AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News  8th January 2023

AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News 8th January 2023

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This is South Africa in 2023 -  The price of Corruption and sabotage.

Eskom CEO Andre De Ruyter has survived a murder attempt at his Megawatt Park office in Sunninghill, Johannesburg, where he drank a cup of coffee laced with cyanide. De Ruyter and his executive team have been clamping down and cutting off illicit revenue streams from procurement irregularities, fraud, theft, corruption and maladministration, both within Eskom and by certain of its suppliers and contractors. High levels of criminality and corruption are particularly prevalent in Mpumalanga Province where there is a high concentration of aging and poorly performing Eskom coal-fired power stations. The month of December 2022 was marred by extremely high levels of rolling power cuts throughout South Africa, which is unusual at a time when electricity demand is traditionally at its lowest as the country enters the summer holiday period and festive season.

World food prices fell for a ninth month in a row in December, though they hit their highest level on record for the full year in 2022, UN data showed Friday. Food prices soared to a monthly record high in March after Russia invaded agricultural powerhouse Ukraine, a major supplier of wheat and cooking oil to the world. A Russian naval blockade that prevented Ukrainian grain exports was lifted following a deal in July that was brokered by Turkey and the United Nations. The Food and Agriculture Organization said Friday its price index, which tracks the monthly change in international prices of a basket of food commodities, fell to 132.4 points in December, a 1.9 percent drop from November. It was also one percent lower than in December 2021. But the index was 14.3 percent higher overall in 2022 compared to the previous year as it reached an all-time high of 143.7 points.

Kanola se groei lyk haas onkeerbaar. Ná 2022 se rekordoes verwag bedryfsleiers dat boere vanjaar nóg meer gaan plant — binne perke, want in die Wes-Kaap is daar strawwe mededinging om hektare tussen kanola, koring, gars en voergewasse. Die buro vir voedsel- en landboubeleid (BFAP) skryf die hoë pryse toe aan ’n “kombinasie van hoë energiekoste, groter gebruik van hernubare brandstof, laer voorsiening van palmolie uit Maleisië en ’n daling in sonneblomolie uit die Swartsee-streek”. Die buro verwag dat die pryse in 2023 en 2024 kan daal as boere in die voorste plantolieproduserende lande met groter produksie op hoër pryse reageer, maar nie tot vlakke wat voor die groot styging gegeld het nie.

Suid Afrika se inwoners wat saam wil werk en saam wil bou aan Suid Afrika moes al lankal wakker geword het- Daagliks sien ons in die negatiewe media hoe Suid Afrika stuk vir stuk afgebreek word deur barbare en mense met geen selfrespek, integriteit en menswaarde nie. Dit is Afrika op sy beste- Alles is alreeds na die noorde van Afrika verwoes. Hierdie voorspellings is jare terug al gemaak deur sekere leiers wat insig in die toekoms gehad het.  Die ANC regering kyk net na hulle eie sakke en die mense op grondvlak wat afhanklik is van hulle vir stemme. Die regering het en sal nooit die vermoee het om Suid Afrika met sukses te regeer nie. Daagliks sien jy hoe anargie besig is om toe te neem en hoe "mafia" taktiek gebruik word om alles wat daar is te steel en af te breek. Die tyd is NOU- en ons kan nie vir politieke leiers meer kyk nie- dis ons wat hierdie land moet regruk en skoonmaak. 

Besoek ons eie EKSKLUSIEWE EIENDOM afdeling - Die plase wat hier bemark word is absoluut eksklusief en jy kry dit nie op die oop mark beskikbaar nie-  Blaai gerus deur die lys wat weekliks opdateer word . 

Die privaat kantore van die land se 28 ministers en hul adjunkte kos belastingbetalers jaarliks 'n stewige R550 miljoen, blyk uit antwoorde op vrae in die parlement BO en behalwe hulle salarisse van R2,5 miljoen, huise, motors en kragopwekkers wat deur die staat verskaf word, het elk van Suid-Afrika se 28 kabinetslede privaat kantore wat gemiddeld elk R8 miljoen per jaar kos. Die 36 adjunkministers verdien elk net meer as R2 miljoen, hoewel hulle privaat kantore die fiskus R5 miljoen elk kos. Gesamentlik verskaf die privaat kantore werk aan rondom 450 mense wat van huiswerkers tot personeelhoofde insluit. Die totaal sluit ook nie spesiale adviseurs in nie.

“Familieboerderye is die fondasie van plattelandse dorpies. Dit hou die buitestedelike wêreld in stand. Dit skep geleenthede vir boekhouers, prokureurs, onderwysers, verspreiders, verwerkers en kleinhandelaars om in klein landelike dorpe te werk, en is die naaf waarom hulle besigheid draai.” LEES MEER 

African start-ups raised a record $5.3bn (R91bn) last year, though that may be the high-water mark as a deepening slump in the technology industry reduces the funding pool. While investment in 2022 exceeded the previous year by just $100,000, the number of deals jumped 20% to 964, according to data from Briter Bridges, a market intelligence company. 

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South Africa’s governing party concluded a five-yearly gathering Friday to fine-tune its policies and adopt new ones, with electricity shortages, welfare grants, the central bank’s mandate and the management of state companies among the items on its agenda.

The South African rand has weakened alongside other emerging market currencies as the dollar rebounded this week. On Thursday (5 January), the rand weakened in early trade as investors awaited the monthly purchasing managers’ index (PMI) survey by S&P Global to find clues on South Africa’s economic health.

Researchers from the University of California Santa Barbara's National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) examined nearly 99% of all food produced on land and sea as reported to the United Nations in 2017. The study ranked foods on factors including greenhouse gas emissions, freshwater use, habitat disturbance and nutrient pollution.

