AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News  14th  May 2023

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 14th May 2023

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China se pogings om die waardes en norme van bestaande internasionale organisasies te verander, is afhanklik van die ondersteuning van Afrika-regerings. Die hervorming van internasionale organisasies staan sentraal tot China se wedywering met die Weste.  Die meerderheid Afrika-lande ondersteun China se hervorming van die internasionale regeerstelsel en multilaterale organisasies. Afrika verteenwoordig die grootste groep in die Verenigde Nasies (VN) se Algemene Vergadering met 28% van die stemme. Asië het 27%, die Amerikas 17% en Wes-Europa 15%. Afrika verteenwoordig 25% van al die stemme in die VN se besluitnemingsorgane en is ook die grootste enkele groep in ander agentskappe, soos die Wêreldhandelsorganisasie, die Groep van 77 en die Nie-Geallieerde Beweging (Non-Aligned Movement). Dié stemme is belangrik vir China om die argitektuur van internasionale organisasies te verander.      

The health implications of untreated water contaminating key rivers and waterways could be fatal. Indeed, South Africa has already registered several cholera deaths. Unless we urgently address the looming pollution crisis, waterborne diseases could soon plague the country. In addition to health, there are food security and economic implications too. The mere possibility of water contaminating crops raises the risk of our produce being rejected by export markets unwilling to expose their own populations to any risk. Given the importance of South Africa’s agricultural exports for the balance of trade and employment, it is difficult to overstate the importance of preventing the contamination of food. Last year, South Africa already saw the ban of certain fruit exports to neighbouring countries and a ban on wool exports to China (both for reasons not related to water contamination), while South African citrus farmers continue to battle European Union (EU) arbitrary trade regulations. South Africa simply cannot allow any further threats to our access to key export markets.

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Weerdiens voorspel dat die land tydens die 2023/2024-somerreënvalseisoen waarskynlik weer in ’n droër siklus, El Niño, sal inbeweeg, wat die bestaande droogtetoestande verder sal vererger. In die afgelope drie jaar het die grootste deel van die land bo-normale reënval ervaar, wat goeie opbrengste tot gevolg gehad het. Dit is verwelkom nadat boere vir ses tot nege jaar onder droogte gebuk gegaan het. In dié tydperk was die Kouga-dam in die Oos-Kaap onder ’n krisisvlak van minus drie persent; slegs 30% van boere in die Noord-Kaap kon nog voortgaan om te boer. Wingerde en boorde is heeltemal vernietig, wat boere bankrot gelaat het. Derduisende werkverliese is ervaar.

A Zimbabwean government-owned entity, Verify Engineering, is preparing to use locally available coal to develop ammonia-based fertilisers as the country ramps up agricultural productivity. The southern African country has a high demand for fertiliser, but local production can only meet 10% of the demand. The remaining 90% needs to be imported - which is a problem for farmers in a country that faces foreign currency shortages and a wildly fluctuating exchange rate. Verify Engineering is a significant producer of acetylene, medical oxygen, industrial gases, and nitrogen gases and supplies customers in the healthcare, petrochemical refining, manufacturing, beverages, food, fibre-optics, steel manufacturing, chemicals and water treatment industries. The firm was established in April 2005 with the support of the Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development Ministry and launched a strategic business unit in 2021.

Terwyl parlementslede die afgelope week gepoog het om agter die kap van die byl te kom oor ernstige bewerings van bedrog, korrupsie, wanadministrasie en ander misdaad by die kragvoorsiener, het die betrokke partye die bal soos ’n warm patat van die een na die ander aangegee. Eskom se direksie en senior bestuur het voor die parlement se staande komitee oor openbare rekeninge (Skoor) verskyn oor die aantygings van bedrog wat die voormalige Eskom-baas, André de Ruyter, kort voor sy vertrek in ’n plofbare TV-onderhoud gemaak het. Verskeie organisasies het reeds ’n beroep op De Ruyter gedoen om die identiteit bekend te maak van die minister en amptenare waarop hy tydens die televisie-onderhoud gesinspeel het wat na bewering betrokke was by korrupsie by die kragvoorsiener. De Ruyter weier egter om self die name te noem uit vrees vir moontlike regsimplikasies. Niemand beskerm hom nie- die ANC en sy meelopers het moontlik nodig om mekaar te beskerm. So daar het ons dit, ’n verduideliking hoekom Eskom (en veel van die res van Suid-Afrika) in so ’n gemors sit: ’n mengsel van onbeholpenheid, traak-my-nie-agtigheid, kaderontplooiing, ’n beskerming ten alle koste van die ANC se belange, en ’n vrees dat ’n oorlog op georganiseerde misdaad die ANC se ondergang kan beteken. Andre de Ruyter  sy politieke baas, minister Pravin Gordhan, en die destydse raad van Eskom was ontsteld dat grootskeepse korrupsie en misdaadsindikate Eskom van binne af rysmier, maar die polisie en die Valke was uiters traag om op te tree.

