AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News 2nd April 2022

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 2nd April 2022

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Vinpro’s annual vineyard worker training is well known in the wine industry, with more than 5 000 people having honed their practical skills over the past eight years. The physical training is based on a DVD training package, of which the 10 modules are available online. These include pruning, vineyard establishment, vine development, canopy management, soil management, identification of diseases and pests, irrigation, fertilisation, wine grape harvesting and soil science.

Die departement van bosbou, visserye en omgewingsake het sy nuwe regulasies vir bedreigde of beskermde spesies (Tops), wat op 1 April in werking sou tree, teruggetrek nadat Wildbedryf SA (WRSA) en die beroepsjagvereniging Phasa die hooggeregshof in Gauteng vroeër vandeesmaand genader het om die regulasies soos dit tans staan ter syde te stel.

Derek Donkin said about South Africa’s annual avocado output at that stage: “Total annual production around 2000 was between 80 000t and 100 000t. Today, it’s approximately 135 000t, although the bumper crop of 2018 was 169 000t.” “Per-capita consumption was about 0,8kg in 2000, and this had risen to 1kg by 2020. This may seem like a minor increase, but it should be remembered that South Africa’s population was 47 million in 2000, whereas it totalled about 60 million in 2020.”

Italië het die eerste Westerse land geword wat die gevorderde chatbot ChatGPT blokkeer. Die Italiaanse databeskermingsowerheid het gesê daar is kommer oor privaatheid wat verband hou met die model, wat deur die Amerikaanse start-up OpenAI geskep is en deur Microsoft gesteun word. Daar was ook kommer oor die potensiële risiko's van kunsmatige intelligensie (KI), insluitend die bedreiging daarvan vir werksgeleenthede en die verspreiding van verkeerde inligting en vooroordeel. Die reguleerder het gesê hy sal OpenAI “met onmiddellike effek” verbied en ondersoek. Miljoene mense het ChatGPT gebruik sedert dit in November 2022 bekend gestel is.

Over the coming months, we will receive various data releases to help guide our thinking about South Africa’s agricultural growth prospects in 2023. The available soft insights suggest that near-term growth prospects of South Africa’s agricultural economy look weak after subdued growth of 0,3% y/y in 2022. READ MORE 

Urea producers and sellers are now openly admitting that lower prices are inevitable. While there will be the odd spike in demand, the overall supply-demand balance is heavily tilted towards supply. The next Indian tender is unlikely to emerge until mid-Q2 and Europe is showing signs of its seasonal demand downturn already starting. READ MORE 

Uncertainty in meat and livestock markets will also be further amplified by supply factors. Most notable here is the effect of load-shedding on production throughput and cost, where our intelligence shows backlogs at abattoirs. This will result in longer feeding times and fewer production cycles within a year for subsectors, such as poultry. READ MORE 

Ons span was die week in dele van die Noord Kaap en Nambia- die Noordelike dele van Nambia is baie droog en die damme in gebiede is ook nie vol nie. Daar is baie min weiveld en die winter is voor die deur. Landbouers in die Vrystaat en Mpumalanga is besig net die stroop van sojabone. Van die bone is nog nat met baie groen blare tussen in, maar die opbrengste is baie goed. Die koue van die afgelope paar dae is nie goed vir mielies wat laat geplant is nie. Paaie in die Noord Kaap is beter is paaie in die Vrystaat. Ons span is reeds oppad na die Wes Kaap en gaan groot dele van die provinsie besoek.

Lees meer oor ons opwindende kompetiese.  Dit is reeds wyd ontvang en ons gaan dit nog groter maak.

Ons is deel van die internasionale Landbou media in die wereld sedert 3 jaar gelede.

Hierdie weeklikse oorsig word totaal en al vertaal in 5 tale en word reg oor die wereld gepubliseer. 

Dis lankal tyd om aan die werk te spring-  Ons landbouers is nie praters nie- ons is doeners.

Ons het ook nou 'n weeklikse AUDIO CAST in Engels- Net die Hooftrekke.

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   Gedagte vir die dag

Kyk vorentoe en kyk boontoe- moenie dat dwase mense jou onstel nie- Bly weg van mense met 'n vuil gees van verwoesting, haat en selfsug.