Die tradisionele vleisbedryf het tans geen rede om wakker te lê oor die produksie van plantgebaseerde burgers en ander vleis-alternatiewe nie, volgens nuwe navorsing.

Die voorsitter van die ANC, Gwede Mantashe, het in Bloemfontein by die ANC se dialoog oor Ekonomiese Hervormings- en Energiesekerheid gesê dit het tyd geword dat daar wyer gedink word oor energiesekerheid. Hy het energiekenners wat die geleentheid vandag bygewoon het gevra of dit moontlik is dat die land se beurtkragkrisis opgelos kan word deur slégs hernubare energie te gebruik.

n Dringende beroep word op Suid-Afrikaanse boere gedoen om aandag te skenk aan die verpakkings-metodes van hul varsprodukte. Die groephoof van vernuwing, navorsing en ontwikkeling van Mpact, Valeska Cloete, het op die internasionale varsprodukte-vereniging, IFPA, se Fresh Solutions-geleentheid in Johannesburg gepraat.

The world population is set to grow to almost 10 billion people as early as 2050. Also, in the same period, two thirds of all people in the world are expected to live in urban areas. To meet this hike in population-driven demand, various estimates report that food production will have to increase by up to 60% above current output levels.

Agricultural science has made an enormous impact on production in the industry. From hybrid seeds to chemical inputs and genetic modification, researchers have steadily made improvements in productivity and yield, developed more hearty and reliable varieties of crops, and finely tuned methods to eradicate weeds, pests, and disease.

Sukses is binne bereik van elke persoon op aarde- maar sukses moet in detail bedink en beskryf word. Ongelukkig sien die die meeste mense in die wereld dat rykdom die enigste sukses is. Sukses begin in jou huis- en jy moet dalk eers 'n suksesvolle eggenoot en Pa wees vir 'n begin.

South Africa will trial a new driving licence card in 2023.Transport minister Fikile Mbalula announced at the end of last year that the current driving licence cards would be phased out, with the printing machine that produces them being decommissioned in 2023.

The Gérard Basset Foundation and the Association de la Sommellerie Internationale (ASI) are offering a scholarship to an emerging African sommelier for 2023. Training, tastings and travels are on the program of this empowering initiative.

 AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News 18 December 2022

When it comes to the devastating impact of climate change, most people think of the harm inflicted on lives and livelihoods. Yet the effects of more frequent and extreme weather are just as consequential for the health of financial systems.

BO en behalwe hulle salarisse van R2,5 miljoen, huise, motors en kragopwekkers wat deur die staat verskaf word, het elk van Suid-Afrika se 28 kabinetslede privaat kantore wat gemiddeld elk R8 miljoen per jaar kos. Dit is waar ons belasting betalers se geld voor gebruik word.

South African farmers “need to take a serious look at the sustainability and recyclability of their fresh produce packaging if they want to take advantage of emerging market opportunities around the world”.

India is one of the top producers of millets in the world, accounting for 20 per cent of worldwide and 80 per cent per of Asian production. According to a survey by MAFW, pearl millet (bajra), sorghum, and finger millet account for 98 per cent of all millet produced in India, with pearl millet alone accounting for 60 per cent of production and 56 per cent of area.

India is one of the top producers of millets in the world, accounting for 20 per cent of worldwide and 80 per cent per of Asian production. According to a survey by MAFW, pearl millet (bajra), sorghum, and finger millet account for 98 per cent of all millet produced in India, with pearl millet alone accounting for 60 per cent of production and 56 per cent of area.

Ons het die week gesien dat daar 'n nuwe oplewing besig is om te gebeur onder ons mense wat in liefde en vrede wil lewe en wil bou aan ons land Suid Afrika.  Ons land se hardwerkende inwoners het genoeg gehad van die regerende party se korrupsie asook die negatiewe nuus en sensasie van Suid Afrika se media. Alles in ingestel op sensasie en negatiewe nuus. Die nuus word oorheers deur die ANC en sy meelopers asook alles wat negatief kan gebeur. Die media is besig om elke mens in Suid Afrika te voer moet 'n vuilgees van alles wat vuil en negatief is. Die media gee erkenning en blootstelling aan mense wat se gees van vernietiging en haat op hulle gesigte gelees kan word.  Sosiale media is oorsaak waarom miljoene mense aan depressie lei omdat hulle verslaaf is aan van die gemors wat hulle lees op sosiale media.  Alles wat reg was en wat gewerk het en wat ons gebring het waar ons nou is- nou eweskielik verkeerd.  Staan vas moenie dat hierdie barbare jou skoon gees bevuil nie. Ons moet ons geloof behou en glo in dit wat ons hier gebring het. Hou jou woord , behou jou inttegriteit- Ons sien so dikwels dat sekere maatskappye se verteenwoordigers ooreenkomstes aangaan wat hulle sommer net so verbreek omdat hulle woord niks werd is nie. 

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Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.

Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.

Ons het die week gesien dat daar 'n nuwe oplewing besig is om te gebeur onder ons mense wat in liefde en vrede wil lewe en wil bou aan ons land Suid Afrika. 

Lees gerus wat ons mediums is- READ MORE 

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Die mense wat so lief is om met wilde diere te speel


Dis nou 'n ander idee

So gebruik jy energie

Mense het mak geword teenoor wilde diere

A single dosage supplies millions of tiny negatively charged diatoms, attracting positively charged bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses, endotoxins, pesticide and drug residues, E-coli, and heavy metals and traps them in the cylindrical structure, to be passed out of the body.  It has also been reported to absorb methyl mercury (mercury fumes from amalgam fillings that are in the gut become methylized) and proteinaceous toxins produced by some intestinal infections. READ MORE