Critics argue these foods could pose risks to human health and the environment. Proponents point to their potential for enhancing yields, reducing food waste, and even combating climate change. What are GMOs and gene-edited foods? And how are they shaping the future of our food systems? READ MORE 

Overall, Iceland has the most to do with a massive 73% reduction needed to get to 12% of calories in the diet from animal-sourced foods, followed by Finland (70%), Denmark (68%), Montenegro (66%) and Luxembourg (65%)  When it comes to meat, the USA tops the countries needing the biggest reduction at 82% followed by Australia (80%); Argentina (80%); Israel (78%); and Spain (78%).  READ MORE 

Absa has acquired a minority stake in a trading app that connects farmers to buyers and sells farm inputs. The agritech start-up, Khula!, includes three platforms and has about 13,000 users of which 7,000 are active users.  One of the platforms is the app’s Fresh Produce Marketplace that connects farmers or distributors of fresh produce with retail, wholesale and export buyers. Farmers can purchase inputs such as seed and fertiliser via the app’s Input Marketplace, which offers more than 5,000 products. The third platform, which is still being developed, will facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers and link farmers in need of funding with potential investors. “This transaction underscores our commitment to digitisation in a way that improves efficiency and productivity, which can go a long way in making SA more competitive,” said Faisal Mkhize, CEO for relationship banking at Absa Group.

Die Amerikaanse regering het Suid-Afrika maande gelede al ingelig hulle vermoed dat die land wapens aan Rusland verskaf, maar Pretoria het – ten spyte van herhaalde waarskuwings en versoeke – niks gedoen om die beweringe te weerlê nie. Dit was skynbaar dié letargiese benadering, nadat Suid-Afrika vroeër onderneem het om te reageer, wat die Amerikaanse ambassadeur in Pretoria, Reuben Brigety, die afgelope week genoop het om die skroewe stywer aan te draai met sy taamlik ondiplomatiese uitspraak dat hy “bereid is om sy lewe daarop te wed” dat daar wapens op die Lady R gelaai is toe die skip verlede jaar tussen 6 en 8 Desember Simonstad aangedoen het. Hierdie heel saak stel die AGOA verdrag in gevaar- en die regering van Suid Afrika gaan skaamteloos om met die waarheid. 

Hierdie weeklikse oorsig word totaal en al vertaal in 5 tale en word reg oor die wereld gepubliseer. 

Dis lankal tyd om aan die werk te spring-  Ons landbouers is nie praters nie- ons is doeners.

Ons het ook nou 'n weeklikse AUDIO CAST in Engels- Net die Hooftrekke. Saam met dit is ons gewilde Agri News Rauch

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AGRI NEWS RUSH - a Video Production of AGRI X en CRA Group- South Africa

Lede van ons span is tans in die Midde Ooste en vertrek later na Japan en Singapore vir samesprekings en samewerking ooreenkoms. Hulle sal ook verskeie skoue bywoon en ook 'n draai maak in Los Angeles . 

Gedagte vir die dag

Dit was lankal tyd om jou los te maak van die negatiewe media in Suid Afrika en die wereld.  Jy is nie 'n skaap om ander te volg nie. 

Wanneer ons oor die krisis van die Suid-Afrikaanse bedeling en ook oor die krisis van die moderne wêreld praat, is dit belangrik om soms net weer te gaan vasstel hoe ons voorouers oor sekere dinge gedink het, en om te gaan kyk of hulle nie dalk al lankal antwoorde gehad het vir vandag se probleme nie. Tradisie is ’n stel oplossings is waarvan ons die probleme al vergeet het. Ons mag dalk net vind dat ons moderne probleme juis nou opduik, omdat die oplossings wat ons voorouers reeds vir daardie probleme ontwikkel het, juis vandag met die badwater uitgegooi word. Johann Pretorius.  

Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.

Luister gerus na die Insetsel - Landbouradio.

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China wil graag as die leier van die ontwikkelende wêreld bekend staan. ’n Groot deel van die lenings wat China jaarliks van multilaterale ontwikkelingsbanke ontvang, ongeveer vyf miljard Amerikaanse dollar, word aan multilaterale organisasies in die ontwikkelende wêreld geskenk.

The loadshedding crisis looms largely over the lives of South Africans. From the economy and jobs to safety and the cost of living, virtually no part of life in South Africa has been left untouched. Agri SA has also contributed to this discussion, raising the potentially catastrophic implications of loadshedding for the country’s food security.

Months of high-level engagements between South Africa and the European Union on the EU’s zero-tolerance approach to citrus black spot have yielded no progress. With the European Union upholding the restrictions imposed on South Africa's citrus exports last July, Agriculture Minister Thoko Didiza suggested that his nation’s growers might have to start looking elsewhere for markets.

Cotton SA say South Africa’s 2022/23 cotton fourth official crop estimate is 71 542 lint bales, about 5 000 bales less than the previous season.

The agricultural sector is in crisis as load shedding costs farmers billions of rands to keep the supply chain afloat, while vaccine shortages threaten red meats.