Wanneer ons oor die krisis van die Suid-Afrikaanse bedeling en ook oor die krisis van die moderne wêreld praat, is dit belangrik om soms net weer te gaan vasstel hoe ons voorouers oor sekere dinge gedink het, en om te gaan kyk of hulle nie dalk al lankal antwoorde gehad het vir vandag se probleme nie. Tradisie is ’n stel oplossings is waarvan ons die probleme al vergeet het. Ons mag dalk net vind dat ons moderne probleme juis nou opduik, omdat die oplossings wat ons voorouers reeds vir daardie probleme ontwikkel het, juis vandag met die badwater uitgegooi word. Johann Pretorius.  

Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.

Some of the stories on AGRI NEWS NET  - We post 40 "good news stories" per day - No medium in farming and Agriculture bring you much news at one address. 

Die verwagte kommersiële mielie-oes word gestel op byna 16 miljoen ton, 1,7% meer as die vorige skatting. Volgens die Nasionale Oesskattingskommittee se oppervlakte- en tweede produksieskatting vir somergewasse, is die skatting van witmielies 8,3 miljoen ton. Vir geelmielies is dit 7,5 miljoen ton, 1,4% meer as die eerste skatting.

Hoender kraai dalk binnekort weer koning as die land se goedkoopste bron van vleisproteïene. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Pluimveevereniging sê varkvleis was vroeg in 2022 die goedkoopste. Die gemiddelde varkvleisprodusentepryse in die derde kwartaal was onder die gemiddelde braaihoenderprodusentepryse. Maar 'n onlangse veeverslag toon egter hoender was in die vierde kwartaal weer die bekostigbaarste.

Early-season statistics show South African pears off to a strong start in China during their first full year of market access. The positive results so far have been driven by Cheeky, an early blush variety, the first shipments of which have been fetching high prices in Chinese wholesale markets.

Die Britse regering sê boere sal betaal word om groener kunsmis te gebruik te midde van die stygende koste verbonde aan die verbouing van gewasse. ‘n Toename in gaspryse het veroorsaak dat Britse voedselprodusente stygende koste vir kunsmis, brandstof en veevoer in die gesig staar.

Goud is op koers om sy beste maand in meer as twee-en-‘n-half jaar te beleef, aangedryf deur kommer oor bankstelsels in Europa en die VSA, veral nadat die Federale Reserwebank weer rentekoerse opgestoot het. Die kommoditeit het in die afgelope maand met amper 9 persent gestyg en al het die prys vanoggend gedaal verhandel dit steeds baie hoog rondom 1 974 Amerikaanse dollar per fyn ons.

The global bell pepper market had been marked by weather challenges earlier in the season, causing lower availability and higher prices, particularly in European countries. In Germany, the supply of bell peppers has now increased again, mainly from Spain, Turkey, and the Benelux countries, resulting in falling prices.

A major part of Namibia is experiencing an acute drought, with the situation particularly serious south of the capital, Windhoek, with little or no rain received during the 2022/23 rainy season. According to Thinus Pretorius, chairperson of Namibia’s Livestock Producers’ Organisation, some parts south of Keetmanshoop had not received any rain.

The global autonomous farm equipment market has reached a valuation of US$ 841.9 million in 2022 and is expected to progress at a CAGR of 15.3% to reach US$ 3,493.5 million by the end of 2032. Sales of autonomous tractor accounted for nearly 60% share of the global autonomous farm equipment market at the end of 2022.

In the run-up to the 2023 wine grape harvest, January to April, the fourth estimate by viticulturists and producer cellars indicates a smaller crop than in 2022, and smaller than the previous three estimates published during the 2023 harvest season.

Electricity minister Kgosientsho Ramokgopa has dismissed former Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter’s allegations that corruption is to blame for problems at the Kusile power station. De Ruyter told eNCA’s Annika Larson that a corrupt tender awarded to Hitachi Power Africa to provide Medupi and Kusile with boiler units is to blame for the severity of load-shedding.

