AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News 2nd July 2023

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 2nd July 2023

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New EU pest control rules will cut SA’s orange exports to Europe by 20% in 2023, threatening thousands of jobs, the Citrus Growers Association (CGA) has said. The new measures imposed by the EU last June require enhanced cold treatment for citrus exports due to concerns over False Codling Moth, a pest commonly found in Sub-Saharan Africa, and Citrus Black Spot. “Current estimates are that about 20% of oranges produced for Europe will not be shipped this year because of the new regulations,” CGA president Justin Chadwick said in a statement. “This means that approximately 80,000 tonnes of oranges might not make it to European supermarket shelves,” he said. SA is the world’s second largest citrus exporter after Spain and sold 32% of its oranges into the European market in 2022, according to the country's Perishable Products Export Control Board.

An end to the Black Sea grains deal would hit the Horn of Africa hard, aid officials said on Monday, warning that another hike in food prices would add to the tens of millions of people facing hunger. Moscow has been threatening to walk away from the deal known as the Black Sea grain initiative — brokered by the UN and Turkey in July 2022 — if obstacles to its own grain and fertiliser shipments are not removed. A Ukrainian envoy has said he was 99.9% certain Russia would quit when it comes up for renewal on July 18.

Cyril Ramaphosa se gereelde geskoktheid oor sake wat verkeerd loop, is aansteeklik. Die Speaker, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, sê sy was geskok deur hoofregter Raymond Zondo se uitlating dat die parlement traag is om die aanbevelings van die staatskapingskommissie te implementeer. “Die parlement is nie immuun teen kritiek nie,” het sy op ’n mediakonferensie gesê. “Die verskil is dat die hoof van die regbank kwessies met ’n staatsliggaam in die openbaar gelug het sonder om eers die parlement te raadpleeg.” Die speaker laat na om uit te wys dat Zondo die opmerkings nie as hoofregter gemaak het nie, maar as hoof van die kommissie en sy opmerkings in dié hoedanigheid gemaak het.

Eight years after global leaders gathered in a northeastern Paris suburb to seal the landmark 2015 climate agreement, no country is meeting the emissions cut goals needed to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5°C, according to the independent research platform Climate Action Tracker. So is it all a lost cause? Or is there still hope? Are there any countries that are doing better than the rest in trying to mitigate the worst effects of climate change for future generations? And if so, what are they doing right? The Gambia regain 6.6% of its forest cover between 1990 and 2005. Research also suggests a 51% increase in mangrove cover – which helps curb erosion and reduce the intensity of floods – across The Gambia and parts of Senegal between 1988 and 2018. All of this is aimed at cutting the country's net carbon emissions to net zero by 2050.

"ONS BOERE-  ONS LANDBOUERS van Suid Afrika is die prooi van lafhartige barbare wat geen reg het op bestaan nie- " Verdedig julleself en pas julle gesinne op.

To the surprise of much of the market, urea prices jumped up significantly at all benchmark points around the world. The price move is being explained as producers being in a more comfortable position after improved sales in the past few weeks and are therefore prepared to push their luck for higher prices as they are less concerned about losing sales volume. READ MORE 

Lion farming in South Africa is controversial. The industry has been estimated by some to contribute up to R500 million (US$42 million) annually to the South African economy. However, in 2021 a high level report compiled by relevant experts (including traditional leaders, lion farmers and scientists) highlighted that the industry posed a risk to public health (because of the potential transmission of zoonotic disease and lion attacks), “does not contribute meaningfully to the conservation of wild lions”, and was tarnishing the country’s reputation with “political and economic risks”. READ MORE 

Bumper Harvest Year in Sub-Saharan Africa, the World’s Food Basket.” We believe the day will come when this headline describes reality if the right policy choices are made today. Although increasingly frequent climate shocks and food insecurity trends paint a grim picture, Africa can act now to bring this vision to life. READ MORE 


DIE idee van “President Paul Mashatile” lyk skielik meer na ’n potensiële nagmerrie as ’n aantreklike opsie ná Ramaphosa se jare lange geploeter. Nie net is die kans op ’n ANC-EFF-koalisie onder Mashatile ’n groot moontlikheid nie; dit lyk boonop asof hy heelwat Zuma-tendensies het met sy verhouding met skatryk tenderpreneurs. Mini-staatskaping? Mashatile (61) was nog nooit iets anders as ’n aktivis en ’n politikus nie. Sy enigste werklike ervaring van regering was toe hy Gauteng se LUR vir finansies tussen 2004 en 2008 en premier vir minder as ’n jaar was. Hy was Jacob Zuma se minister van kuns en kultuur tussen 2010 en 2014, hoewel hy nooit in die Zuma-binnekring was nie. Mashatile het ’n lang reputasie as ’n big spender. In 2006, byvoorbeeld, het hy as LUR meer as R96 000 en twee maande later R108 000 vir etes met kollegas in ’n swierige restaurant in Sandton met sy amptelike kredietkaart betaal.

Hierdie weeklikse oorsig word totaal en al vertaal in 5 tale en word reg oor die wereld gepubliseer. 

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Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.