Maize: For the week ending May 5th, CBOT corn prices increased by 2.7% week on week. Compared to a month ago when they increased by 1.51% while year-on-year decreases were more noticeable at 17.78%. Crop progress in the USA stands at 49%, compared to the corresponding 21% last year.

The South African Veterinary Council (SAVC) has expressed its concern over potential crises in animal health and food safety and security due to a shortage of veterinarians in the country.

It's been widely reported that during the last decade avocado consumption has skyrocketed, leading production and trade in the same direction. The increase in demand for the so-called green gold has pushed the cost of the fruit upwards, making it a premium product within fresh produce, highly desired by consumers and especially producers because of its profitability.

The recently released data by Statistics South Africa shows that consumer food inflation accelerated to 14,4% in March 2023 from 14,0% in the previous month. The food product prices that increased notably were milk, eggs, and cheese; fruit; vegetables; and sugar, sweets, and desserts.

The climate crisis means that it has never been more pressing to develop alternative food sources in order to both protect our planet and feed its ever-growing population both effectively and sustainably. Farmless’s founder and CEO Adnan Oner believes that Farmless’s novel approach to protein production can bring about positive change for what we eat and how we produce it.

China bought 108 104 tonnes of maize from South Africa in the last week of March and the first few weeks of April 2023. This activity formed part of South Africa’s maize exports in the 2022/23 marketing year.

Indien wetenskaplikes ‘n beter begrip van evolusie en ander fundamentele vraagstukke van biologie wil bekom, benodig hulle hoë-gehalte verwysingsgenome van soveel spesies as wat moontlik is. Dit sluit lewendehawe in. Tot onlangs was daar vir huishoudelike beeste (Bos taurus) slegs een verwysingsgenoom beskikbaar.

Die RPO (Rooivleisprodusente-organisasie) wil sy dank uitspreek teenoor die Direkteur : Veterinêre Gesondheid vir die finalisering en publikasie van die protokol op die riglyne vir die uitvoere van lewendige diere per skip. Die RPO was in die verlede op rekord dat dit uiters belangrik is dat so protokol gefinaliseer word ten einde die uitvoere op ‘n volhoubare basis te doen.

The global animal-based pet protein market size is projected to exhibit modest growth from 2023 to 2033. According to the research report published by Future Market Insights, the global market is predicted to surpass a valuation of US$ 79,352 million in 2023. It is anticipated to reach a valuation of US$ 121,923 million by 2033.

The South African citrus industry is celebrating the upcoming citrus season as the country marks the 25th anniversary of shipments to the U.S. Established in 1999 and re-branded for expanded marketing efforts in 2016, the Summer Citrus from South Africa group provides Navels, Midknights, Easy Peelers, Star Ruby Grapefruit and Cara-Cara oranges.

Global water usage is divided into three categories: blue, green, and grey. Blue water originates from groundwater or surface water, while green water is water transpired by plants and originates as rain. Gray water is used in manufacturing or processing but is still clean or diluted enough to remain usable without treatment

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Absa-rooivleispryse/red meat prices (c/kg):


Karkas/Carcass Speenkalf/Weaner calf
A2/3: 5 477 3 126
B2/3: 5 290
C2/3: 4 643


Karkas/Carcass Speenlammers/Weaner lamb
A2/3:8 385 4 111
B2/3:6 160
C2/3:5 289


Baconers 3 002
Porkers 3 117


Die sosiale media het die afgelope ruk gegons oor ‘n spesifieke energiedrankie – die Prime energiedrankie.

Die energiedrankie het vir groot opspraak gesorg weens die feit dat twee gewilde YouYube meningsvormers, KSI en Logan Paul dit bemark het. Tussen die twee van hulle, het hul nagenoeg 40-miljoen volgelinge, waarvan baie kinders, tieners en jong mense.

Die drankie is verlede jaar in Engeland bekend gestel en was in ‘n stadium in Suid-Afrika te koop vir tussen R500- en R800 per bottel. Checkers het egter vroeër vandeesmaand aangekondig dat hulle die drankie teen R40 kan verkoop.

Daar is twee tipes Prime-energiedrankies. Die een in die plastiekbottel bevat geen kafeïen nie, terwyl die Prime in die 355 ml blikkie 140 mg kafeïen bevat. In ‘n 355 ml Red Bull-blikkie is 110 mg se kafeïen.

Vandeesweek het die drankie ook weer vir opspraak gesorg weens ‘n laerskoolkind van Newport in Wallis, wat ‘n hartaanval gekry het nadat hy die drankie gedrink het.

Prime is ook intussen al in Australiese skole verbied, terwyl onderwysorganisasies in Suid-Afrika dit ook wil verbied.

Gesondheidskenners het vroeër ‘n beroep op ouers gedoen om nie toe te laat dat hulle kinders die drankie drink nie, met talle Britse inkopiesentrums wat hulle eie reëls ingestel het waarin hulle kinders onder 16 jaar verbied om energiedrankies te koop.

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