Prices of refined sugar surged to the highest in more than a decade this week, while the raw variety is near to the costliest in over six years. Global supply is tightening, mainly because India, one of the top shippers, has cut exports after rains hurt the sugar cane crop and as more sweetener is diverted to biofuel

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Weerdiens het ’n waarskuwing uitgereik vir gure weer in die noorde van Suid-Afrika. ’n Geel vlak 2-waarskuwing is uitgereik vir donderstorms, swaar neerslae, groot haelkorrels en skadelike wind wat plek-plek tot vloede kan lei oor die suidweste van Limpopo, Mpumalanga se Hoëveld, die sentrale en oostelike dele van Noordwes en die noordooste van die Vrystaat

The Free State plans to spend R1.8bn on repairing the province’s crumbling, roads that are hampering business and agriculture and placing residents’ lives at risk. Maqueen Letsoha-Mathae, the province’s new community safety, roads and transport MEC, said she would provide details in her budget speech.

According to a recently issued report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, avocados are likely to surpass pineapples and mangos to become the world’s second biggest tropical fruit item in terms of trade volume by 2030, trailing only bananas.

The 2022/23 wool season continued, with an offering of 8 344 bales, after 794 bales were withdrawn prior to the sale. The bulk of the offering consisted of fine micron longer length wools, with 50% of the merino wools on offer being certified as sustainable.

South Africa -Since the start of 2023, red meat prices have been under pressure. Our view is that this is a symptom of increased pressure on consumers' disposable income. In contrast to this, chicken prices have continued to hold firm. These divergent trends cause shifts in relative prices of meat products, which, in turn, also affects short-term spending patterns.

Die Reserwebank het Donderdag die rentekoers verhoog, soos 95% van ekonome inderdaad verwag het, maar het geskok met die omvang daarvan. Die verhoging van 50 basispunte bring die repokoers, waarteen die sentrale bank geld aan handelsbanke leen, op 7,75% te staan. Die prima rentekoers waarteen banke geld aan verbruikers en ondernemings uitleen, verhoog tot 11,25%.

Alcohol contributes to more than 75,000 new cancer cases per year in the U.S. and nearly 19,000 annual cancer deaths, according to the American Cancer Society. When humans consume alcohol, they metabolize it into acetaldehyde. This toxic chemical can damage DNA, enabling the out-of-control cell growth that creates cancerous tumors.

Precision agriculture has enormous growth potential, just think that just 2% of the agricultural area uses precision farming robots and sensors in Italy , even if the figure should rise to 10% by 2021. Monitoring of climate parameters, phenological and productive can be carried out with remote sensors (remote sensing) such as drones, and proximal .

Bottled water is one of the world’s most popular beverages, and its industry is making the most of it. Since the millennium, the world has advanced significantly towards the goal of safe water for all. In 2020, 74 per cent of humanity had access to safe water. This is 10 per cent more than two decades ago. But that still leaves two billion people without access to safe drinking water.

The Competition Tribunal has dismissed applications and objections brought by various local and foreign banks to escape prosecution in an ongoing case investigating alleged currency manipulation. In February 2017, the Competition Commission referred a number of banks – including Investec, Standard Bank and Absa – to the Competition Tribunal for price fixing involving the rand. The commission ultimately brought 28 banks under investigation – including Nedbank and FirstRand – in what it is calling the “Forex Cartel” case.

Here are a few examples of fraud and corruption at Eskom, which De Ruyter and others have exposed.

  • Eskom paid R80,000 for a pair of knee guards that cost R320 at Builders Warehouse.
  • Eskom paid R200,000 for a wooden-handled mop which costs less than R100 at most stores.
  • Eskom paid R940,000 for an oil storage container that could have been bought for R80,000.
  • Eskom paid a company R600,000 to fix 12 grass trimmers. The power utility could have bought 12 new grass trimmers for R114,000.
  • Eskom paid R26.00 per single one-ply toilet paper roll, which costs R3.99 at Checkers.
  • Eskom paid R51 per black refuse bag, which costs R2.99 at Checkers.
  • Eskom paid R21 for a litre of milk, which costs R12.49 at Checkers.
  • A buyer at Kendal Powers Station placed an order to refurbish two compressors for R368,550. The price of two new compressors would have been R112,000.

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