Ons hier aan die suidpunt van Afrika is weer die afgelope weke gekonfronteer met slegte nuus: daar het verskeie plaasmoorde plaasgevind, die owerheid kondig rasgebaseerde wetgewing aan en die Nasionale Gesondheidsversekering wetsontwerp is deur die parlement goedgekeur. Om alles te kroon beleef die Wes-Kaap oorstromings wat skade veroorsaak. Soveel slegte nuus oor so ’n kort tyd kan mens moedeloos en magteloos laat voel; daardie bestaansvrees wat darem gewoonlik deur elke dag se aktiwiteite uitgedoof word, borrel na die oppervlakte. Dit is veral die onsekerheid wat by mens baie spanning veroorsaak. Een hartseer werklikheid van ons tyd is dat baie mense ontkersten het – daar word nie meer geglo soos wat ons voorouers geglo en vertrou het nie. As gevolg hiervan is moderne Westerlinge en mense oor die algemeen, baie ongemaklik met onsekerheid. Moenie gaan le nie- moenie negatief raak nie- die regverdige het altyd nog oorwin. 

 AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 25th June 2023

The 2023 Junior Writers awards is open until the 30th September 2023   Proudly sponsored  by Hollard-

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2022 Winners of the Junior Agri writers awards at the Function at Hollard Head Office


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Here is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week. 

Grapes continue to be a star product in the Southern Hemisphere, with Peru, Chile and South Africa remaining the world's three leading exporters, according to a recent analysis by TopInfo.

A healthy crop of South African citrus on its way to the U.S., according to a June 27 release from the Capetown-based marketing organization, Summer Citrus from South Africa (SCSA). This is the country’s 25th season shipping citrus to the U.S.

A new South African record price was recently achieved when R255 000 was paid for the SA Mutton Merino ram 1038 TOP. The sale of the ram underlined that demand for the breed was significantly on the rise, according to Jan Vosloo, president of the SA Mutton Merino Breeders’ Society of South Africa.

Die minister van Handel en Nywerheid, Ibrahim Patel, sê die uitvoer van Suid-Arikaanse produkte het in die eerste kwartaal van vanjaar 485-miljard rand beloop. Die syfer toon dat Suid-Afrika meer goedere uitgevoer, as ingevoer het. Patel sê dit het die ekonomie ‘n reuse hupstoot gegee.

Olie-produserende lande het in 2022 reuse-inkomste aangeteken, nes oliemaatskappye. Die Amerikaanse Energie Inligting-administrasie skat dat Opul-lede sowat 888 miljard Amerikaanse dollar, of 16,7 triljoen Suid Afrikaanse rand, aan netto olie-uitvoerinkomste in 2022 verdien het.

Aansprake wat deur die wetenskap gerugsteun word dat plant-gebaseerde vleis beter is vir beide mense en die omgewing het daartoe gelei dat baie mense na ‘n vegetariese dieet oorgeskakel het.

Wool is one of South Africa’s most important exports. Of the country’s 45-million-kilogram annual clip, 90% is snapped up by China, Bulgaria, Italy, Egypt and the Czech Republic. This earns the country R5-billion a year, and it employs a startling number of people.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is projecting a 3% decrease in world pear production for 2022-23, according to a recent report. Global yields are forecast to slip 740,000 tons to 23.7 million, as a recovering EU crop is more than offset by weather?damaged supplies in China.

The South African Reserve Bank faces a constant battle against the repercussions of the US Federal Reserve Bank’s apparent difficulty in understanding monetary policy dynamics. This has unleashed adverse effects on central banks worldwide.

Gemiddelde tot bogemiddelde mielie-opbrengste word in die grootste dele van die somersaaigebied gestroop. Maar boere sê al is die opbrengs bogemiddeld, was dit ’n baie duur oes weens die hoë insetkoste. Dus is die opbrengs in hul sakke eintlik net ’n gemiddelde een.

Landbou speel ‘n deurslaggewende rol in voedselsekerheid en voorsien die basiese produkte wat miljoene mense elke dag voed.In Suid-Afrika voorsien die landboubedryf ‘n verskeidenheid van produkte, van bees en pluimvee tot mielies, vrugte en groente.

Weerkenners maan die kusgebiede van suidelike Namibië en Suid-Afrika loop die gevaar om erger weerpatrone te ervaar. Dit volg nadat 'n verwoestende tornado deur Inanda en Idube naby Durban beweeg het en die Suide van Namibië baie goeie neerslae ontvang het met die N7-roete na die Vioolsdrif-grenspos wat ook vandag gesluit was.

Poultry farmers and backyard flock keepers are being given a helping hand in their battle against avian influenza in the form of a new, free app.

Die meeste botterbulle met hulle kort kakie broekies en hemde verander weens hulle liefde vir braaivleis, bier en brannas in botterballies soos die jare aanstap. Dis opmerklik hoe meeste van die manne net jag, brannas en braai gesels. Dit lyk of die meisies deesdae die jagters is- die botterbulle se testosterone is dalk op iets anders ingestel. En dit lyk of die ouer dames wat iewers iets gemis het, dalk hulle oog op die botterbulle het.  ’n Foto wat by die Nampo-park geneem is, waar ’n spannetjie botterbulle op ’n ysige Vrystaatse oggend in ’n ry by die braaivleisvuur staan in dikke kamoefleerjagbaadjies, maar met rypkoue, bloedrooi beentjies wat onder hulle kort kortbroekies uitsteek. Vir hulle was daar op hierdie vriespunt-oggend doodeenvoudig nie eens die opsie van ’n langbroek nie. 

The REST of the news you can read on - - 350 stories were posted this past week.

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