 48% of the merino wools on offer.
Suid Afrika Speenkalwers, onder 200kg, het teen R39,53 per kg verkoop, terwyl speenkalwers tussen 200kg en 250kg, teen R38,13 per kg, en speenkalwers oor 250kg, teen R36,44 per kg verkoop het.
According to the WCO, the world’s citrus output reached 158.5 million metric tons during the summer 2021 and winter 2021/22 citrus seasons. China leads the world’s production with its volumes amounting to 44.6 million metric tons and accounting for 28% of the global output. It is followed by Brazil and India, with 12% and 9%, respectively.
Suid-Afrika staan voor ’n keerpunt met sy kragkrisis. TLU SA doen ’n beroep op die regering om Eskom te privatiseer, want die huidige stand van sake kan die land oor die afgrond stuur.“TLU SA glo die privatisering van Eskom is die enigste antwoord en oplossing vir die land se energie en ekonomiese krisis. Eskom se probleme is operasioneel en finansieel.
Die huidige skerp styging in pryse oor die wêreld heen is hoofsaaklik te wyte aan die styging van 800% in skeepsvragtariewe tussen die derde kwartaal van 2019 en die derde kwartaal van 2021. Duurder krediet in Suid-Afrika gaan dit nie ongedaan maak nie.
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AGRI NEWS NET- in jou hand- maklik om te lees en altyd op tyd- 7dae per week- 365 van die jaar- No news medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address 7 days a week.
Agri News Net en Farmingportal.co.za se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.
Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.
Audio Cast of the WEEK More Audio Cast
Farmingportal/Agricultureportal/ AGRI NEWS NET and Red de Noticias Agrícolas. Independent and impartial -Making Farming and Agriculture easy to read- to hear to view and to understand- 7 days a week- 365 days of the year.
Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers and Upcoming Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world. -
Our Advertisers are leaders in their field with a professional way in marketing and delivering their services to Farmers and their families. We only post Professional Articles in script, Video and Audio. Independent, Informed and in Tune. We know what farming is all about.
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Smart and incredible pic.twitter.com/hfjmQ0Lxwo
— Tansu YEĞEN (@TansuYegen) November 25, 2022
Dis die Vrystaat
Despite technology and all the changes our industry has gone through, sometimes we do things like a hundred years ago, moving cattle by foot.🐂🐂🐂 pic.twitter.com/UULpHmA6r2
— Paseka Pienaar (@PasekaPienaar) November 25, 2022
Die wereld os oral on chaos - mense het hulle selfrespek em maniere verloor.
#Brazil Farmers are reportedly storming the Legislative Assembly following a tax hike on agriculture. pic.twitter.com/09GPAQLXab
— COVID19LOOTCREW (@C0vid19L00tCrew) November 24, 2022
Slim gedagte
Agriculture technology
— Sunil mahariya Rj 23 (@officia27679075) November 22, 2022
New agriculture technology pic.twitter.com/PoRfrjgVfO
Corne Liebenberg is die Bemarkings direkteur van Laeveld Agrochem.
OVK Landbou